My friend Janette lives in Salem with lots of wonderful animals, but she had a problem this spring. One of her young bunny rabbits kept getting out of the pen and going walk-about. That scared Janette because she knows bunnies need protection from some other animals, from cars, and even from hungry hawks.
Janette put up more wire and worked to make sure the bunny pen was escape-proof. “Nothing can get out of there,” she thought, after she’d secured their little piece of paradise under the grapevines. But somehow Fiona kept managing to make her escape.
Finally, one day when Janette was outside working among the plants in her garden she happened to glance over at the bunny pen and spied Fiona climbing up the fence and flopping her bunny body to the other side. The freedom side! Now bunnies aren’t supposed to climb fences!

They dig tunnels, yes, to hide out and to make a cool spot to rest when it gets too hot. But bunnies are not monkeys. They’re not known for their climbing skills.
No doubt, Fiona is a bunny with unique skills. She isn’t exactly like all the other bunnies Janette has known and tended. Fiona is an individual. Just as you can do things that some other people can’t—like wiggle your nose or curl your tongue or stand on your head—Fiona has a distinguishing super power, too. Her super power is climbing!