Middle School Ministry

Vision for Middle School Ministry

To provide students with the knowledge needed to “grow up” into their faith by learning why we believe what we believe. This is engaged through study, conversation, and asking important questions so they can have the tools needed to begin engaging their faith in the world and be prepared to participate as adult members of the congregation.

Grades 6 – 8

All students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades are welcome to join our Confirmation class. The Confirmation program is designed to meet many of the intellectual, social, and spiritual needs of our middle school students at St. Andrew. Through large group instruction, one to one interaction, service opportunities, and worship engagement experiences, students grow in their relationships with God, one another, and God’s creation. They learn about Evangelical Lutheran theology and practice, and are motivated for ministry and mission.

Confirmation students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one retreat per year and at least one week of Confirmation Camp during the three-year program. By interacting with their peers and caring adults, students explore questions of faith and life in a challenging but safe, supportive atmosphere. Other highlights of our program are the annual Super Bible Bowl, during which students match wits with our church council, and a worship service that is planned and led by the students. 

We follow a three-year cycle of classes: Old Testament, New Testament, and Lutheran history, living, and Luther’s Small Catechism. This year’s focus will primarily be on Lutheran History and Catechism, along with St. Andrew’s Core Values, Mission Statement, and Vision Statement. Teachers will draw from a variety of sources to engage students in exploring each of these areas through the lenses of the past, present, and future. Our primary source is the coLaborate curriculum, published by Augsburg Fortress. At the end of the three-year program, students have the opportunity to affirm their baptism and to receive the renewed commitment of the congregation at large to walk with them on their continuing faith journey.

Students are welcome to join us at any point along the way. We strive for an interactive, lively conversation. Please feel free to come and try out a class. Contact one of our teachers for more information: Pat Christiansen, Allison Katsufrakis, Lynn Santelmann, or Randy Sinn.