On Earth Camp Monday, when campers explored the concept that “the Earth is the Lord’s,” the campers met three little Holland lop rabbits–Pearl, Peaches, and Spice, as well as Lena, a Norwegian chicken.
The Earth Care lesson for the day was simple:
- Be amazed! Delight in this world that God made. (To be amazed, we must pay attention, but then we’ll notice all sorts of marvelous, curious things–and we won’t be bored.)
- Show gratitude for the animals and all they do for us. (Not only do animals give us food, clothing, and medicine, but they do work for us, provide entertainment, and show love. They can make our lives richer just by their presence. Individually, they deserve our thanks, our kindness, and our care.)
- Protect the animals and the ecosystems/habitats they need to thrive. (Just as people need clean air and water, livable temperatures, food, and shelter, animals depend on those things, too, in order to live comfortable lives. Think beyond pets and individual animals to look at the big picture for animal life around the world.)
The campers all chose a “Spirit Animal” for themselves and were challenged to learn more about that animal.