I will never forget my Bourbon red turkey named Patches. When he pecked his way out of his pointed tan speckled egg, he looked around and probably saw me first. And he fell in love! Throughout his lifetime, Patches showed his affection for me in many ways. He followed me around the farmyard, reaching out with a wing to give me a hug if I was on my knees working in the dirt.
If a vehicle climbed up the gravel driveway, he was the first to sound the alarm. He took guard duty seriously. Patches could keep big, burly men inside their trucks, afraid to confront his strong beak and the spurs on his legs. I remember that the piano tuner dared to get out of his van and ended up scrambling on top of it when Patches attacked.
Somehow, Patches seemed to always know where I was—even when I spent the day inside. If I was in the kitchen, he’d strut back and forth outside those windows. If I moved to the living room, he moved, too. When I went to bed at night, he kept watch outside my bedroom.
Patches taught me that animals can have feelings as strong as any we humans experience. He took care of me for many years, protecting me from unfamiliar cars and the people in them. Patches was steadfast. He was a good friend who looked out for me. I will never forget the gift of his love and care.
Carol Harker