Monday, January 13, 2025
Asian Persuasion
Parish Nurse Tira Nesset launched this year’s Nourishing Conversations on Monday, January 6, with vegan lasagna, salads, and snicker doodles. Many of the 29 people who gathered went back to the buffet line for seconds—a definite tribute to the appeal of the purely vegan meal! Remember to sign up in the Narthex if you plan to attend Nourishing Conversations on Monday, January 13, when Tira will introduce us to some “Asian Persuasion.” We’ll learn to make Chinese dumplings and enjoy other tastes from the Orient. In addition, Tira has invited Dr. Siatar Dunbar, a direct primary care physician, to join us. Like Tira, Dr. Dunbar is Lifestyle Medicine-certified. It appears there’s a growing interest in making our meals from the plant kingdom, something that is good for both people and the planet. Nourishing Conversations is not your normal Sunday morning Adult Education class. People begin gathering in the kitchen and Fellowship Hall about 5:00 pm to set the tables, chop a bounty of vegetables, and get to know each other. If you’re unable to arrive that early, that’s not a problem. Nearing 6:00 pm, we join hands to sing the table blessing and then we eat and talk together. Participants are expected to stick around to assist with cleanup afterwards, providing even more time for fellowship. Later in the month, Tira promises to share tips and tricks on how to convert our favorite recipes to vegan versions.