
July 11, 2021


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Hybrid Worship Offerings

What an incredible experience it was to return to in-person worship on July 4! It was a jumble of emotions—mostly joy but with a little anxiety and trepidation. Thank you for continuing to show grace to one another as we figure out how to be together in person for worship once more. Of course, we continue to offer online worship access for those that cannot be with us for any reason.

Our 8:30 am service is held indoors in the Sanctuary, with livestream access on YouTube. Our 11:00 am service is held outdoors in the Sanctuary of the Firs, with Zoom access for those worshiping remotely. Links for these online
services are shared in the Weekly News email sent on Fridays. We hope that these options allow everyone to continue worshiping in the way that feels safest and most appropriate for them.

Leading Worship Together

Returning to in-person worship is a powerful reminder of how many volunteers work together to make worship happen every week. It’s a lot of work, but if we all play our part, everything gets handled without a hiccup.

In particular we are in need of Altar Guild members, Assisting Ministers, and Ushers for the 11:00 am service. No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, July 7, for social time at 6:45 pm and service at 7:00 pm. Centering Prayer follows at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Spirituality Book Group: The Murmur of Bees

The Spirituality Book group is thrilled to return to meeting in person! They resume on Sunday, July 18, at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to discuss The Murmur of Bees, by Sofia Segovia.

“Set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution and the devastating influenza of 1918, The Murmur of Bees captures both the fate of a country in flux and the destiny of one family that has put their love, faith, and future in the unbelievable.” (Goodreads review).

Quilt Sunday Is July 11, 2021

It’s a little bit later in the summer than normal, but better late than never! Next Sunday, July 11th, at the 8:30 am service, we will continue our tradition of wrapping our high school seniors in handmade quilts. This year we celebrate Logan Isaacson, class of 2021! These quilts, made by members of our own Nifty Notters group, are our way of reminding these young adults that no matter where life leads them, the love and prayers of their St. Andrew community go with them.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters welcome everyone to join them Saturday, July 17, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall to work on baby quilts for Virginia Garcia Clinic and larger quilts for LWR and Safeplace. All supplies are provided and no experience is needed. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time. If you can’t come on Saturday, we have many cutting and sewing/tying projects that can be done at home. If you have questions, please contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917 or Pam Farr at 503-626-6657.

Wisdom Calls – Part Three

The Oregon Synod is glad to host the third part of their online storytelling series “Wisdom Speaks,” sharing stories and experiences from some of our synod’s first ordained women. This online event takes place on Saturday, July 17, at 7:00 pm. You can register for the event on the Oregon Synod Website or Facebook page. Our own Pastor Susan Kintner and Pastor Robyn Hartwig have taken part in these events in the past.

Helping Children Bloom through Earth Camp

St. Andrew kicks off our first Earth Camp this Monday, July 12. We delight in God’s children! We delight in God’s world. At Earth Camp, St. Andrew teachers share their love and care for our planet with another generation, the generation that will inherit both the successes and failures of our stewardship. At Earth Camp, we sing together and play and learn. We dedicate ourselves to making Eden bloom once more.

Lydia Circle

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, July 13, from 1:00-3:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room. This month’s Bible study is the second of a three-part series entitled “Just L.I.F.E. (Liberation is for everyone),” taken from the July Gather magazine. It is inspired by Jesus’ proclamations, ‘if the Son make you free, you will be free indeed” [John 8:36] and “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly” [John 1:10]. This month’s session delves into “just truth.” All are welcome and you need not to have read the study to take part.

Helping the Hungry

Driving around Portland this summer, it’s clear that the hunger and homelessness crisis prompted by COVID-19 continues to trouble many people in our community. The saints of St. Andrew have already shown generosity in offering assistance and that help is still needed. All contributions to the food barrel in our Narthex are delivered to the St. Matthew Food Bank for distribution to people suffering from food insecurity. Thank you for caring for others!

Want to Spend Some Dollars?

We’re talking about Thrivent Choice Dollars. You do not need to be a Thrivent member to help identify St. Andrew activities that might benefit from extra funds. Interested? We will meet on Sunday, July 18, in the Fellowship Hall at (or before) 10:00 am to learn more about Choice Dollars. Many of us don’t know much about this and now we have a chance to learn, ask questions, and help discern what we would like to support in the next 12 months. We missed having meetings since 2018 but the money has come in each year and has recently been sent to the ministries designated in 2018 to receive them. We will review past decisions as we prepare to choose where we want to go
from here. The more input, the better we can consider how to best use money coming in the next 12 months.
Thrivent members who are designating choice dollars will have the opportunity to vote on suggestions at this meeting. Please join us to determine how to spend those dollars on behalf of St. Andrew ministries.

Wanted: Chocolate!

Donna Brocker, our Welcome Ministry’s mug maven, is in search of candy to fill those delightful welcome mugs our guests receive on their first visit to St. Andrew. Donna says chocolates are a particular favorite, and the candies
must be individually wrapped. Please leave your donations in the office with Donna’s name on the bag.

Climate Change on The Other Side of the Hill

Almost all of us who attend St. Andrew live in an urban environment, where we’ve already experienced unprecedented temperatures surpassing 115 degrees Fahrenheit in this summer of 2021. In the fall of 2020, we lived under skies turned orange by wildfires and sheltered inside to escape poor air quality.

But Oregon is a big state and home to many rural communities that have likewise been affected by climate change. The documentary The Other Side of the Hill explores the rural community of Lakeview. About 6 hours south from Portland by car, Lakeview is in the center part of our state, east of Medford and within miles of the California border.
Interfaith Power & Light invites everyone to watch the film between July 10-25 to discover some rural perspectives on a changing climate. You are invited to register at to watch the film at your convenience from July 10 through July 25.

Reclaiming Our Heart, Repairing Our World

The Oregon Synod invites all to join a half-day online retreat with Mushim Ikeda and Pastor Matta Ghaly (of Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church in Portland) via Zoom on Saturday July 17, from 10:00am to 2:00 pm. Reclaim the heart by attuning to the Sacred through meditation and prayer practices in the Buddhist, Christian, and Sufi traditions. Come explore the particularities and common threads of how these spirited and embodied practices can resource our lives, nurturing and cultivating our resilience as we seek to repair the world. This retreat is open to ALL, with a special invitation to BIPoC and LGBTQ2IA+ folks. Closed Captioning & ASL interpretation are provided. Tuition is on a sliding scale, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. To register, visit

Gratitude for the Oregon Synod Wildfire Relief Fund

Dear Lutheran Disaster Benefactors,
The $10,000 from Bishop Laurie was received by our fire department during one of the darkest times in our community. We lost half of our fire district to the historic and devastating Holiday Farm Fire on September 8, 2020. More than half of our volunteer firefighters and board members lost everything they owned while battling the blaze and evacuating others to safety. The $10,000 was spent on generators for several of the volunteers who were living in RVs and 2 were donated to the community Tool Lending Library, to help people who had lost tools start to rebuild. The
recovery effort is a long-term project and any way we can support it, we are. We look forward to homes being re-built and people coming back to the valley and to Blue River, the town that was completely destroyed. The generators are more than just a tool—they are a symbol of life returning to the valley. Even before properties have electricity, people are able to work on projects and run their RVs with the generators. They are something necessary that the volunteers and community members could not afford to replace or purchase for use, no matter how necessary. Most of the volunteer firefighters were not insured and so are struggling to replace items and living necessities. This gift was much appreciated and has long-lasting impact on our recovery. Thank you all.

Chief Rainbow Plews and the volunteer firefighters
of Upper McKenzie Rural Fire Protection District

(Allison Katsufrakis here: I attended a wedding in this area last weekend—much still needs
to be done to recover, but our gifts have helped a great deal!)

Oregon Historical Society Online Exhibits

The Reckoning with Racism group wants to remind you that the Oregon Historical Society has several exhibits online that pertain to their studies of the last year.

The People of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Racing to Change: Oregon’s Civil Rights Years
Both exhibits can be found on the Oregon Historical Society website at

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Adam McQueen’s fatherCompassionate care, peace, and comfort in hospiceAdam McQueen
Sue CahlanderSmooth recovery from a surgical procedureJan & Sue Cahlander Smith
Michaela (grandchild)Successful surgery and comfortable recoveryJan & Sue Cahlander Smith
Mary BrownHealing and quick recovery after surgeryBob & Mary Brown
Susan ReiserHealing and quick recovery after surgeryJohn & Susan Reiser
Lee Anne & Brian KnappGod’s blessings during a time of transitionLee Anne Knapp
Rod Ottenbreit (Bobbie Larson’s brother)Accurate diagnosis and effective treatmentBobbie Larson
Ken ReinerAccurate diagnosis and effective treatmentDiane Reiner
Dave GutzlerHealing and recoveryBarbara Gutzler
Earth Camp and all other summer camps, retreat centers, and programsBlessings on their ministriesStaff
Those threatened by wildfiresProtection and safetyStaff
St. Andrew Council, Executive Committee and StaffWisdom and discernmentStaff
Karen Klingelhafer, Kyler Vogt, and all seminarians
India Jensen Kerr and all theology students
Encouragement and supportStaff
St. Andrew FoundationBlessings on their ministryStaff
Luther House (Corvallis, OR)
Trinity Lutheran Church (Dallas, OR)
Faith Lutheran Church (Keizer, OR)
Our Savior Lutheran Church (Lebanon, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Congregation Chabad (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Preparing for Sunday, July 18, 2021

Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, July 11 – Quilt Sunday for High School Seniors

8:30 amWorship with Communion (also via Livestream on YouTube)Sanctuary
10:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amWorship with Communion (also on Zoom)Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Monday, July 12

9:00 amEarth CampOutdoor spaces, Kitchen
6:00 pmTroop 618 MeetingEast parking lot
7:00 pmMen’s Book ClubOff-site

Tuesday, July 13

9:00 amEarth CampOutdoor spaces, Kitchen
10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall
10:00 amMeals on Wheels/Loaves and FishesOff Site
1:00 pmLydia CircleSt. Andrew Room
1:30 pmService Committee MeetingZoom
6:00 pmHuman Resources MeetingLibrary
7:00 pmFinance Team MeetingZoom

Wednesday, July 14 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

9:00 amEarth CampOutdoor spaces, Kitchen
6:00 pmSanctuary Team MeetingZoom
6:45 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, July 15

9:00 amEarth CampOutdoor spaces, Kitchen
7:00 pmCouncil MeetingZoom

Friday, July 16

9:00 amEarth CampOutdoor spaces, Kitchen
10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall

Saturday, July 17

9:00 amNifty NottersFellowship Hall

Sunday, July 11

8:30 amWorship with Communion
Livestream Worship with Communion
10:00 amThrivent Distribution MeetingFellowship Hall
10:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amWorship with Communion
Zoom Worship with Communion
Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
3:00 pmSpirituality Book ClubFellowship Hall

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

July 4, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

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The Post-Pandemic Worship Experience

As we return to in-person worship starting on July 4th, some people have been wondering what to expect from an in-person service after more than a year of online worship. With the lifting of statewide COVID-19 restrictions on June 30, there are only a few adjustments to the familiar worship service we all know. On the St. Andrew website and as an insert in your worship folder this Sunday, we will explain the procedures our Worship Planners and Reopening Team have crafted.

Our 8:30 am service will be held indoors in the Sanctuary, and our 11:00 am service will be held outdoors in the Sanctuary of the Firs. Livestream and Zoom options will continue to be offered as they have been throughout the pandemic. We hope that these options allow everyone to continue worshiping in the way that feels safest and most appropriate for them.

Leading Worship Together

Returning to in-p0erson worship serves as a powerful reminder of how many volunteers work together to make worship happen every week. It’s a lot of work, but if we all play our part, everything gets handled without a hiccup.

In particular we are in need of Altar Guild members and Assisting Ministers. No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, July 7, for social time at 6:45 pm and service at 7:00 pm. Centering Prayer follows at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volunteer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s program director, Kyler Vogt:

Quilt Sunday Is July 11, 2021

It’s a little bit later in the summer than normal, but better late than never! Next Sunday, July 11th, at the 8:30 am service, we will continue our tradition of wrapping our high school seniors in handmade quilts. These quilts, made by members of our own Nifty Notters group, are our way of reminding these young adults that no matter where life leads them, the love and prayers of their St. Andrew community go withy them.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters will NOT be meeting on July 3, but all are welcome to join us Saturday, July 17, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm in Fellowship Hall to work on baby quilts for Virginia Garcia Clinic and larger quilts for LWR and Safeplace. All supplies are provided and no experience is needed. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time. If you can’t come on Saturday, we have many cutting and sewing/tying projects that can be done at home. If you have questions, please contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917 or Pam Farr at 503-626-6657.

Oregon Historical Society Online Exhibits

The Reckoning with Racism group wants to remind you that the Oregon Historical Society has several exhibits online that pertain to their studies of the last year.

The People of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde


Racing to Change: Oregon’s Civil Rights Years

Both exhibits can be found on the Oregon Historical Society website at

Helping the Hungry

Driving around Portland this summer, it’s clear that the hunger and homelessness crisis prompted by COVID-19 continues to trouble many people in our community. The saints of St. Andrew have already shown generosity in offering assistance and that help is still needed. All contributions to the food barrel in our Narthex are delivered to the St. Matthew Food Bank for distribution to people suffering from food insecurity. Thank you for caring for others!

