God Care + Earth Care + Community Care + Neighbor Care + Self Care
At St. Andrew, Earth Care is one of our core values. Generations of people have worked to integrate caring for the planet with all that we do: everything from church policies for hosting events to the Community Garden to our Sanctuary of the Firs and acres of wetland and woodland to the solar panels on the church roof, reflects our commitment to the environment we share with all living creatures. In summary, we believe that we should be good stewards of the world that God created so that future generations will be able to enjoy the wondrous beauty and bounty of God’s creation.
Why Nature Matters with Seminarian Karen Klingelhafer
Spring 2021
Check out the blessing of our “Reformation Earth Garden.”
October 25, 2020
If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact Carol Harker or LuAnn Staul, team leaders for St. Andrew’s Community Carbon Pilot Program with EcoFaith Recovery.
Community Garden
Pilot Project: Community Carbon
Living with Less Plastic
St. Andrew is fortunate to be part of an active community of organizations in the Pacific Northwest dedicated to protecting our earth and its natural resources. Check out the links below for a wealth of resources and expertise:
Center for Earth Leadership / https://350pdx.org/campaigns/centerforearthleadership/
EcoFaith Recovery / www.ecofaithrecovery.org
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon; Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns / www.emoregon.org/creation-justice
The Nature Conservancy / www.nature.org
Backyard Habitat / www.backyardhabitats.org