Please Note: Some of these opportunities may have changed
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beaverton School District Clothes Closet
The Clothes Closet serves the families of the Beaverton School District who do not have adequate clothing for their children. St. Andrew people have volunteered to work at this facility for the past several years and our mission is twofold: to sort clothes for distribution and to help families select clothes for their kids. We do this on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 4:00-&;00 pm. If you’d like to volunteer for this simple yet important ministry, please call Bonnie Bliesner at 503-830-7001. Anyone is welcome and if you speak Spanish, so much the better!
Habitat for Humanity

St. Andrew provides volunteers a number of days each year to work at Willamette West Habitat for Humanity sites. The mission of the organization is to build decent, safe, healthy, and affordable homes for hardworking individuals and families in the Washington County are who could otherwise not quality for home ownership. By investing sweat equity and working hundreds of hours alongside volunteers, these low-income people realize the dream of owning their own home. To volunteer or provide financial support, please contact Dan. Fako.
Loaves and Fishes/Meals on Wheels

Several St. Andrew people, many of them retired and getting older themselves, volunteer the second Tuesday of every month as drivers and kitchen helpers at the Elsie Stuhr Center, headquarters for the Meals on Wheels program in our area. Responding to the organization’s vision that “no senior will go hungry or experience social isolation,” Meals on Wheels people offer nutritious meals to seniors who can come to meal sites and deliver meals to those who are housebound. In addition to working on the second Tuesday of each month, St. Andrew drivers also volunteer when there is a fifth Monday in a month. If you’d like to help in the kitchen, contact Pat Sandquist.
Rebuilding Together
On the last Saturday in April every year, St. Andrew provides workers to rehabilitate homes of low-income homeowners, particularly the elderly, veterans, those with disabilities, and families with dependent children in Washington County. Rebuilding Together’s goal is to enable people to continue to live in warmth, safety, and independence. For information or to volunteer, contact Bob Brown or Larry Vachal.
St. Matthew Food Pantry
St. Andrew’s food barrel provides thousands of pounds of nutritious food to the St. Matthew Food Pantry every year, thanks to the generosity of the congregation. In addition, volunteers from St. Andrew staff the St. Matthew pantry and help customers shop on the second and fourth Mondays of every month from 6:30-7:30 pm. To volunteer, contact the Service Committee.
St. Matthew Saturday Lunch
A St. Andrew team also works as servers at the St. Matthew Saturday Lunch on the third Saturday of every month from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. To offer your assistance, please contact the Service Committee.