A Rose on the Altar

The rose on the altar this Sunday is in honor of William Anthony LeRoy, the newest grandchild of Becky and Rick LeRoy. William’s parents are Eric and Jessica LeRoy. Congratulations all around to the LeRoy family!

Want to Spend Some Dollars?

We’re talking about Thrivent Choice Dollars.  You do not need to be a Thrivent member to help identify St. Andrew activities that might benefit from extra funds. Interested? We will meet on Sunday, July 18, in Fellowship Hall at (or before) 10:00 am to learn more about Choice Dollars. Many of us don’t know much about this and now we have a chance to learn, ask questions, and help discern what we would like to support in the next 12 months.

We missed having meetings since 2018 but the money has come in each year and has recently been sent to the ministries designated in 2018 to receive them. We will review past decisions as we prepare to choose where we want to go from here. The more input, the better we can consider how to best use money coming in the next 12 months.

Thrivent members who are designating choice dollars will have the opportunity to vote on suggestions at this meeting. Please join us to determine how to spend those dollars on behalf of St. Andrew ministries.

Climate Change on The Other Side of the Hill

Almost all of us who attend St. Andrew live in an urban environment, where we’ve already experienced unprecedented temperatures surpassing 112 degrees Fahrenheit in this summer of 2021. In the fall of 2020, we lived under skies turned orange by wildfires and sheltered inside to escape poor air quality.

But Oregon is a big state and home to many rural communities that have likewise been affected by climate change. The documentary The Other Side of the Hill explores the rural community of Lakeview. About 6 hours south from Portland by car, Lakeview is in the center part of our state, east of Medford and within miles of the California border.

Interfaith Power & Light invites everyone to watch the film between July 10-25 to discover some rural perspectives on a changing climate. Beginning July 1, you are invited to register here to watch the film at your convenience on July 10 and through July 25.

Mental Health Tips from the Caring Ministry Team

Many sources have used the word “transition” to describe where we are as we gradually come out of the pandemic. In Pastor Susan’s sermon on June 26, she described the unresolved grief we are carrying with us into the transition, stating “We’re tender.” She encouraged us to listen, observe, pay attention, ponder, pray, witness, care and reflect. It was a call to slow down and mark this time of transition by taking the time to discover what we’ve learned. Her comments reminded me of the work of David Kessler, an internationally known author on the topic of healing and loss. In 2018 I had the opportunity to attend his workshop which was based on material for his most recent book entitled, Finding Meaning. One phrase that stuck with me is that grief does not require a lot of time but it does require what he calls “dedicated time.”

The “Our Pandemic Year” video that Carol Harker, Allison Katsufrakis, and their contributors put together is a beautiful example of making “dedicated time” for our grief as we move ahead. It honors the losses we have shared as a community while acknowledging the strengths we have discovered. I was aware of a variety of memories and emotions as the images of so many people and events over the past 16 months invited me into “dedicated time.” It reflected some of our pandemic journey as a community and also raised memories unique to my individual journey. Perhaps your experience of watching it was similar. By taking the time to pause and reflect, we create the opportunity to be present to the organic process of loss and healing. When we “dedicate” time (even a few minutes) to acknowledge and reflect on our grief, it is invited to move through us, creating space for varied feelings and new possibilities.

Michelle Sinn

For Reflection

  • In what ways do you give “dedicated time” to present or past grief? Who is one person with whom you feel safe sharing grief?
  • How might you embrace Pastor Susan’s invitation to listen, observe, pay attention, ponder, pray, witness, care and reflect as we continue to move forward?

“The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I life my lamp beside the golden door!”

When Lazarus wrote this poem in 1883, immigrants were entering the United States in great numbers, including Italians, French, Greeks, and Russian-Jewish refugees, among others. And sure enough, “The New Colossus” is itself a multicultural amalgam: an Italian sonnet written by a Jewish-Ameri8can woman, celebrating a statue forged in France, contrasting it with one in ancient Greece. She is unarmed, a light in one hand a a votive table in the other. Such tablets were common in ancient Greece for inscribing prayers, or in any case aspirations–and on this particular table is the date the United States formally broke free from English rule: July 4, 1776. It’s as if she says, We aspire to be free–now come, all you who yearn for freedom.

Lydia Circle

Lydia Circle will meet Tuesday, July 13, from 1:00-3:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room. This month’s Bible study is the second of a three-part series entitled “Just L.I.F.E. (Liberation is for everyone),” taken from the July Gather magazine. It is inspired by Jesus’ proclamations, ‘if the Son make you free, you will be free indeed” [John 8:36] and “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly” [John 1:10]. This month’s session delves into “just truth.” All are welcome and you need not to have read the study to take part.

Book Report: Dying to Meet You, by Kate Klise

This book is found in the children’s library, but don’t let that stop you. It is one cute book, loaded with puns. If you are an old house/host and laughter fan, this is your book. It’s a nice fast read, even if you’re a kid, so check it out and put a smile on your face.

Pam Farr

Beaked Hazelnut

On one of his frequent walks out and about church property, Don Nearhood recently took this photo of a Beaked Hazelnut. This West Coast native is recognized by the long green husks over the hazelnuts that certainly look like beaks!

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Gary HowardPeace and God’s comfort at his deathDeb Howard
Family and friends of Bobby Larson’s motherPeace and God’s comfort at her deathBobbie Larson
Family and friends of Carol GroverPeace and God’s comfort at her deathNan Thompson
Adam McQueen’s fatherCompassionate care, peace, and comfort in hospiceAdam McQueen
Ann Landmark (cousin)Compassionate care as she enters hospiceBev Briggs
Nan ThompsonAcceptance and strengthNan Thompson
Gary GrafwallnerHealing of his left eye from Bell’s palsyGary Grafwallner
Sue CahlanderSmooth recovery from a surgical procedureJan & Sue Cahlander Smith
Michaela (grandchild)Successful surgery and comfortable recoveryJan & Sue Cahlander Smith
Carol MeansEffective treatmentStaff
Dan FakoPain reliefSharon Fako
Marlene MaxwellContinued healingBruce Maxwell
William Anthony LeRoy and parents Eric & Jessica LeRoyThanksgiving and praise at William’s birthRick & Becky LeRoy
Mary BrownHealing and quick recovery after surgeryBob & Mary Brown
Susan ReiserSuccessful knee replacement surgery (July 6)John & Susan Reiser
Lee Anne & Brian KnappGod’s blessings during a time of transitionLee Anne Knapp
Those threatened by wildfiresProtection and safetyStaff
Those impacted by racial injusticeCare in times of pain, violence, and crisisStaff
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar
Oregon Synod and staff
Strength and wisdomStaff
Refugees and immigrantsAcceptance, safety, and just treatmentStaff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami ReynaCourage and protectionStaff
West Linn Lutheran Church (West Linn, OR)
Community of Hope Lutheran Church (Wilsonville, OR)
Faith Lutheran (Albany, OR)
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Albany, OR)
Grace Lutheran Church (Corvallis, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Masjid Omar Farooq (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Preparing for Sunday, July 11, 2021

Reading: Amos 7:7-15

Gospel: Mark 6:14-29

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, July 4

8:30 amWorship with Communion (also via Livestream on YouTube)Sanctuary
10:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amWorship with Communion (also on Zoom)Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Monday, July 5

6:00 pmTroop 618 Meetingeast parking lot

Tuesday, July 6

7:00 amMen’s Breakfast and Bible StudyElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
7:00 amWomen’s Sunrise Spirituality GroupElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall
10:00 amMeals on Wheels/Loave and FishesOff Site
7:00 pmMACG MeetingSt. Andrew Room

Wednesday, July 7 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:45 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, July 8

12:30 pmTeam Ministry MeetingChapel/Library

Friday, July 9

10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall
6:15 pmHigh School Youth at Superplay BowlBeaverton

Sunday, July 11

8:30 amWorship with Communion
Livestream Worship with Communion
10:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amWorship with Communion
Zoom Worship with Communion
Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Thank You to Our New Council Members

Executive Council
President Scott Taylor
Vice President John Reiser
Secretary Tim Duggan

Gretchen Bancroft
Tim Duggan
Laura Geczy-Haskins
Dwight Jerde
Becky Lamboley
Maria Navarre
Diane Reiner
John Reiser
Rachel Roberts
Barton Robison
Jeff Smith
Scott Taylor

Financial Secretaries
Brian Cheney
Tammy Piscitelli
Tracie Semenchalam

Gretchen Bancroft
Joel Johnson
Linda Olshausen

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

June 27, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Weekly NewsDownload

Getting Ready to Worship Together

As we prepare to return to in-person worship on July 4, perhaps you’ve been thinking about the role you might play in the services. Interested in reading  the scriptures? Offering the prayers of the people? Serving communion, or lighting the candles?

These are all roles handled by volunteers from the St. Andrew community, and you are invited to participate! No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, June 30, for social time at 6:45 pm and service at 7:00 pm, when our meditation will come from The Journal of John Woolman on the theme, “Breaking the Yoke of Oppression.” Centering Prayer follows at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volunteer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s program director, Kyler Vogt:

Wisdom Calls

Hear stories from some of Oregon’s first ordained women, including Pastor Susan Kintner and Pastor Robyn Hartwig, at 7:00 pm on Saturdaym, June 26, during the second session of Wisdom Calls.

Click on the link below to register to receive the Zoom link:

Job Opening for Office Assistant

St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time office assistant to act as a first point of contact with the congregation and the general public. The person will manage building use and church calendars, scheduling both in-person and Zoom meetings; perform routine data entry, report creation, and updating of databases; proofread both online and print materials; order office, cleaning, and worship supplies; assemble mailings; and print bulletins, as well as support ministry coordinators and the staff.

We’re looking for someone proficient with Microsoft Office applications and the ability to learn new software when required; a person with a positive attitude and excellent interpersonal skills; someone who can organize, set priorities, and exercise sound independent judgment; a person who pays attention to detail and is willing to coordinate multiple projects and respond to changing priorities. Demonstrated competencies in database entry, proofreading, and time management are required.

The person will work 21 hours per week, 8:30 am-4:00 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. For more information, go to

Applications should be submitted electronically to the church office ( or mailed to  St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, OR 97005, Attn: Carol Harker, by July 1.

Grunewald Guild Class Registration

Registration is now open for summer classes at the Grunewald Guild. A faith community fostering art and creativity along the banks of the Wenatchee River in Washington, the Grunewald Guild is offering a variety of intriguing classes in July, August, and September. Whether you’d like to explore journal making, songwriting, word collage with calligraphy, ceramics, writing, jewelry making and repair, extravagant beadwork, weaving, photography, or other arts, the Guild has a curriculum to nourish your soul and renew your spirit. One class title, “Hand Embroidery: Sinking into Slowness,” reveals the character of this community, which invites makers—whether absolute newcomers or experienced craftspeople—to slow their pace and consider how the process of creation itself can be a grounding force. To learn more, go to:

Want to Spend Some Dollars?

We’re talking about Thrivent Choice Dollars.  You do not need to be a Thrivent member to help identify St. Andrew activities that might benefit from extra funds. Interested? We will meet on Sunday, July 18, in Fellowship Hall at (or before) 10:00 am to learn more about Choice Dollars. Many of us don’t know much about this and now we have a chance to learn, ask questions, and help discern what we would like to support in the next 12 months.

We missed having meetings since 2018 but the money has come in each year and has recently been sent to the ministries designated in 2018 to receive them. We will review past decisions as we prepare to choose where we want to go from here. The more input, the better we can consider how to best use money coming in the next 12 months.

Thrivent members who are designating choice dollars will have the opportunity to vote on suggestions at this meeting. Please join us to determine how to spend those dollars on behalf of St. Andrew ministries.

Oceanspray in Bloom

Pacific Northwest native shrub  Oceanspray, currently blooming near the garden shed,  is looking spectacular this June. Don Nearhood snapped a photo earlier in the week of the plant also known as ironwood or creambush.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters will NOT be meeting on July 3,  but all are welcome to join us Saturday, July 17, from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm in Fellowship Hall to work on baby quilts for Virginia Garcia Clinic and larger quilts for LWR and Safeplace. All supplies are provided and no experience is needed. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time. If you can’t come on Saturday,  we have many cutting and sewing/tying projects that can be done at home. If you have questions, please contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917 or Pam Farr at 503-626-6657.

Implementation of New St. Andrew Social Media Policy

The St. Andrew social media policy directs that the church primarily rely on email, the official Facebook page, and the website for official communication. The use of group sites owned or managed by St. Andrew should be minimized and limited to focused groups with a well-defined range of subject matter (e.g., youth or education groups). These groups must be administered and managed by church staff or supervised volunteers and must be accessible to anyone who wishes to participate. The creation and/or management of open forum Facebook groups by St. Andrew Lutheran Church is not authorized under these current guidelines.

Look for an increase in posts on the St Andrew Lutheran Church Facebook page by church staff, the communications team, and official St. Andrew groups, as well as increased synergy with the updated content on the St. Andrew website. Facebook will be used as an “on-demand” quick communication tool, while the website will be used as a portal to a wealth of church, spiritual, and related information. The policy recognizes that the “new post-COVID-19 normal” means that access to, and participation in, electronic worship and other activities at St. Andrew Lutheran Church must be considered one of the “privileges of membership” as noted in Chapter 15, section 5, of the Constitution of St. Andrew Lutheran Church ELCA.

