St. Andrew Foundation

About the Foundation

The mission of the St. Andrew Foundation is to provide funding for efforts that grow the spiritual health, well-being, and ability of those serving God, both today and in the future, in ways that augment or extend the reach of the Church.

Our Vision

The St. Andrew Foundation envisions a future where it …

  • Provides funding for creative worship, education and outreach that are in alignment with Christian values.
  • Is a preferred choice for foundation-type giving, with trusted investment and initiatives that resonate with and excite potential donors.
  • Is well-understood and embraced as an extension of the congregation’s ministries and priorities.
  • Has a sustainable fund of at least $1 million.

Our Core Values

We are an active part of doing God’s will on earth. We are taking generational wealth and using it to seed bold, visionary efforts.

We are stewards of donations and a partner to grant recipients. We operate at the highest ethical standard and take responsibility for our actions.

We are proactive in growing and maintaining our finances so that they are sustainable into the future. We are investing money in ways that advance the St. Andrew core values.

We are compassionate and caring in all that we do, aligning with the core values: God care, earth care, community care, neighbor care, and self care.

We are transparent, we acknowledge gifts, and we communicate our efforts with the congregation. We will regularly monitor that we are being inclusive and acting within our Christian values.

We are partnering with the congregation and other organizations in the community to provide for the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole.


In 2019, the Foundation awarded $5,550 in grants to four organizations. We welcome grant applications to support creative worship, education and outreach initiatives that are in alignment with Christian values. The amount of funding varies, but we typically do not award grants for more than $2,000. All grant applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors and we strive to respond to applicants within one month. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Grant Application

Educational Scholarships

Seminary Scholarship

The St. Andrew Foundation provides scholarships for those engaged in advanced educational work in preparation for service within the church. The purpose of this scholarship is to remind the recipient of the love of Christ and their church family, with the hope that it will encourage personal growth, witness of faith in Christ, and service to others. This scholarship has a rolling deadline. Simply print out the application page and return it to the St. Andrew Foundation by mail or email. For more information, contact the Foundation Board.

Scholarship Application

Post-Secondary Education Scholarships

The St. Andrew Foundation awards a scholarship to all members or active participants in St. Andrew Lutheran Church who are pursuing some type of post-secondary education. There is no competition and no essay is required—we only ask that you complete a brief application. Applications for these funds are due by June 1 of each year. Simply print out the application page and return it to the St. Andrew Foundation by mail or email. For more information, contact the Foundation Board.

Scholarship Application

Organ Lesson Scholarship Fund

Since 2016, the Foundation awards one scholarship to a musician, ages 13 to 30, to apply toward organ lessons in each school year. This fund is generously supported by a gift from a retired church organist of St. Andrew Lutheran Church. Applications for the Organ Lesson Scholarship are due by October 4 of each year. For more information, contact the Foundation Board.

Giving to the Foundation

How to Give to the Foundation

The Foundation is funded with individual gifts from people like you who want to contribute to the ongoing work of the Church in today’s world. With their donations, donors practice their stewardship in a continuing and meaningful way.

What may I give?

The St. Andrew Foundation accepts gifts of all kinds. If you have questions about giving to the Foundation or to the church, please contact the Foundation Board.

Gift Acceptance Policy

  • Traditional gifts of cash, stocks and bonds, real estate, proceeds from insurance policies, and other valuable assets may be donated.
  • Real estate, stocks, bonds, and contracts can be transferred to the Foundation.
  • Additionally, gifts can be made through your will. Tax, legal, and other consequences should be discussed with your professional advisor(s). Email the Foundation Board for our informational brochure on wills and bequests.
  • In addition to one-time gifts, a donor may select an ongoing monthly gift to the Foundation.
  • Gift annuities or charitable reminder trusts can be established. These instruments can provide income to you and/or your spouse for your lifetime(s), with the remainder coming to the Foundation after your death.

Can I direct how my gift will be used?

The Foundation will accept both directed and non-directed gifts. The Foundation will accept and administer major gifts for any designation that supports the mission of St. Andrew Lutheran Church Foundation.

Where should I send my gift?

Your generous gift should be made payable to the St. Andrew Lutheran Church Foundation and can be mailed to St. Andrew Lutheran Church.

Sample Gift Language for Wills and Trusts

Unrestricted Bequest:
I give the sum of $__________ (or _____% of my estate) to the St. Andrew Lutheran Church Foundation, Inc., whose tax identification number is 93-1055462, having its principal office at 12405 SW Butner Road, Beaverton, Oregon 97005, to be used for its general purposes.

Restricted Bequest:
I give the sum of $__________ (or _____% of my estate) to the St. Andrew Lutheran Church Foundation, Inc., whose tax identification number is 93-1055462, having its principal office at 12405 SW Butner Road, Beaverton, Oregon 97005, for the following purpose: ____________________________________________ (state specific purpose). In the event that such use becomes impractical or impossible, the gift shall be used for such purpose as the Board of Directors of St. Andrew Lutheran Church Foundation shall, at its discretion, determine.

If you have questions, please contact any member of the Board of Directors. If you would like free gift planning services, or a referral to an estate planning attorney, you may contact Beth Adams, ELCA financial planner for the Oregon Synod.


ELCA Foundation Resources [link to ELCA website]
ELCA Foundation Will and Trust Workbook [download PDF from ELCA website]
ELCA’s Gift Comparison Chart [download PDF from ELCA website]

About Us

Annual Reports

2019 Annual Report of the Foundation

2020 Annual Report of the Foundation

2021 Annual Report of the Foundation

2022 Annual Report of the Foundation

2023 Annual Report of the Foundation

Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report of the Foundation (new reporting period)

Board of Directors

The Foundation is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors elected by the St. Andrew Lutheran Church congregation. Each Board member serves a three-year term, and can serve up to three consecutive terms. Current Board members and their terms:

Tom Mehlhorn (President), 2022-2025
Luis Flores (Treasurer), 2023-2026
Daniel Fako, 2023-2026
Dwight Jerde, 2024-2027
Tira Nesset, 2023-2026
Randy Sinn, 2024-2027
Lynetta Weswig, 2024-2027