The Last Sunday returns to St. Andrew once again this month, from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm on Sunday, March 30. This month we are focusing on what will be a recurring topic: Christianity’s idolatrous relationship with power. How have we gotten to this place where white Christianity is a “social club” for powerful and privileged people? The season of Lent reminds us that this is not what Jesus had in mind when he was teaching his disciples. Dinner and childcare are provided as part of the event. If you are able to attend, please fill out this RSVP form so we can provide enough food and the necessary childcare volunteers: bit.ly/TLSmarch25.
In addition, mark your calendars for the next two months of The Last Sunday! We are excited to welcome some new communities into partnership with us: Next month’s gathering on April 27 will be hosted by Fremont United Methodist Church, and the May 25 event will be hosted by Riversgate Church. We hope you can attend both of these events and join us in widening our community.