St Andrew Lutheran Church generally has a positive view towards creating or contributing to personal websites, blogs, social networks, message boards, virtual worlds, and other kinds of social media. Participation by members of St. Andrew Lutheran Church and the general public in these open forums is a matter of individual choice and an exercise in free speech. As such, they are independent of St. Andrew Lutheran Church and are not subject to control, monitoring, or mediation by the Church.

The St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton Facebook group has been a place for members and friends to reflect on their faith for almost 12 years. It serves as a place for “member care” and as a “fellowship” group where people can post reflections, event images and videos, and questions for member response. This group has had a positive impact on communication within the church and it is an important adjunct to the official St. Andrew page. As part of this formal policy, look for the private group to be renamed “Fellowship of St Andrew Lutheran Beaverton” to emphasize the fact that this is an independent group that is not officially owned by the church.

We are also working with the moderators to have the site display an appropriate disclaimer of its independence and that all appropriate Facebook tools be utilized to encourage members to comply with recommended rules, guidelines, and policies for postings made on the site (see next page). The policy strongly recommends that St. Andrew staff and volunteer leaders do NOT participate as moderators or mediators for this private group. As an independent site, members have the right to exercise free speech in their postings, in the same way that they can write letters to newspapers, or post to other blogs and sites. Recognizing that misunderstandings may sometimes occur, the moderators and voluntary members of this group are encouraged to follow the same Matthew 18:15-17 process for reconciliation that is contained in the St. Andrew Constitution.

Tom Mehlhorn, Chair
Communications Team

Your Congregational Council for 2021/2022

Members of St. Andrew’s Congregational Council have been duly elected, have selected officers for the coming year, and are ready to serve the congregation. If you have concerns, questions, or ideas, please feel free to reach out to these lay leaders of the congregation:


President Scott Taylor

Vice President John Reiser

Secretary Tim Duggan

Council Roster for 2021-2022

Gretchen Bancroft

Tim Duggan

Laura Geczy-Haskins

Dwight Jerde

Becky Lamboley

Maria Navarre

Diane Reiner

John Reiser

Rachel Roberts

Barton Robison

Jeff Smith

Scott Taylor


Gretchen Bancroft

Joel Johnson

Linda Sah Olshausen

Financial Secretaries

Brian Cheney

Tammy Piscitelli

Tracie Semenchalam

According to the Constitution adopted by St. Andrew in 2014, the Council:

· shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

· shall be responsible for the financial and property matters of this congregation

The Bylaws adopted in 2015 clarify the duties of:


· keep the books of account of the congregation

· receive records of receipts from the financial secretaries

· disburse funds

· communicate monthly to the Council on the monetary status of the church

· serve as members of the Finance Committee

Financial Secretaries

· receive and record income from contributing members and other sources

· ensure all receipts are disbursed to the appropriate funds

· prepare a report of individual giving at the close of the year

· serve as members of the Finance Committee

Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring

June 23-August 17
Starting Salary for Summer: $2,890

Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. Call 541-998-6444 or email

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Gary HowardPeace and God’s comfort at his deathDeb Howard
Family and friends of Bobby Larson’s motherPeace and God’s comfort at her deathBobbie Larson
Family and friends of Carol GroverPeace and God’s comfort at her deathNan Thompson
Family and friends of Al Miles (cousin)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathMary Brown
Family and friends of Howard Black (Dan’s friend)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathDan & Sharon Fako
Family and friends of Chuck Hinton (relative)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathDan & Sharon Fako0
Family and friends of Charles CovingtonPeace and God’s comfort at his deathGordon Teifel
Ann Landmark (cousin)Compassionate care as she enters hospiceBev Briggs
Nan ThompsonAcceptance and strengthNan Thompson
Gary GrafwallnerHealing of his left eye from Bell’s palsyGary Grafwallner
Carol MeansEffective treatmentStaff
Dan FakoPain reliefSharon Fako
Marlene MaxwellContinued healingBruce Maxwell
Mary BrownSuccessful knee replacement surgery (June 30)Bob & Mary Brown
Susan ReiserSuccessful knee replacement surgery (June 30)John & Susan Reiser
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Those impacted by racial injusticeCare in times of pain, violence, and crisisStaff
Those facing ongoing illness or distressHealing and assurance of God’s presence

Tandy Brooks, Dave Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Ian MacDonald, Gary Magnuson, Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs
Bishop Elizabeth EatonWisdom and discernmentStaff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaBlessings on our ministryStaff
Taiwan Lutheran ChurchStrength and wisdomStaff
King of Kings Lutheran Church (Milwaukie, OR)
Milwaukie Lutheran Church (Milwaukie, OR)
Prince of Life Lutheran (Oregon City, OR)
Zion Lutheran Church (Oregon City, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Congregation Ahavath Achim (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Preparing for Sunday, July 4, 2021

Reading: Ezekiel 2:1-5

Gospel: Mark 6:1-13

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, June 27

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
12:30 pmEarth Camp Leadership MeetingZoom

Monday, June 28

6:00 pmTroop 618 Meetingeast parking lot

Tuesday, June 29

7:30 amMen’s Breakfast and Bible StudyElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
7:30 amWomen’s Sunrise Spirituality GroupElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall
10:00 amWorship Planners Meeting MeetingLibrary
7:00 pmAdult Education Team MeetingLibrary7

Wednesday, June 30 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:45 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, July 1

12:00 pmTeam Ministry MeetingChapel/Library
3:00 pmCommunications Team MeetingZoom
7:00 pmExecutive Committee (Council) MeetingZoom

Friday, July 2

10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall

Sunday, July 4

8:30 amWorship with Communion
Livestream Worship with Communion
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amWorship with Communion
Zoom Worship with Communion
Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

June 20, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Weekly NewsDownload

Preparing for Our Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm

Once a year the members of the congregation gather to elect new members to the Church Council and to approve the budget for the coming year. We will meet on Tuesday via Zoom.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, June 23, for social time at 6:30 pm; service at 7:00 pm, when our meditation will come from George Fox, a founder of the Quakers; and Centering Prayer at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Celebrating Juneteenth & the End of Slavery

Hallelujah! On Thursday, June 16, President Biden signed legislation declaring June 19th a national holiday. For the first time in our country’s history, federal employees were granted a day off to celebrate the new holiday–and it came a day early, since June 19 falls on a Saturday this year.

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. For black people trying to establish a new status, annual celebrations of Juneteenth were times for reassuring one another, for praying, and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas in 1980 and in Oregon last month.

This Juneteenth at 10:00 am, the Oregon Remembrance Project ( will be installing a historical marker in Coos Bay remembering the story of the only documented lynching in Oregon, that of Alonzo Tucker in 1902. The St. Andrew Reckoning with Racism cohort invites you to participate in person or via Zoom at 10:00 am on June 19th. We hope to find reconciliation and communal healing through a sober reflection on history.

Getting Ready to Worship Together

As we prepare to return to in-person worship on July 4, perhaps you’ve been thinking about the role you might play in the services. Interested in reading  the scriptures? Offering the prayers of the people? Serving communion, or lighting the candles?

These are all roles handled by volunteers from the St. Andrew community, and you are invited to participate! No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volunteer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s program director, Kyler Vogt:

Job Opening for Office Assistant

St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time office assistant to act as a first point of contact with the congregation and the general public. The person will manage building use and church calendars, scheduling both in-person and Zoom meetings; perform routine data entry, report creation, and updating of databases; proofread both online and print materials; order office, cleaning, and worship supplies; assemble mailings; and print bulletins, as well as support ministry coordinators and the staff.

We’re looking for someone proficient with Microsoft Office applications and the ability to learn new software when required; a person with a positive attitude and excellent interpersonal skills; someone who can organize, set priorities, and exercise sound independent judgment; a person who pays attention to detail and is willing to coordinate multiple projects and respond to changing priorities. Demonstrated competencies in database entry, proofreading, and time management are required.

The person will work 21 hours per week, 8:30 am-4:00 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. For more information, go to

Applications should be submitted electronically to the church office ( or mailed to  St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, OR 97005, Attn: Carol Harker, by July 1.

Grunewald Guild Class Registration

Registration is now open for summer classes at the Grunewald Guild. A faith community fostering art and creativity along the banks of the Wenatchee River in Washington, the Grunewald Guild is offering a variety of intriguing classes in July, August, and September. Whether you’d like to explore journal making, songwriting, word collage with calligraphy, ceramics, writing, jewelry making and repair, extravagant beadwork, weaving, photography, or other arts, the Guild has a curriculum to nourish your soul and renew your spirit. One class title, “Hand Embroidery: Sinking into Slowness,” reveals the character of this community, which invites makers—whether absolute newcomers or experienced craftspeople—to slow their pace and consider how the process of creation itself can be a grounding force. To learn more, go to:

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

Storytelling from Oregon’s First Ordained Women

For most of the history of the church (Roman Catholic and Protestant), only men were permitted to be ordained and to lead a congregation. For Lutherans, that changed in 1970, when the Lutheran Church in America and American Lutheran Church, predecessors of the ELCA, ordained Elizabeth Platz and Barbara Andrews. Since then, women clergy have steadily broken barriers, but changing the climate has been a decades-long process.

Still, 50 years later, look how far women have come! Today, the ELCA is led by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, 22 women are synodical bishops (of 65 total), and four are seminary presidents. Almost one-third of all ELCA pastors are women.

To hear what it was like for Susan Granata, Joan Beck, Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, and other early women leaders in the Oregon Synod, listen in on their stories:

Saturday, June 26, 7:00 pm

Saturday, July 17, 7:00 pm.

Pastor Robyn Hartwig and Pastor Susan Kintner will share their stories on June 26.

It’s free and online. Click on Register to sign up now and receive the Zoom link.

Implementing a New Social Media Policy

How time flies! On July 27, 2020, as reported in a newsletter article last summer, the ad hoc Social Media Subgroup held its first meeting to develop suggested policy for social media use, processes to implement the policy, and roles and responsibilities for key personnel. The Subgroup held biweekly meetings and delivered a draft policy for Church Council consideration at the October 15, 2020 meeting, where the policy was endorsed and accepted by majority vote. Based on ELCA guidelines, the policy’s Vision for Social Media use says, “St. Andrew Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation whose “social media presence is one … with congregation members and staff contributing regularly in ways that enhance community and help make connections between members. This helps to make visible the real community that gathers on Sunday morning and during the week, and makes others want to get involved more, or consider joining.”

You can request an electronic or print copy of this nine-page document from the church office. The policy discusses the role of social media within a larger St. Andrew communications strategy and broadly outlines strategy, policy, and implementation guidelines for social media use within a continuously changing environment.

Perhaps the most significant finding by the ad hoc subgroup was the need to clarify the almost universal confusion about the difference between the St. Andrew Facebook page and the St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton Facebook group and how they are to be managed and used. Facebook Pages are designed to be the official profiles for entities (such as St. Andrew), while Facebook Groups are the place for small group communication. For example, the official Grateful Dead Page has 1.9M followers and its posts are internally generated and controlled, while “Deadhead Life” is a private Group of ~82,000 Grateful Dead fans who make an average of 500 posts/day about a variety of topics.

St. Andrew maintains an official Facebook Page that enables our church to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook that is visible to everyone on the internet by default. Only authorized St. Andrew staff can post to the page and these posts contain a limited subset of overall church information and communication.

The St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton Facebook Group was created in December 2008 by a lay member of the congregation to be an “extension of the narthex,” where the congregation could continue their discussions throughout the week. This member continued to be the primary administrator until a few weeks ago. From a St. Andrew perspective, the group was mainly used for outward communication, as well as for fellowship between members. The pandemic led to making the group “private” to allow Zoom and YouTube links to be legally posted by the Parish Manager in accordance with our streaming licenses. Pastor Robyn, who was most familiar with visitors and new members, was the primary person to grant membership to the group and to post some of her own materials.

Implementation of the new social media policy has been slowed by the need to focus on the delivery and expansion of online worship and education, especially during Christmas and Lent, as well as significant changes in clergy and staff. This is about to change!

Formation of Communications Team

In support of the 2021 Key Ministry Support Initiative, I am leading a newly formed Communication Team comprised of Julie Aageson, Carol Harker, and Allison Katsufrakis to implement the social media strategy, update the church website layout and content, and help guide St Andrew into a new “hybrid” era of communication, worship, and education. Look for more use of the St. Andrew Facebook page for official church communication and a renaming of the Facebook group to “Fellowship of St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton” in order to emphasize its independence. Stay tuned for more details in next week’s newsletter.

