Christian Education is a mission of St. Andrew
It is the mission of St. Andrew Lutheran Church to “Proclaim, Serve, and Nurture.” Education equips us for this work of ministry, for proclaiming God’s grace, for serving God by serving others, and for building up the body of Christ by nurturing one another in the faith.
People of all ages have educational opportunities at St. Andrew, particularly on Sunday mornings after worship at 11:00 am. Children’s ministries, Confirmation Class, High School Youth Group, and Adult Education are a regular part of Sunday mornings. There are also additional opportunities for adults with Bible Study groups, “Table Talks,” and Forums on Tough Issues.
Martin Luther believed that:
“This life is not concerned with health but with healing. This life is not about our being but our becoming. This life is not about rest but about exercise. We are not yet what we shall be but we are growing toward it. The process is not yet finished but it is going on. This is not the end but it is the road.”
Education helps us grow and to follow that road to greater spiritual fulfillment.