Civic Life & Faith: The ELCA’s Stance on the Relationship between Church and Politics
December 8 – December 22, 2024, 11:00 am
Pr. Allison Bengfort
Fellowship Hall
In the words of the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, “much of the conflict we experience in the church today is generated by differing views about the proper relationship between church and state, faith and politics.” For example, should churches take a stand on political issues or completely steer clear of them? What does it mean for modern Christians to live out their faith in all areas of their lives? We each carry our own perspectives on this issue, and as an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregation, it is important for us to be aware of our church’s social teaching. During this three-week session, Pr. Allison will introduce the ELCA’s teaching on this topic. We will learn about the ELCA social message titled, “Government and Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy,” as well as the social statement, “Civic Life and Faith,” that is currently under development (see for more info). Please join Pastor Allison on Sundays at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall beginning December 8.
Click on a date to watch the session on YouTube.