Tom Mehlhorn, Chair
Communications Team

New Library Books at St. Andrew

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home, by Rhoda Janzen
Without Buddha I Could not be a Christian, by Paul Knitter
Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope, by Jon Meacham
All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, edited by Ayana E. Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkinson
Rage, by Bob Woodward

The Mountains Sing, by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
The Seagull, by Ann Cleeves
The Winter Soldier, by Daniel Mason

Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring

June 23-August 17
Starting Salary for Summer: $2,890

Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. Call 541-998-6444 or email

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Al Miles (cousin)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathMary Brown
Family and friends of Howard Black (Dan’s friend)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathDan & Sharon Fako
Family and friends of Chuck Hinton (relative)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathDan & Sharon Fako0
Family and friends of Charles CovingtonPeace and God’s comfort at his deathGordon Teifel
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Ann Landmark (cousin)Compassionate care as she enters hospiceBev Briggs
Nan ThompsonAcceptance and strengthNan Thompson
Carl (cousin) and familyComfort and strengthCarol Hogan
Carl’s newborn grandsonHealing after lung/heart surgeryCarol Hogan
Bob Carlson (uncle)Healing and recovery from surgeryCarol Hogan
Gary GrafwallnerHealing of his left eye from Bell’s palsyGary Grafwallner
Dan FakoPain reliefSharon Fako
Marlene MaxwellContinued healingBruce Maxwell
Mary BrownSuccessful knee replacement surgery (June 30)Bob & Mary Brown
Susan ReiserSuccessful knee replacement surgery (June 30)John & Susan Reiser
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Those impacted by racial injusticeCare in times of pain, violence, and crisisStaff
All those confined to their homesAssurance of God’s presence

Mareline Barnes, Dave Bumgardner, Jean Fredrickson, Tara Harper, Douglas Hooke, Betty Horst, Dorothy Moore, Phyllis Morris, Ed Pacey, Helen Rogers, Dave & Sharon Roth, Margie Schindele
All who are imprisonedPeace and strengthStaff
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Blessings on their workStaff
St. Stephen Lutheran Church (Gladstone, OR)
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (Lake Oswego, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Masjid Abu Bakr (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Preparing for Sunday, June 27, 2021

First Reading: Malachi 3:1-4
Psalm 141
Second Reading: Acts 13:13-26
Gospel: Luke 1:57-80

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, June 20

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Monday, June 21

6:00 pmTroop 618 Meetingeast parking lot

Tuesday, June 22

7:30 amMen’s Breakfast and Bible StudyElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
7:30 amWomen’s Sunrise Spirituality GroupElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall
12:15 pmCommunity Carbon Leadership MeetingLibrary
6:30 pmAnnual Meeting of the CongregationZoom

Wednesday, June 23 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, June 24

12:00 pmTeam Ministry MeetingChapel/Library
7:00 pmIT MeetingZoom
7:00 pmCouncil MeetingZoom

Friday, June 25

10:00 amT’ai ChiFellowship Hall

Sunday, June 27

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
12:30 pmEarth Camp Leadership MeetingPatio

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

June 13, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Weekly NewsDownload

Preparing for Our Annual Meeting

Ministry Support Forum: Sunday, June 13, 10:00 am

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm

This Sunday, people are invited to gather via Zoom between services to learn more and share their questions/opinions about the proposed budget for 2021/2022. Voting to approve these items, as well as the nominations for new Council members and next year’s Nominating Committee, is conducted during the Annual Meeting itself, which will also be held remotely this year via Zoom.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, June 16, for social time at 6:30 pm, service at 7:00 pm, and Centering Prayer at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Spirituality Book Group

The Spirituality Book Group will meet on Zoom to discuss Just Mercy, by Brian Stevenson, on Sunday, June 13, at 3:00 p.m. Barbara Gutzler will lead this discussion.

A Google Book Review calls this book “A powerful, bold true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix America’s broken system of justice — from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time.”

The Zoom link for this meeting will be sent to people on the Spirituality Book Group mailing list. If you would like to attend, contact Mary Smith to have a link sent to you.

Also, at this meeting, we will be selecting books for the next six months.


Future Reading:
July 18: The Murmur of Bees, by Sofia Segovia
Discussion Leader: Sharon Fako

Celebrating Juneteenth & the End of Slavery

What’s special about June 19th?

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. For black people trying to establish a new status, annual celebrations of Juneteenth were times for reassuring one another, for praying, and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas in 1980 and in Oregon last month.

This Juneteenth at 10:00 am, the Oregon Remembrance Project ( will be installing a historical marker in Coos Bay remembering the story of the only documented lynching in Oregon, that of Alonzo Tucker in 1902. The St. Andrew Reckoning with Racism cohort invites you to participate in person or via Zoom at 10:00 am on June 19th. [Details to follow.] We hope to find reconciliation and communal healing through a sober reflection on history.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters are now back on our regular schedule (hurray!). We will meet Saturday, June 19, from 9:00 am-2:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time as we work on quilts for LWR and Virginia Garcia Clinic. Because of some generous donations we have a lot of fabric to cut, as well as many tying and sewing projects to complete. All supplies are provided.

If you haven’t been back in the church building yet, but are vaccinated and willing to show us your vaccination card, you will not need to wear a mask. Please bring a picture/copy of your vaccine card so we can keep a record for the office. If you have questions, contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917.

A Call for Worship Volunteers

As we prepare to return to in-person worship on July 4, perhaps you’ve been thinking about the role you might play in the services. Interested in reading  the scriptures? Offering the prayers of the people? Serving communion, or lighting the candles?

These are all roles handled by volunteers from the St. Andrew community, and you are invited to participate! No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volun-teer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have more questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s pro-gram director, Kyler Vogt, at

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

Western Farm Workers Association

Each year our church has supported the Western Farm Workers with donated clothes and food to help low-wage workers. The agency is seeking volunteers to do a variety of jobs, many of which can teach you new job skills. Learn desktop publishing from graphic designers to create leaflets about Farm Workers’ programs and events, for example. Training is also available to learn advocacy skills, enabling volunteers to work on legal issues such as stolen wages, illegal evictions, etc. Others are needed to help with monthly food gathering and distribution. If you can help, call Foster at 503-681-9399. To receive the quarterly newsletter, send a $20 donation to 725 SE 7th Ave, Hillsboro, OR  97123.

St. Andrew’s Service Committee is also looking for a member to lead the September Western Farm Workers donation drive to gather and deliver clothing and food.

Fran Miller
for the Service Committee

Men’s Book Club

Members of the Men’s Book Club will meet Monday, June 14, at 7:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room to discuss Tony Hillerman’s novel The Ghostway, the sixth book in the author’s 24-book series featuring Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee. Originally published in 1984, the novel is launched with a gunfight at a laundromat in Shiprock, NM, that dumps Los Angeles problems onto the Navajo Reservation. Touted as one of the best in Hillerman’s series, The New Yorker called The Ghostway “a first-rate story of suspense and mystery.” It was reprinted in 2009.

Future Reading
July12: A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles
August: Summer Break/no meeting
September 13: The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah

Grunewald Guild Class Registration

Registration is now open for summer classes at the Grunewald Guild. A faith community fostering art and creativity along the banks of the Wenatchee River in Washington, the Grunewald Guild is offering a variety of intriguing classes in July, August, and September. Whether you’d like to explore journal making, songwriting, word collage with calligraphy, ceramics, writing, jewelry making and repair, extravagant beadwork, weaving, photography, or other arts, the Guild has a curriculum to nourish your soul and renew your spirit. One class title, “Hand Embroidery: Sinking into Slowness,” reveals the character of this community, which invites makers—whether absolute newcomers or experienced craftspeople—to slow their pace and consider how the process of creation itself can be a grounding force. To learn more, go to:

The Sweet Scent of Our Native Mock Orange

A profusion of blooms covers the native Mock Orange shrub just outside the church office windows this year. Stroll up among the plantings and you’ll catch the sweet scent for which the flowers are known.

The scientific name for Mock Orange, Philadelphus lewisii, originates from Pacific Northwest explorer Meriwether Lewis, who collected the plant in 1806. Native Americans have long used Mock Orange for a variety of purposes; the hard wood was ideal for furniture, hunting and fishing tools, snowshoes, pipes, netting shuttles, and cradles, while the leaves and bark were used with water to create a natural soap. 

Mock Orange gets its common name from the native plant’s sweet and citrusy scent, reminiscent of oranges with a hint of pineapple. At the end of their long stems, the Mock Orange produces clusters of flowers each with four white petals and yellow stamens. This round shrub grows to 1.5 to 3 meters tall. Along with the strong, fruity scent and showy flowers, Mock Orange’s tolerance to poor soils and drought make this an ideal choice for those seeking a low-maintenance deciduous shrub for almost any landscape or garden. This plant also attracts wildlife..

New Library Books at St. Andrew

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home, by Rhoda Janzen
Without Buddha I Could not be a Christian, by Paul Knitter
Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope, by Jon Meacham
All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, edited by Ayana E. Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkinson
Rage, by Bob Woodward

The Mountains Sing, by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
The Seagull, by Ann Cleeves
The Winter Soldier, by Daniel Mason

Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring

June 23-August 17
Starting Salary for Summer: $2,890

Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. Call 541-998-6444 or email

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Charles CovingtonPeace and God’s comfort at hisdeathGordon Teifel
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Nan ThompsonAcceptance and strengthNan Thompson
Carl (cousin) and familyComfort and strengthCarol Hogan
Carl’s newborn grandsonHealing after lung surgeryCarol Hogan
Koby (son-in-law)Healing after surgeryJim & Teri Brosh
Bob Carlson (uncle)Healing and recovery from surgeryCarol Hogan
India Jensen KerrHealing and a quick recoveryIndia Jensen Kerr
Gary GrafwallnerHealing of his left eye from Bell’s palsyGary Grafwallner
Carol MeansEffective treatmentStaff
Barton RobisonEffective treatment and pain reliefStaff
Marlene MaxwellEffective treatment and healingBruce Maxwell
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Those impacted by racial injusticeCare in times of pain, violence, and crisisStaff
St. Andrew Council
Executive Committee
Wisdom and discernmentStaff
Karen Klingelhafer, Kyler Vogt, and all seminarians
India Jensen Kerr and all theology students
Encouragement and supportStaff
St. Andrew FoundationBlessings on their ministryStaff
Colton Lutheran Church (Colton, OR)
St. Paul of Damascus Lutheran Church (Damascus, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Havurah Shalom (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

On the Parables of the Mustard Seed

Who ever saw the mustard-plant,
wayside weed or tended crop,
grow tall as a shrub, let alone a tree, a treeful
of shade and nests and songs?
Acres of yellow,
not a bird of the air in sight.

No, He who knew
the west wind brings
the rain, the south wind
thunder, who walked the field-paths
running His hand along wheatstems to glean
those intimate milky kernels, good
to break on the tongue,

was talking of miracle, the seed
within us, so small
we take it for worthless, a mustard-seed, dust,
Glib generations mistake
the metaphor, not looking at fields and trees,
not noticing paradox. Mountains
remain unmoved.

Faith is rare, He must have been saying,
prodigious, unique —
one infinitesimal grain divided
like loaves and fishes,

as if from a mustard-seed
a great shade-tree grew. That rare,
that strange: the kingdom

a tree. The soul
a bird. A great concourse of birds
at home there, wings among yellow flowers.
The waiting
kingdom of faith, the seed
waiting to be sown.

by Denise Levertov

A British-born naturalized American poet, Levertov (1923-1997) journeyed from young British intellectual to anti-war activist to surprising Catholic convert in her maturity. But unlike others who have retreated into the church as a way of cementing an ideological or political reaction against their youth, Levertov’s religious awakening marked not a break with her past, but simply the continued evolution of her singular vision — an integral vision where poetry, politics, and spirituality coinhere.  

Preparing for Sunday, June 20, 2021

First Reading: Job 38:1-11
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, June 13

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amMinistry Support Forum (in preparation for Annual Meeting)Zoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
3:00 pmSpirituality Book GroupZoom

Monday, June 14

6:00 pmTroop 618 Meetingeast parking lot
7:00 pmMen’s Book ClubSt. Andrew Room

Tuesday, June 15

7:30 amMen’s Breakfast and Bible StudyElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
7:30 amWomen’s Sunrise Spirituality GroupElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center
10:00 amWorship Planners MeetingZoom
6:00 pmHR MeetingZoom

Wednesday, June 16 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

1:00 pmCaring Ministry MeetingZoom
6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, June 17

12:00 pmTeam Ministry MeetingChapel/Library
2:30 pmCommunications Team MeetingZoom

Friday, June 18

10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center
6:30 pmHigh School Youth End-of-School Picnic in the ParkOff Site

Saturday, June 19

9:00 amNifty NottersFellowship Hall

Sunday, June 20

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

June 6, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Preparing for Our Annual Meeting

Ministry Forum: Sunday, June 6, 10:00 am
Ministry Support Forum: Sunday, June 13, 10:00 am

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm

On the Sundays prior to the Annual Meeting, people are invited to gather via Zoom between Sunday worship services to learn more and share their questions/opinions about St. Andrew’s ministry focus for the coming year and the proposed budget for 2021/2022. Voting to approve these items, as well as the nominations for new Council members and next year’s Nominating Committee, is conducted during the Annual Meeting itself, which will also be held remotely this year via Zoom.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. This Wednesday, June 9, we will focus on C.S. Lewis and “Giving All to Christ.” Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Lydia Circle

You are invited to join Lydia Circle for Bible study and fellowship Tuesday June 8, from 1:00-3:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room, where we will again be able to serve coffee. If you’ve been fully vaccinated you don’t need to wear a mask. Please bring a copy/picture of your vaccine card so that the office can record it.

The Bible study is taken from the June issue of Gather magazine and is the first of a three-part study entitled “Just L.I.F.E. (Liberation Is for Everyone!). The first session is “Just Wisdom” and is taken from Proverbs 8. We will meet Woman Wisdom and explore what wisdom means in ways we haven’t done before. You are welcome to come even if you haven’t read the lesson. For questions, contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917.

A Call for Worship Volunteers

As we prepare to return to in-person worship on July 4, perhaps you’ve been thinking about your role in the services. Interested in reading the scriptures? Offering the prayers of the people? Serving communion, or lighting the candles?

