The Post-Pandemic Worship Experience

St. Andrew has returned to in-person worship services, albeit with some protocols in place to protect everyone. Please read on for details.

(UPDATED 7/30/2021)Masks and Facial Coverings

Face masks are required for everyone inside the church building. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the CDC both recommend universal mask use in indoor public spaces. If you do not have a mask with you, disposables are available at the Narthex entrance.

(UPDATED 7/30/2021)Worship Materials

Certain pews have been masked off to provide for more distance between worshipers. Please do not remove tape or sit in those pews.

Hymnals and bulletins are provided for each service. Offering plates will be passed by the ushers during the service. Please take your bulletin home or leave it with an usher for recycling. The CDC has determined that hard surfaces such as hymnals, offering plates, and church pews have a very low risk of transmitting COVID-19.

(UPDATED 7/30/2021)Singing

Singing is proven to spread droplets over a larger area than speaking. The Cantor will sing without a mask to aid in leading the congregation, and is distanced from the congregation to limit your exposure. Those who are concerned may feel safer attending outdoor worship, sitting at the back of the assembly, or continuing to participate in worship online.

The congregation is invited to continue singing along. Please continue to wear your mask while singing. If singing is difficult for you with a mask on, consider humming as an alternative.

(UPDATED 7/30/2021)Sharing the Peace

Just before the Offering, Lutherans traditionally “share the peace,” when we greet the people sitting around us and share the words “God’s peace be with you.” These words are often accompanied by a handshake or hug. Please limit your interactions to those people immediately around you, and be mindful that some may not wish to have physical contact at this time. Making a peace sign with your fingers or putting your hands in prayer position are two of many valid options without physical contact.

(UPDATED 7/30/2021)Communion

Please wear your mask up to the chancel for communion. You may remove it to eat the elements, but please put it back on immediately.

We receive the elements by intinction, as we did prior to the pandemic. Intinction means the wafer is placed your hand, and you may dip it in a common cup of wine or grape juice. The servers will use hand sanitizer prior to serving you (as has been our custom for years). The CDC has stated that there is no current evidence that COVID–19 is transmitted through food or drink.

Some of you still may not be comfortable dipping the wafer in a common cup. The Church has a long tradition of affirming that communion in one kind—just the bread—counts fully as partaking in the Lord’s Supper. This summer we will be serving you somewhat larger wafers (1¼ inch in diameter) that are gluten free, dairy free, etc.

We recognize that some may not be comfortable, at least for a time, about receiving the elements at all. This is completely acceptable, and you may choose to either receive a blessing from the pastor or simply remain in your seat while communion is shared.

Worship Service Options

St. Andrew is returning to worship with a “hybrid” model (both in-person and online). At 8:30 am we will offer in-person worship indoors in the Sanctuary, live-streaming the service as we have been doing for much of the pandemic. We will also record the 8:30 am service so that it can be accessed via our website at other times during the week.

At 11:00 am we will offer in-person worship outdoors in the Sanctuary of the Firs and provide live access to the service via Zoom for those worshiping from home. The 11:00 am service will move inside into the Sanctuary on September 12, 2021, the Sunday we begin fall Christian Education for all ages.


In concert with St. Andrew’s commitment to Neighbor and Community Care, we encourage all worship participants 12 years and older to be vaccinated. It is up to parents, of course, to determine whether to bring children under 12 and where to sit with them in the Sanctuary. Another option, of course, is to worship outdoors in the Sanctuary of the Firs at 11:00 am.

After the Worship Service

At the conclusion of 8:30 am worship, the pastors will listen to the Postlude and then go out into the Narthex to interact with those wanting to converse with them. We will not have a receiving line at the door of the Sanctuary. 

What about…?

If you have other questions about resuming in-person worship at St. Andrew, please contact one of the pastors.