These are all roles handles by volunteers from the St. Andrew community, and you are invited to participate! No experience is necessary, and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Celebrating Juneteenth & the End of Slavery

What’s special about June 19th?

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. For black people trying to establish a new status, annual celebrations of Juneteenth were times for reassuring one another, for praying, and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas in 1980 and in Oregon last month.

This Juneteenth at 10:00 am, the Oregon Remembrance Project ( will be installing a historical marker in Coos Bay remembering the story of the only documented lynching in Oregon, that of Alonzo Tucker in 1902. The St. Andrew Reckoning with Racism cohort invites you to participate in person or via Zoom at 10:00 am on June 19th. [Details to follow.] We hope to find reconciliation and communal healing through a sober reflection on history.

Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volun-teer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have more questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s pro-gram director, Kyler Vogt, at

Members Vote to Become a Sanctuary Congregation

In a Special Congregational Meeting on Sun-day, May 23, 84 members and two others gath-ered via Zoom to consider the proposal put forth by the Sanctuary Team that St. Andrew follow the lead of the Oregon Synod and ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) to declare itself a Sanctuary Congregation. After members of the team reviewed the proposal and entertained questions, members were asked to vote by show of hands. The result was overwhelming approval, with 74 members voting in favor, one against, and three abstentions.

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

Tribute to Trom

If you missed last Sunday’s party celebrating Jennifer Trom’s ten years and one month as a paid employee of St. Andrew, don’t worry. Our tech team recorded the whole thing and you can view it at your leisure at

Enjoy a decade of memories!

Grunewald Guild Classes

The Grunewald Guild, a faith community fostering art and creativity along the banks of the Wenatchee River in Washington, has announced its lineup of summer classes for July, August, and September 2021. Whether you’d like to explore journal making, songwriting, word collage with calligraphy, ceramics, writing, jewelry making, weaving, photography, or other arts, the Guild is likely to offer some-thing to nourish your soul and renew your spirit. One class title, “Hand Embroidery: Sinking into Slowness,” reveals the character of the Guild, which invites makers to slow their pace and consider how process itself can help people remain grounded and attentive. To learn more, go to:

Many, Many Thanks!

Dear People of St. Andrew,

My heart is full! The love and care and grace you’ve shown to me as Parish Manager over the years was exactly what I needed to thrive in the position. And then, in last Sunday’s “Tribute to Trom,” your kind words and gifts–including the amazing gift of time with my family at Holden Village as guests, not volunteers!–was a wonderful way to bring my time on staff to a close.

Many, many thanks.

Jennifer Trom

A Native Rose

Nootka roses are blooming in St. Andrew’s woods. These erect wild or species roses are named after an island off Vancouver, Canada. They only grow in areas with a minimum of 270 frost-free days, produce hips that are large and round, and grow in an upright habit, reaching heights of three-six feet.

Both Native Americans and early settlers relied on Nootka rose hips and shoots to meet their nutritional needs during the winter when food was scarce. They created eye washes from the plant and crushed the leaves to treat bee stings, too, as well as drying them to use as an air freshener. Chewing up Nootka rose leaves also serves to freshen the breath.

Spreading the Warmth of Christ’s Love

Thank you to everyone in your congregation for your faithful support of the Port-land Rescue Mission. During COVID, the practical support from local churches has been a real encouragement to the people we serve and to our staff.

In February, I visited St. Andrew and received many beautiful quilts made by the ladies of your congregation. Recently Pam Farr hosted me again for a short visit, including a walk to your lovely Sanctuary of the Firs, and presented us with much-needed towels.

Please reach out if there’s any way the Portland Rescue Mission can support and serve your church. Thanks again!

Janet Fraser, Community Involvement Manager
Portland Rescue Mission

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Marvel LundPeace and God’s comfort at her deathStaff
Family and friends of Deborah Townsend (mother)Peace and God’s comfort at her deathHolly Bishop-Perdue
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Nan ThompsonAcceptance and strengthNan Thompson
Barton RobisonEffective treatment and pain reliefStaff
Marlene MaxwellEffective treatment and healingBruce Maxwell
Koby (son-in-law)Healing after surgeryJim & Teri Brosh
India Jensen KerrHealing and recoveryStaff
Gary GrafwallnerHealing of his left eye from Bell’s palsyGary Grafwallner
Madeleine (granddaughter)Continued strength through increased chemo treatmentMary Smith
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Those impacted by racial injusticeCare in times of pain, violence, and crisisStaff
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar
Oregon Synod and staff
Strength and wisdomStaff
Refugees and immigrantsAcceptance, safety, and just treatmentStaff
The homelessComfort, hope, and shelterStaff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami ReynaCourage and protectionStaff
Zoar Lutheran Church (Canby, OR)
Creator Lutheran Church (Clackamas, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Al Furqan Islamic Center (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Mason Bee Update

Brian Cheney reports that St. Andrew’s mason bees have completed their pollinating work for the season and have filled at least six dozen straws with egg-filled cocoons. Those eggs will hatch next spring and begin pollinating early bloomers such as fruit trees in 2022.

Meanwhile, Cheney has placed two boxes of leafcutter bees near the garden shed that will hatch over the next month. The slightly smaller leafcutters take the summer shift, pollinating those plants—including many in our gardens—that bloom long after those first flowers of spring.

why some people be mad at me sometimes

they ask me to remember
but they want me to remember
their memories
and i keep on remembering

Lucille Clifton

The poet who wrote “why some people be mad at me sometimes” was one of the 20th century’s most prominent African-American poets. She once remarked that “writing is a way of continuing to hope,” and that “perhaps for me it is a way of remembering I am not alone.”

Memorial Service for Marvel Lund

Thursday, June 10, 2021
11:30 am
Willamette Cemetery

Pastor Susan Kintner is officiating.
Those attending the service will be
directed to a reception that will follow.

Preparing for Sunday, June 13, 2021

First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, June 6

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amMinistry Forum (in preparation for Annual Meeting)Zoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
12:30 pmEarth Camp MeetingPatio

Tuesday, June 8

7:30 amMen’s Breakfast and Bible StudyElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
7:30 amWomen’s Sunrise Spirituality GroupElmer’s Restaurant at 158th
9:00 amFacility Team MeetinZoom
10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center
1:00 pmLydia CircleSt. Andrew Room
1:30 pmService CommitteeZoom
6:00 pmHR MeetingZoom
7:00 pmFinance Team MeetingZoom

Wednesday, June 9 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

10:00 amReopening Committee MeetingZoom
6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmWednesday Evening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, June 10

11:30 amMemorial Service for Marvel LundWillamette National Cemetery
1:00 pmVirtual Team Ministry MeetingZoom
7:00 pmExecutive Committee MeetingZoom

Friday, June 11

10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center

Sunday, June 13

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amMinistry Support Forum (in preparation for the Annual Meeting)Zoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
3:00 pmSpirituality Book GroupZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

May 30, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Scholarships for High School Seniors

LAST CALL: The deadline for graduating high school seniors to submit their scholarship applications to the St. Andrew Foundation is Tuesday, June 1. The award is available to any St. Andrew youth going on to a community college, college, university, or trade school. The application is available on the church website. If you have questions, contact Foundation President Sonja Ackman,

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. This Wednesday, June 2, we will focus on Martin Luther’s reflections on what it means to “Pray in Faith.” Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Connecting Community: The Ties that Bind

Our effort to contact everyone in the congregation has concluded successfully. We believe we’ve contacted everyone in our faith community by talking on the phone, leaving a message, sending an e-mail, or sending a short note. If we missed you, perhaps the church office needs an update. If you were not contacted this time around, please call the office at 503-646-0629 to be sure we have your correct number on file. If you were able to speak with someone, we hope it helped you feel more connected during these disconnected times. Thank you to all who made calls and wrote notes. And thank you, everyone, for remaining in our faith community!

St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team

Reformation Earth Garden

Recently we’ve planted 47 native shrubs representing 15 varieties that complement the five native trees planted last fall in our Reformation Earth Garden. These shrubs seem small now but will grow quickly; some will be several feet tall in a couple of years. Eventually we will label the shrubs and trees.

Our work now is to design and add a temporary irrigation system to keep the trees and shrubs watered for the next two summers. Watering now is manual.

We’ve scraped the location of a future path that enters the garden from the sidewalk and invite you to look at our new plantings. Alongside the path you’ll see a number of small shrubs. The path proceeds around the cedar tree and then around an open area, the site of a planned pollinator meadow filled with native perennials and annual flowers and grasses; we plan installation of those flowering plants this fall and spring.

Eric Luttrell

Preparing for Our Annual Meeting

Ministry Forum: Sunday, June 6, 10:00 am
Ministry Support Forum: Sunday, June 13, 10:00 am

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm

On the Sundays prior to the Annual Meeting, people are invited to gather via Zoom between Sunday worship services to learn more and share their questions/opinions about St. Andrew’s ministry focus for the coming year and the proposed budget for 2021/2022. Voting to approve these items, as well as the nominations for new Council members and next year’s Nominating Committee, is conducted during the Annual Meeting itself, which will also be held remotely this year via Zoom.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters are now back on our regular schedule (hurray!). We will meet Saturday, June 5, and Saturday, June 19, from 9:00 am-2:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time as we work on quilts for LWR and Virginia Garcia Clinic. Because of some generous donations we have a lot of fabric to cut, as well as many tying and sewing projects to complete. All supplies are provided.

If you are vaccinated and willing to show us your vaccination card, you will not need to wear a mask. Please bring a picture/copy of your vaccine card so we can keep a record for the office. If you have questions, contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917.

Lydia Circle

You are invited to join Lydia Circle for Bible study and fellowship Tuesday June 8, from 1:00-3:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room, where we will again be able to serve coffee. If you’ve been fully vaccinated you don’t need to wear a mask. Please bring a copy/picture of your vaccine card so that the office can record it.

The Bible study is taken from the June issue of Gather magazine and is the first of a three-part study entitled “Just L.I.F.E. (Liberation Is for Everyone!). The first session is “Just Wisdom” and is taken from Proverbs 8. We will meet Woman Wisdom and explore what wisdom means in ways we haven’t done before. You are welcome to come even if you haven’t read the lesson. For questions, contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917. 

Many Thanks to Brad

Our Evening Facility Manager, Brad Barclay, recently resigned his position so that he can spend more time with his family. St. Andrew was blessed with Brad in this position, where he proved to be completely reliable and instrumental in keeping the building clean and secure in the evenings. It was a pleasure to work with him! In addition, Brad and Carol worked especially well together, including cleaning the carpets last year during the closure so the building is ready to welcome people back in as we slowly reopen. With Brad’s resignation, Scott Taylor has graciously stepped in for a few weeks to cover until the position is opened to hire the next Evening Facility Manager.

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

Western Farm Workers

Each year our church has supported the Western Farm Workers with donated clothes and food to help low-wage workers. The agency is seeking volunteers to do a variety of jobs, many of which can teach you new job skills. Learn desktop publishing from graphic designers to create leaflets about Farm Workers’ programs and events, for example. Training is also available to learn advocacy skills, enabling volunteers to work on legal issues such as stolen wages, illegal evictions, etc. Others are needed to help with monthly food gathering and distribution. If you can help, call Foster at 503-681-9399. To receive the quarterly newsletter, send a $20 donation to 725 SE 7th Ave, Hillsboro, OR  97123.

St. Andrew’s Service Committee is also looking for a member to lead the September Western Farm Workers donation drive to gather and deliver clothing and food.

Fran Miller
for the Service Committee

A Thank You from Beyond the Boundaries

Dear Ms. Reiner, Reverend Brocker, and to the Congregation of St. Andrew Lutheran,

In writing this letter to you, I am proud and grateful to represent families in the McKinley Elementary School community. It is my pleasure to thank your congregation for the generous donations you have contributed to our school’s families, over the course of time.

In truth, I am only now beginning to explore the connections between your church and our school, and this process of exploration has helped me to reflect on the commonalities that we share as people, beyond boundaries and circumstances. From a strictly artificial perspective, your church lies far from McKinley. Your neighborhood is served by Ridgewood Elementary, which is on the opposite, eastern end of our school district. Even two more elementary schools, Barnes and Elmonica, reside in between you and us. And yet, your congregation has reached across these man-made dividing lines and brought real and needed relief from suffering among families in my school community.

Donations from your congregation helped close the gap that arose when our district’s clothing program fell short of our needs. Your funds helped us provide gift cards to families suffering from COVID-19 quarantine that went towards food items and over-the-counter medications. For one family with a large number of Beaverton school district children, your contributions helped support their critical WiFi needs so that each child could remain connected with their individual teachers and classmates as they learned from home. I see that among your church’s five core values are “Community Care” and “Neighbor Care.” I thank you for bringing breath and life to these values in the form of meaningful support for my families.

has the highest “mobility rate” among all the elementary schools in Beaverton. This means that families move in and out of our boundary, and in and out of our classrooms, in significant volumes every year. With all this movement comes opportunities, but also needs, and often suffering. We have used every dollar that you have donated to us to provide relief to such families and children who need it dearly. Thank you again for building bridges with us. If there is ever a suitable opportunity for me to visit any of you in person, please let me know, as I would be honored to do so.

Aki Mori, Principal
McKinley Elementary School


This Sunday we say “Godspeed!” to Parish Manager Jennifer Trom as she steps down from her role as chief operations executive at St. Andrew after nine years and more than ten years as a paid employee at St. Andrew. All are invited to join the Tribute to Trom via Zoom between services at 10:00 am on Sunday, May 30.

In her role as parish manager, Jennifer has managed staff people and budgets, improved our use of technology, enabled the church to transition quickly and professionally into offering worship online, and much more. She directed Drama Camp for several years, oversaw the Learning Center, and even took a group of young people to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit a few years back.

Jennifer and her family will continue to keep St. Andrew as their church home, but she is stepping back from volunteering for a while to get the respite she needs.

Celebrating Juneteenth and the Ending of Slavery

What’s special about June 19th?

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. For black people trying to establish a new status, annual celebrations of Juneteenth were times for reassuring one another, for praying, and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas in 1980 and in Oregon last month.

This Juneteenth at 10:00 am, the Oregon Remembrance Project ( will be installing a historical marker in Coos Bay remembering the story of the only documented lynching in Oregon, that of Alonzo Tucker in 1902. The St. Andrew Reckoning with Racism cohort invites you to participate in person or via Zoom at 10:00 am on June 19th. [Details to follow.] We hope to find reconciliation and communal healing through a sober reflection on history.

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Marvel LundPeace and God’s comfort at her deathStaff
Family and friends of Deborah Townsend (mother)Peace and God’s comfort at her deathHolly Bishop-Perdue
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Mira NiemanAccurate diagnosis and effective treatmentStaff
Barton RobisonEffective treatment and pain reliefStaff
India Jensen KerrHealing and recoveryStaff
Jan MorrellHealing and RecoveryAmy Harker
Bernie Doering (friend)Healing and recovery Jennifer Hooson
Madeleine (granddaughter)Continued strength through increased chemo treatmentMary Smith
Preston Robert McCroryBlessings on the birth of grandchild #21Bob & Mary Brown
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Victims of gun violence in San Jose and elsewhereCare in times of crisisStaff
Jennifer TromThanksgiving for her faithful serviceStaff
Christ Lutheran Church (Aurora, OR)
Macksburg Lutheran Church (Canby, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Congregation Beth Israel (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring

June 23-August 17; Starting Salary: $2,890 for the Summer
Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. E-mail or call 541-998-6444.

Memorial Service for Marvel Lund

Thursday, June 10, 2021
11:30 am
Willamette Cemetery

Pastor Susan Kintner is officiating.

Preparing for Sunday, June 6

Reading: Genesis 3:8-15
Gospel: Mark 3:20-35

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, May 30

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amTribute to TromZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Tuesday, June 1

10:00 amWorship Planners MeetingZoom
10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center
7:00 pmMACG MeetingSt. Andrew Room

Wednesday, June 2 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmEvening PrayerZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, June 3

12:00 pmVirtual Team Ministry MeetingZoom
7:00 pmExecutive Committee MeetingZoom

Friday, June 4

10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center

Saturday, June 5

9:00 amNifty NottersFellowship Hall

Sunday, June 6

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amMinistry Forum (in preparation for the Annual Meeting)Zoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

May 23, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

This Sunday we celebrate the Day of Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church. For many at St. Andrew, it has been our tradition to wear red–and that works even while we’re worshiping together from home.

Special Congregational Meeting

Members of the congregation will meet via Zoom this Sunday, May 23, at 10:00 am to vote on becoming a Sanctuary Congregation. Please review the proposed

Table Talk: Corporate Social Responsibility

Thursday, May 27, 7:00-8:00 pm
Gathered around the table in his home, Martin Luther talked freely and openly with his colleagues and students about matters of faith, theology, and varied aspects of daily life. In an effort to cultivate this kind of spirited discussion we have a tradition at St. Andrew of gathering for Table Talks. Though we cannot gather in person, Pastor Brocker invites you to participate in the next Table Talk, held via Zoom on Thursday, May 27, 7:00-8:00 pm.

In the ELCA’s social statement on economic life, “Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All,” Christian vocation in the world is described as seeking “what is good for people and the rest of creation in ways that glorify God and anticipate God’s promised future.” This social statement “recognizes the economic power and political influence of transnational corporations and charges the global community with holding these corporations accountable.” In this Table Talk we will discuss the specific role of the church in holding corporations accountable. We will also addresss a related question: What does it mean for the church to be a socially responsible corporation?

In preparation for this Table Talk, participants are encouraged to go to corporate social responsibility resources on the ELCA website and at least download and read the “Corporate Social Responsibility Overview”:

Connecting Community: The Ties that Bind

Our effort to contact everyone in the congregation has concluded successfully. We believe we’ve contacted everyone in our faith community by talking on the phone, leaving a message, sending an e-mail, or sending a short note. If we missed you, perhaps the church office needs an update. If you were not contacted this time around, please call the office at 503-646-0629 to be sure we have your correct number on file. If you were able to speak with someone, we hope it helped you feel more connected during these disconnected times. Thank you to all who made calls and wrote notes. And thank you, everyone, for remaining in our faith community!

St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team

May Movie Night: After the Raid

On Friday, May 21, we will meet to discuss After the Raid, a 2019 documentary that explores the devastating effects that an immigration raid on a meat packing plant in Tennessee has on the community. The film asks more questions than it answers, as it explores the ways that faith-based organizations might address these issues.

Stream After the Raid on Netflix and then bring out the popcorn and gather around your computer screens at 7:00 pm on Friday, May 21, as we talk about the movie.

The timing of this particular movie night is fortuitous. Two days following our discussion, on Sunday, May 23, the St. Andrew congregation will meet between services to consider and vote on becoming a sanctuary congregation. Seeing this documentary beforehand may help inform your vote.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this movie night in the “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, May 21.

High School Senior Scholarships

The deadline for graduating high school seniors to submit their scholarship applications to the St. Andrew Foundation is Tuesday, June 1. The award is available to any St. Andrew youth going on to a community college, college, university, or trade school. The application is available on the church website. If you have questions, contact Foundation President Sonja Ackman,

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Prayer Services continue into the Easter season this Wednesday, May 19, with a new service emphasizing creation’s song of praise to God. Drawing on elements from All Creation Sings, our service combines prayer, song, and meditations from the writings of well-known lovers of creation. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s e-mail.

Reformation Earth Garden

Recently we’ve planted 47 native shrubs representing 15 varieties that complement the five native trees planted last fall. These shrubs seem small now but will grow quickly; some will be several feet tall in a couple of years. Eventually we will label the shrubs and trees.

Our work now is to design and add a temporary irrigation system to keep the trees and shrubs watered for the next two summers. Watering now is manual.

We’ve scraped the location of a future path that enters the garden from the sidewalk and invite you to look at our new plantings. Alongside the path you’ll see a number of small shrubs. The path proceeds around the cedar tree and then around an open area, the site of a planned pollinator meadow filled with native perennials and annual flowers and grasses; we plan installation of those flowering plants this fall and spring.

Eric Luttrell

Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving
up the bales as the sun moves down.

Let the cricket take up chafing
as a woman takes up her needles
and her yarn. Let evening come.

Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.

Let the fox go back to its sandy den.
Let the wind die down. Let the shed
go black inside. Let evening come.

To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop
in the oats, to air in the lung
let evening come.

Let it come, as it will, and don’t
be afraid. God does not leave us
comfortless, so let evening come

Jane Kenyon, born in Ann Arbor, MI, in 1947, is the granddaughter of a Methodist preacher. Her spirituality is reflected in her poetry.

Soil Garden Survey

For the past two years, St. Andrew’s Community Carbon Yard Science team has been exploring gardening strategies that we can adopt to improve the environment. We want to know if the people of St. Andrew have been developing soil gardens as a means to store carbon in the soil, thus reducing carbon in the atmosphere.

Even if you’ve never before heard the term “soil garden,” you may already have created one. A soil garden requires three essential elements:

· a thick layer of organic material on your bed with consistent regular additions of the organic matter,

· consistent moisture during the warm months, either by regular watering of your soil garden or initially covering your soil garden with at least three inches of compost and/or mulch, and

· organic material in direct contact with the soil. In other words, no landscape cloth or plastic can separate the organic material from the soil. You may use paper or cardboard on top of the soil to reduce weeds.

A soil garden can be established by simply changing how one or more of your existing beds is managed (for example, shrub beds, tree and shrub beds, perennial beds, perennial and shrub beds, etc.) by regularly adding compost and/or mulch to those beds. Perhaps the easiest bed to convert to a soil garden is a perennial flower garden. All that is needed is to add about an inch of compost annually when the flowers are dormant. Your plants will grow up through the compost, which feeds the millions of creatures living in the soil and delivers nutrients to your plants.

If you have any garden beds that meet this definition. we want to know. Please go this link to complete the survey:

Thank you.

Carol Harker, Eric Luttrell, LuAnn Staul, and
the Community Carbon Yard Science Team

Celebrating Juneteenth and the Ending of Slavery

What’s special about June 19th?

June 19th, also known as Juneteenth, is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. For black people trying to establish a new status, annual celebrations of Juneteenth were times for reassuring one another, for praying, and for gathering remaining family members. Juneteenth became an official state holiday in Texas in 1980 and in Oregon last month.

This Juneteenth at 10:00 am, the Oregon Remembrance Project ( will be installing a historical marker in Coos Bay remembering the story of the only documented lynching in Oregon, that of Alonzo Tucker in 1902. The St. Andrew Reckoning with Racism cohort invites you to participate in person or via Zoom at 10:00 am on June 19th. [Details to follow.] We hope to find reconciliation and communal healing through a sober reflection on history.

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker, Lead Pastor
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762
Pastor Mark is on call Fridays & Saturdays.

Pastor Susan Kintner, Pastor of Caring Ministries
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 211
cell: 503-724-2556
Pastor Susan is on call Sundays & Mondays.

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Marvel LundPeace and God’s comfort at her deathStaff
Family and friends of Gale Roy Williams (brother)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathClaris & Corky Poppert
Family and friends of Jody Podolske Peace and God’s comfort at her deathStaff
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Deborah Townsend (mother)Peaceful passingHolly Bishop-Perdue
Mira NiemanAccurate diagnosis and effective treatmentStaff
Jan MorrellHealing and RecoveryAmy Harker
Bernie Doering (friend)Healing and recovery Jennifer Hooson
Madeleine (granddaughter)Continued strength through increased chemo treatmentMary Smith
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Those facing ongoing illness or distressAssurance of God’s presence
Tandy Brooks, Dave Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Ian MacDonald, Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs
Bishop Elizabeth EatonWisdom and discernmentStaff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaBlessings on our ministryStaff
Taiwan Lutheran ChurchStrength and wisdomStaff
Pilgrim Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Resurrection Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Masjid Omar Farooq (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring

June 23-August 17; Starting Salary: $2,890 for the Summer
Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. E-mail or call 541-998-6444.

Natives In Bloom

Don Nearhood walks through the woods at St. Andrew frequently and he took this photo of one of our native honeysuckles (Lonicera ciliosa) one day earlier this week.

Another native  plant blooming on church property right now is the elegant groundcover fringecup (Tellima grandiflora), which flourishes in moist shady locations. It spreads by seed rather than runners and is not invasive.

Preparing for Sunday, May 30

Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8
Gospel: John 3:1-17

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, May 23

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amSpecial Congregational Meeting: Declaring St. Andrew a Sanctuary CongregationZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Tuesday, May 25

7:30 amMen’s Breakfast GroupSt. Andrew Room
10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center
10:00 amEarth Care Teacher MeetingLibrary
12:15 pmCommunity Carbon Leadership MeetingPicnic Table by Community Garden

Wednesday, May 26 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmEvening PrayerZoom
7:00 pmHigh School Youth Game NightZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, May 27

12:00 pmVirtual Team Ministry MeetingZoom
7:00 pmIT MeetingOffsite

Friday, May 28

10:00 amT’ai ChiGarden Patio of former Orchards in Petercort Shopping Center

Sunday, May 30

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amTribute to TromZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

May 16, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

Table Talk: Corporate Social Responsibility

Thursday, May 27, 7:00-8:00 pm
Gathered around the table in his home, Martin Luther talked freely and openly with his colleagues and students about matters of faith, theology, and varied aspects of daily life. In an effort to cultivate this kind of spirited discussion we have a tradition at St. Andrew of gathering for Table Talks. Though we cannot gather in person, Pastor Brocker invites you to participate in the next Table Talk, held via Zoom on Thursday, May 27, 7:00-8:00 pm.

In the ELCA’s social statement on economic life, “Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All,” Christian vocation in the world is described as seeking “what is good for people and the rest of creation in ways that glorify God and anticipate God’s promised future.” This social statement “recognizes the economic power and political influence of transnational corporations and charges the global community with holding these corporations accountable.” In this Table Talk we will discuss the specific role of the church in holding corporations accountable. We will also addresss a related question: What does it mean for the church to be a socially responsible corporation?

In preparation for this Table Talk, participants are encouraged to go to corporate social responsibility resources on the ELCA website and at least download and read the “Corporate Social Responsibility Overview”:

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Prayer Services continue into the Easter season this Wednesday, May 19, with a new service emphasizing creation’s song of praise to God. Drawing on elements from All Creation Sings, our service combines prayer, song, and meditations from the writings of well-known lovers of creation. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s e-mail.

Earth Camp 2021: Register Now!

We are offering Earth Camp this summer! Camp will be held outdoors with COVID guidelines in place as required by the CDC and Oregon Health Authority. Earth Camp is for children entering first through sixth grades this fall (September 2021) and the purpose is to cultivate a deep love of our Earth home and all its inhabitants. Campers will:

· Discover how interconnected we are with all our fellow creatures
· Learn practical ways we can care for our Earth home; and,
· Have a lot of fun in the process!

Read all about it on the church website under Education > Earth Camp 2021.

Spirituality Book Group

The Spirituality Book Group will meet on Zoom to discuss This Tender Land, by William Kent Krueger on Sunday, May 16, at 3:00 pm. Susan Reiser will lead the discussion of what a Minneapolis Star Tribune reviewer called a “picaresque tale of adventure during the Great Depression. Part Grapes of Wrath, part Huckleberry Finn, Krueger’s novel is a journey over inner and outer terrain toward wisdom and freedom.”

The Zoom link for this meeting will be sent to people on the Spirituality Book Group mailing list. If you’d like to attend, please contact Mary Smith to have a link sent to you. At this May meeting, we will also discuss the possibility of meeting in person again.

Future Reading

June 13
Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson
Discussion Leader: Barbara Gutzler
Please bring suggestions for future reading to this meeting, as we will be selecting titles for the next six months.

July 18
The Murmur of Bees, by Sofia Segovia
Discussion Leader: Sharon Fako

Audio Technician Needed

Are you a master of audio technology? Do you have experience with sound/mixing boards and microphone placement? Do you understand broadcasting, audio encoding equipment, and live audio delivery systems?

St. Andrew is seeking to employ a part-time Livestream Audio Technician to work four-five hours on Sunday mornings, one-three times per month, and possibly at other times.

This Livestream Audio Tech will work closely with a Video Tech to distribute online worship currently using YouTube livestream and Zoom, as well as amplify sound in the Sanctuary when we are able to worship in person there.

To learn more about the position and to apply, please go to Craigslist.

Special Congregational Meeting

Members of the congregation will meet via Zoom next Sunday, May 23, at 10:00 am to vote on becoming a Sanctuary Congregation. Please review the proposed

Let’s Connect

The St. Andrew MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team invite you to join us in our ongoing effort to make contact with as many members of our faith community as we can over the course of the next two weeks.

Over the past two weeks, many of our volunteers made contact or promised to make contact with almost 90 percent of St. Andrew households. That’s terrific! There are more contacts to be made, though. Can you help? You are invited to make a phone call, write a note, or send an e-mail to as many people as you can. Help us reach our goal of spreading a message of connection to most of our congregational roster before summer.

The primary purpose is to check in and let people know we are thinking of them, so a good place to start is, “How are you doing?” From there, your conversations may take different paths. You may want to talk about how you are both feeling about returning to in-person gatherings, or about the social connections that have been difficult this past year, or about what has changed in the past year. The direction your conversation takes is up to you. Pretend that you are chatting with someone in the Narthex.

Jan Smith is coordinating the assignment of names. You can contact her via e-mail at Once you have completed your calls, please get in touch with one of the pastors if there is something they should know. Also please send an e-mail to Pat Christiansen if anything emerges that seems to be a common question, experience, or concern.

Thanks for being a part of this important ministry. We are a stronger community when we stay in touch.

St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team

May Movie Night: After the Raid

On Friday, May 21, we will meet to discuss After the Raid, a 2019 documentary that explores the devastating effects that an immigration raid on a meat packing plant in Tennessee has on the community. The film asks more questions than it answers, as it explores the ways that faith-based organizations might address these issues.

The timing of this particular movie night is fortuitous. Two days following our discussion, on Sunday, May 23, the St. Andrew congregation will meet between services to consider and vote on becoming a sanctuary congregation. Seeing this documentary beforehand may help inform your vote.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this movie night in the “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, May 21.

High School Senior Scholarships

The deadline for graduating high school seniors to submit their scholarship applications to the St. Andrew Foundation is Tuesday, June 1. The award is available to any St. Andrew youth going on to a community college, college, university, or trade school. The application is available on the church website. If you have questions, contact Foundation President Sonja Ackman,

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker, Lead Pastor
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762
Pastor Mark is on call Fridays & Saturdays.

Pastor Susan Kintner, Pastor of Caring Ministries
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 211
cell: 503-724-2556
Pastor Susan is on call Sundays & Mondays.

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Storytelling from Oregon’s First Ordained Women

For most of the history of the church (Roman Catholic and Protestant), only men were permitted to be ordained and to lead a congregation. For Lutherans, that changed in 1970, when the Lutheran Church in America and American Lutheran Church, predecessors of the ELCA, ordained Elizabeth Platz and Barbarra Andrews. Since then, women clergy have steadily broken barriers, but changing the climate has been a decades-long process.

Still, 50 years later, look how far women have come! Today, the ELCA is led by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, 22 women are synodical bishops (of 65 total), and four are seminary presidents. Almost one-third of all ELCA pastors are women.

To hear what it was like for some of the early women leaders in the Oregon Synod, including our own Pastor Susan Kintner, you are invited to listen in on three storytelling sessions featuring women such as Susan Granata, Joan Beck, and Solveig Nilsen-Goodin:

Saturday, May 15, 7:00 pm
Saturday, June 26, 7:00 pm
Saturday, July 17, 7:00 pm

It’s free and online. Register now.

Filling the Food Barrel

Things are beginning to return to something nearer normal. We learned earlier this week that St. Matthew Lutheran Church is once again accepting packaged and canned food for its food bank. Now that St. Andrew’s doors are unlocked during office hours, feel free to donate non-perishable food to the food barrel in the Narthex. We are resuming deliveries to St. Matt’s and know that there are many hungry people who will benefit from our gifts.

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Gale Roy Williams (brother)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathClaris & Corky Poppert
Family and friends of Jerry Werner (cousin)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathSusan Werner Reiser
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Deborah Townsend (mother)Peaceful passingHolly Bishop-Perdue
Marvel LundPeace and comfort in hospice careChristine Murray and Margie Holcomb (daugters)
Jan MorrellSuccessful surgery (May 19)Amy Harker
Luke (13-year-old friend)Healing and recovery from COVIDRebecca Fako Uecker
Ginny LinkContinued prayers for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and healingGinny Link
Gary & Gail GrafwallnerSmooth transitionStaff
Baby HazelThanksgiving for her release from the hospitalBob & Judy Scholz
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
People of IndiaAid and support as COVID ravages the countryStaff
Those confined to their homesAssurance of God’s presence
Mareline Barnes, Dave Bumgardner, Jean Fredrickson, Tara Harper, Douglas Hooke, Betty Horst, Dorothy Moore, Phyllis Morris, Ed Pacey, Helen Rogers, Dave & Sharon Roth, Margie Schindele
All who are imprisonedPeace and strengthStaff
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Blessings on their ministryStaff
St. Paul Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Good Spirit Mission Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Masjid Abu Bakr (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

A Prayer for Sanctuary

Source of life and love, we thank you for the opportunity to gather in this sacred space of community where we are blessed to reflect on the meaning of our faith.
Let our faith heal our brokenness.

In the midst of political turmoil and upheaval, when people are being excluded for the color of their skin, their accent, or their citizenship status, let our faith guide us to solidarity.

As families struggle for better lives for themselves and their children, as they flee violence and war, hunger and the effects of global climate change, let our faith call us to action.

May the Sanctuary that has blessed us be opened to all those who are vulnerable and oppressed.
Let our faith show us the power of Sanctuary for all.

Preparing for Sunday, May 23

Reading: Acts 2:1-21
Gospel: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, May 16

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amSunday SchoolZoom
10:00 amConfirmationZoom
10:00 amHigh School Youth GroupZoom
10:00 amAdult Education: Women in the GospelsZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
12:30 pmEarth Camp Planning MeetingZoom

Monday, May 17

6:00 pmTroop 618 Scout MeetingEast Parking Lot

Tuesday, May 18

10:00 amT’ai Chiformer Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd.
10:00 amWorship Planners MeetingZoom

Wednesday, May 19 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

1:00 pmCaring Ministry MeetingZoom
6:00 pmHandbell Ensemble RehearsalZoom
6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmEvening PrayerZoom
7:00 pmHigh School Youth Game NightZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, May 20

12:00 pmVirtual Team Ministry MeetingZoom
2:30 pmCommunications Team MeetingZoom
7:00 pmCouncil MeetingZoom

Friday, May 21

10:00 amT’ai Chiformer Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd.
7:00 pmMovie Night: After the RaidZoom

Sunday, May 23

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amSunday SchoolZoom
10:00 amSpecial Congregational Meeting: Declaring St. Andrew a Sanctuary CongregationZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!

May 9, 2021


Want a printed copy of the Weekly News? Click on the printer icon to the right or download and print the PDF.

St. Andrew to Host Guest Preacher May 9

We at St. Andrew are looking forward to welcoming Pastor Brian Johnson to the pulpit on Sunday, May 9, when he will also offer an Adult Education session on “Transforming Vision, Appreciating Art.”

Pastor Johnson brings 25 years’ experience in Lutheran higher education and fine arts to the Grunewald Guild, where he serves as executive director. A 40-year-old retreat center nestled beside the Wenatchee River near Leavenworth, Washington, the Grunewald Guild is dedicated to the relationship between Art, Faith, and Community. Founded by Rich and Liz Caemmerer in 1980, the center offers summer week-long classes in fabric art, pottery, collage, photography, calligraphy, song writing, poetry, sculpture, and many other media.

“Something as earthbound as fabric and clay and paint
can speak our most wordless longings,
express our delight and grief.
Beauty can connect our hearts to the divine heart.”
Guild Founder Richard Caemmerer

Pastor Susan is a member of the Grunewald Guild’s board, beginning a three-year term this past September. She is the first board member from the state of Oregon. Visit for more information.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Prayer Services continue into the Easter season this Wednesday, May 12, with a new service emphasizing creation’s song of praise to God. Drawing on elements from All Creation Sings, our service combines prayer, song, and meditations from the writings of well-known lovers of creation. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s e-mail.

St. Andrew’s COVID Fund

Thanks to donations from the church community, St. Andrew has been able to continue helping families in dire straits as the COVID pandemic persists in challenging people. Many thanks to Donna Brocker and Diane Reiner for overseeing those resources and sharing them with people in need.

Although all of us are tired and ready to move on, needs continue to mount for many in our area who have lost jobs or housing or loved ones. If you would like to offer your help, St. Andrew welcomes your ongoing support of the COVID Fund. Click on the “Choose a Fund” box online and select COVID-19 DONATION in the drop-down menu if you’d like to give electronically or note COVID FUND on your check. Your gifts are being put to good use.

Bookkeeper Position Open

St. Andrew is currently looking for a part-time bookkeeper to work 10-20 hours a week. Essential functions of the position will include preparing weekly deposit reports, entering disbursements, transferring funds to various accounts, processing payroll, reconciling bank accounts, filing evidence of deposits and disbursements, and preparing financial reports. Five years of bookkeeping experience is required, as well as experience with QuickBooks, working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, and a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail.

To learn more about the position and to apply, please e-mail Parish Manager Jennifer Trom.

Audio Technician Needed

Are you a master of audio technology? Do you have experience with sound/mixing boards and microphone placement? Do you understand broadcasting, audio encoding equipment, and live audio delivery systems?

St. Andrew is seeking to employ a part-time Livestream Audio Technician to work four-five hours on Sunday mornings, one-three times per month, and possibly at other times.

This Livestream Audio Tech will work closely with a Video Tech to distribute online worship currently using YouTube livestream and Zoom, as well as amplify sound in the Sanctuary when we are able to worship in person there.

To learn more about the position and to apply, please go to Craigslist.

Heartfelt Thanks

For more than a year now, you have been donating to the COVID-19 Relief Fund. And for more than a year, those donations have kept people in their homes, paid PGE bills, and kept hungry people fed. Several school counselors and local principals have been overjoyed when receiving this help for their families. Many individual families have been overcome with tears of thanksgiving as they ponder the idea of people they don’t even know helping them out. Some have called you angels.

As followers of Jesus, we know that when we serve others, we are serving Christ. It brings us joy to meet Jesus in these people in need. So thank you, thank you for your generosity, love, and care over this past year! You have made a difference.

In Christ,
Donna Brocker

Let’s Connect

The St. Andrew MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team invite you to join us in our ongoing effort to make contact with as many members of our faith community as we can over the course of the next two weeks.

Over the past two weeks, many of our volunteers made contact or promised to make contact with almost 90 percent of St. Andrew households. That’s terrific! There are more contacts to be made, though. Can you help? You are invited to make a phone call, write a note, or send an e-mail to as many people as you can. Help us reach our goal of spreading a message of connection to most of our congregational roster before summer.

The primary purpose is to check in and let people know we are thinking of them, so a good place to start is, “How are you doing?” From there, your conversations may take different paths. You may want to talk about how you are both feeling about returning to in-person gatherings, or about the social connections that have been difficult this past year, or about what has changed in the past year. The direction your conversation takes is up to you. Pretend that you are chatting with someone in the Narthex.

Jan Smith is coordinating the assignment of names. You can contact her via e-mail at Once you have completed your calls, please get in touch with one of the pastors if there is something they should know. Also please send an e-mail to Pat Christiansen if anything emerges that seems to be a common question, experience, or concern. 

Thanks for being a part of this important ministry. We are a stronger community when we stay in touch.

St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team and Caring Ministries Team

Earth Camp 2021: Registration Is Open for St. Andrew Community

We are offering Earth Camp this summer! Camp will be held outdoors with COVID guidelines in place as required by the CDC and Oregon Heath Authority. Earth Camp is for children entering 1st through 6th grade this fall (September 2021) and the purpose is to cultivate a deep love of our Earth home and all its inhabitants.

Campers will:

· Discover how interconnected we are with all our fellow creatures
· Learn practical ways we can care for our Earth home; and,
· Have a lot of fun in the process!

Read all about it on the church website under Education > Earth Camp 2021.

Lydia Circle

After more than a year apart, Lydia Circle will begin meeting in person again at church beginning Tuesday May 11, from 1:00-3:00 pm in the St. Andrew Room. It will be so good to see each other again and share in the Bible study from May’s Gather magazine. We will follow COVID protocols by wearing masks, social distancing and not sharing food. You may bring a beverage for yourself to drink.

This month’s study is entitled “the journey of generations-waiting to be unwrapped.” We’ll be looking at the shared blessings that intergenerational relationships might bring. We’ll be guided by scripture passages from Luke 1: 46-49, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6, Ephesians 2:19, and Acts: 2: 4-6. You need not have read the study to take part. If you have questions, please contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917.

May Movie Night: After the Raid

On Friday, May 21, we will meet to discuss After the Raid, a 2019 documentary that explores the devastating effects that an immigration raid on a meat packing plant in Tennessee has on the community. The film asks more questions than it answers, as it explores the ways that faith-based organizations might address these issues.

The timing of this particular movie night is fortuitous. Two days following our discussion, on Sunday, May 23, the St. Andrew congregation will meet between services to consider and vote on becoming a sanctuary congregation. Seeing this documentary beforehand may help inform your vote.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this movie night in Carol Harker’s “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, May 21.

A Reminder for Ministry Leaders

May 9 is fast approaching. Why is that date important? May 9 is the deadline for St. Andrew’s various ministries to submit their annual reports to Parish Manager Jennifer Trom. Here’s your opportunity to share the story of your ministry with the congregation. Despite the pandemic, we know that much important work is being done. Tell your story and share the good news!

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker, Lead Pastor
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762
Pastor Mark is on call Fridays & Saturdays.

Pastor Susan Kintner, Pastor of Caring Ministries
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 211
cell: 503-724-2556
Pastor Susan is on call Sundays & Mondays.

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Men’s Book Club: Educated

Tara Westover is living proof that some people are flat-out, boots-always-laced-up indomitable. Her…book, Educated, is a heartbreaking, heartwarming, best-in-years memoir about striding beyond the limitations of birth and environment into a better life,” wrote the USA Today reviewer in touting this book. It’s an unforgettable memoir about a young woman who is kept out of school, but then leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University.

The Men’s Book Club meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. If you’d like to join the discussion of Educated on Monday, May 10, please contact Eric Luttrell for details.

Growing Our Garden

Faith and Hope received company this past week, when a crew of volunteers joined Eric Luttrell in planting almost four dozen native shrubs in St. Andrew’s Reformation Earth Garden.

This beautiful native spiraea is one of the shrub varieties planted earlier this week.

Faith and Hope, the two Oregon white oak trees we planted in the garden last fall, survived the winter well, but the native crab apple put in the ground the very same day disappeared completely—probably munched on by a meandering deer. We know the deer also help themselves to plants in the Community Garden, but they take only what they need. Eric has already replaced the crab apple and we’ll see how long this one lasts.

The third step in populating the Reformation Earth Garden will come next fall or spring, when native perennials are added to the landscape.

Gifts that Keep Giving

The Nifty Notters have gotten some lovely presents this year! Some from folks we know, like Susan Reiser and Corky Poppert, and lots of surprises from mystery donors. Yarn, sheets, two bags of lovely fabric from a drive-by lady. and a bolt from the blue—of blue, no less. And we’re still trying to figure out how a lady from Richmond, WA, found us. She gifted us a big box of ten patterned quilt tops, backing fabric, and some squares to be added to make another quilt. The Notters appreciate all these gifts, and I love finding new things in the closet!

Pam Farr

High School Senior Scholarships

The deadline for graduating high school seniors to submit their scholarship applications to the St. Andrew Foundation is Tuesday, June 1. The award is available to any St. Andrew youth going on to a community college, college, university, or trade school. The application is available on the church website. If you have questions, contact Foundation President Sonja Ackman,

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Ingathering

Pictured are just a few of the quilts made by St. Andrew’s Nifty Notters for Lutheran World Relief.

After a pandemic pause that lasted more than a year and cancelled two ingatherings in 2020, Lutheran churches from all over Oregon and other parts of the Pacific Northwest, made the trip to St. Andrew again this past Friday and Saturday to share their contributions to LWR’s worldwide relief efforts.

Many thanks to the crew of St. Andrew men and women who loaded the shipping container and handled the paperwork that tracks the quilts, pandemic kits, and other supplies that go where they are needed most.

Lutheran World Relief was founded by US Lutherans at the end of World War II, when about one-fifth of the world’s Lutherans were homeless. It continues to tackle global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. The organization works with people based on need, regardless of race, religion, or nationality, and it does not evangelize.

The shipping container packed in our parking lot here in Beaverton will be loaded onto a train car and then traverse the US to an LWR warehouse in Baltimore. From there, the supplies are distributed worldwide, offering hope to people when they need it most.

Nifty Notters

The Nifty Notters will meet Saturday, May 15, from 9:00 am-Noon to work on baby quilts for Virginia Garcia Clinic and larger quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We’ll follow COVID protocols, wearing masks and social distancing. Please bring a beverage for yourself. And, if you have questions, contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917.

MACG May Delegate Assembly

Thursday, May 13, 6:30-8:00 pm, via Zoom

Please join others from MACG’s member organizations at this Delegate Assembly. These gatherings shape the work that MACG does through the tri-county area, and your voice is needed.

Our focus for this assembly is criminal justice reform, in particular, Measure 11—a 1994 ballot measure requiring mandatory minimum sentences—and two key reform bills in Oregon’s current legislative session: House Bill 2002 and Senate Bill 401.

Come to learn more about these bills, hear personal stories, and take action!

To learn more and to register for the event, please got to:

MACG 2021 Legislative Agenda

One way that MACG strengthens communities is by monitoring proposed legislation, informing our members, and recommending action when it would be helpful. This year’s legislative agenda includes these pending bills:

SB 282 – Extends the grace period for all tenants for repayment of back rent to February 2022.

SB 79 – Promotes homeownership for BIPOC people by providing down payment assistance, grants, loans and technical assistance to organizations.

HB 2475Energy Affordability – Decreases utility costs for families already struggling in the economic recession by establishing a Low-Income Utility Rate Class.

HB 2842 – Healthy Homes – Supports home upgrades to help improve the health of families across Oregon.  Establishes a program to provide financial assistance to low-income households and landlords.

HB 2021 – 100% Clean Energy for All – Creates good, well-paying, local jobs in the renewable energy sector that incentivize local projects that are good for communities and reduce pollution by achieving 100% clean energy, as soon as possible.

HB 2002 – An expansive public safety reform bill that includes eliminating mandatory minimum sentencing, reducing unnecessary arrests, and investing in victim services and culturally specific services.

HB 3265 – Sanctuary Promise Act – Strengthens our state’s sanctuary law to reduce the gap between the protection that Oregonians want and the reality in our communities.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon has also created a handy site to make contacting your elected officials easy. Follow this link to see the issues EMO is supporting, information about how to easily find your elected official, and ideas for making contact (

If you do contact your elected officials, consider joining EMO’s effort to track the contacts by filling out the form on that same site.

The Oregon Legislature maintains a very good website through which you can watch the progress of bills in each session. Find it here:

Please take a few minutes to see what the legislature is working on this year, and add your voice when you feel moved to do so.  Your elected officials want to hear from you.

St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team

Soil Garden Survey

On this weekend when we celebrate mothers, why not spend a little time thinking about Mother Earth? St. Andrew’s Community Carbon Yard Science team has been exploring gardening strategies that many of us can adopt to improve the environment. We want to know if the people of St. Andrew have been developing soil gardens as a means to store carbon in the soil, thus reducing carbon in the atmosphere.

Even if you’ve never before heard the term “soil garden,” you may already have created one. A soil garden requires three essential elements:

· a thick layer of organic material on your bed with consistent regular additions of the organic matter,

· consistent moisture during the warm months, either by regular watering of your soil garden or initially covering your soil garden with at least three inches of compost and/or mulch, and

· organic material in direct contact with the soil. In other words, no landscape cloth or plastic can separate the organic material from the soil. You may use paper or cardboard on top of the soil to reduce weeds.

A soil garden can be established by simply changing how one or more of your existing beds is managed (for example, shrub beds, tree and shrub beds, perennial beds, perennial and shrub beds, etc.) by regularly adding compost and/or mulch to those beds. Perhaps the easiest bed to convert to a soil garden is a perennial flower garden. All that is needed is to add about an inch of compost annually when the flowers are dormant. Your plants will grow up through the compost, which feeds the millions of creatures living in the soil and delivers nutrients to your plants.

If you have any garden beds that meet this definition. we want to know. Please go this link to complete the survey:

Thank you.

Carol Harker, Eric Luttrell, LuAnn Staul, and
the Community Carbon Yard Science Team

Guild in the City: Portland Japanese Garden

May 8, 2021, 9:45 am-12 pm

Join Grunewald Guild director, Brian Johnson, and Guild board member, Susan Kintner, for a self-directed, socially distanced outdoor art outing at Portland’s Japanese Garden this weekend.

A self-directed walk will include a pamphlet of poems and sacred texts linked with the garden. The self-guided tour is expected to last about two hours, after which participants will gather for a conversation exploring the art and poetry they encountered in the morning.

Register for the event ($10 general/$2 students) today and be certain to also purchase an entrance ticket to the Portland Japanese Garden for Saturday, May 8.

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email Tuesday-Friday, Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Jerry Werner (cousin)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathSusan Werner Reiser
Family and friends of Roald Kindem (grandfather)Peace and God’s comfort at his deathMegan Webber
Carol Grover (sister)Peaceful passingNan Thompson
Deborah Townsend (mother)Peaceful passingHolly Bishop-Perdue
Marvel LundPeace and comfort in hospice careChristine Murray (daugter)
Baby Hazel (granddaughter of good friend)HealingBob & Judy Scholz
Luke (13-year-old friend)Healing and recovery from COVIDRebecca Fako Uecker
Warren McAlpineHealing and recoveryDonna McAlpine
Ginny LinkContinued prayers for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and healingGinny Link
Gary & Gail GrafwallnerSmooth transitionStaff
Corine Shelley WalkerSmooth transition and excellent careLuAnn Staul
Madeleine (granddaughter)Thanksgiving for her release from the hospitalMary Smith
Everyone affected by COVID-19Strength and supportStaff
Availability of vaccines for COVID-19Thanksgiving for the people and systems making vaccinations possibleStaff
People of IndiaAid and support as COVID ravages the countryStaff
St. Andrew Council
Executive Commmittee
Wisdom and discernmentStaff
Karen Klingelhafer, Kyler Vogt, and all seminarians
India Jensen Kerr and all theology students
Encouragement and supportStaff
St. Andrew FoundationBlessings on their ministryStaff
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon SynodStaff
Masjid Abu Bakr (Portland, OR)Blessings on our interfaith partnersStaff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayerWhatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloudEveryone

A Prayer for the Week

Thank you, Beloved God, for all the mothers
who watch over their families,
giving themselves to service in your name.
Bless them with hope and joy,
and relieve them of the extra burden
this pandemic has placed on their shoulders.

Preparing for Sunday, May 16

Reading: Acts 1:15-17
Gospel: John 17:6-19

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, May 9

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amNO Sunday School
10:00 amNO Confirmation
10:00 amNO High School Youth Group
10:00 amEducation Forum: Transforming Vision, Appreciating Art with Pastor Brian Johnsonvia Zoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom

Monday, May 10

7:00 pmMen’s Book ClubContact Eric Luttrell

Tuesday, May 11

10:00 amT’ai Chiformer Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd.
1:00 pmLydia CircleSt. Andrew Room
1:30 pmService Committeevia Zoom
6:00 pmHR MeetingZoom
7:00 pmFinance Team MeetingZoom

Wednesday, May 12 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

10:00 amReopening Team MeetingZoom
6:00 pmHandbell Ensemble RehearsalZoom
6:30 pmInformal Gathering TimeZoom
7:00 pmEvening PrayerZoom
7:00 pmHigh School Youth HangoutZoom
7:30 pmCentering PrayerZoom

Thursday, May 13

12:00 pmStaff MeetingZoom

Friday, May 14

10:00 amT’ai Chiformer Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd.

Saturday, May 15

9:00 amNifty NottersFellowship Hall

Sunday, May 16

8:30 amLivestream Worship with CommunionYouTube
9:30 amVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
10:00 amSunday SchoolZoom
10:00 amConfirmationZoom
10:00 am High School Youth GroupZoom
10:00 amAdult Education: “Women in the Gospels” with Karen KlingelhaferZoom
11:00 amZoom Worship with CommunionZoom
12:00 pmVirtual Coffee TimeZoom
12:30 pmEarth Camp Planning MeetingZoom

Connecting to Worship

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.

  • The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
  • An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom

The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.

  • To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
  • To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.

Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.

Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:

Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!