June 27, 2021
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Getting Ready to Worship Together
As we prepare to return to in-person worship on July 4, perhaps you’ve been thinking about the role you might play in the services. Interested in reading the scriptures? Offering the prayers of the people? Serving communion, or lighting the candles?
These are all roles handled by volunteers from the St. Andrew community, and you are invited to participate! No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.
Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at allisonk@standrewlutheran.com if you have questions or would like to volunteer.
Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, June 30, for social time at 6:45 pm and service at 7:00 pm, when our meditation will come from The Journal of John Woolman on the theme, “Breaking the Yoke of Oppression.” Centering Prayer follows at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at mid-day on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.
Earth Camp Needs “Shadows”

The Earth Camp team needs a couple more people to volunteer as “Shadows” for camp week, July 12-16. The camp will consist of five groups of seven kids, with each group accompanied by two youth “Guides.” The Shadow’s role is to be an adult presence with one of the five groups throughout the week. It’s the easiest volunteer role in Earth Camp! If you’d like to volunteer or have questions about this opportunity, please contact the camp’s program director, Kyler Vogt:
Wisdom Calls

Hear stories from some of Oregon’s first ordained women, including Pastor Susan Kintner and Pastor Robyn Hartwig, at 7:00 pm on Saturdaym, June 26, during the second session of Wisdom Calls.
Click on the link below to register to receive the Zoom link:
Job Opening for Office Assistant
St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time office assistant to act as a first point of contact with the congregation and the general public. The person will manage building use and church calendars, scheduling both in-person and Zoom meetings; perform routine data entry, report creation, and updating of databases; proofread both online and print materials; order office, cleaning, and worship supplies; assemble mailings; and print bulletins, as well as support ministry coordinators and the staff.
We’re looking for someone proficient with Microsoft Office applications and the ability to learn new software when required; a person with a positive attitude and excellent interpersonal skills; someone who can organize, set priorities, and exercise sound independent judgment; a person who pays attention to detail and is willing to coordinate multiple projects and respond to changing priorities. Demonstrated competencies in database entry, proofreading, and time management are required.
The person will work 21 hours per week, 8:30 am-4:00 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. For more information, go to
Applications should be submitted electronically to the church office (office@standrewlutheran.com) or mailed to St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, OR 97005, Attn: Carol Harker, by July 1.
Grunewald Guild Class Registration
Registration is now open for summer classes at the Grunewald Guild. A faith community fostering art and creativity along the banks of the Wenatchee River in Washington, the Grunewald Guild is offering a variety of intriguing classes in July, August, and September. Whether you’d like to explore journal making, songwriting, word collage with calligraphy, ceramics, writing, jewelry making and repair, extravagant beadwork, weaving, photography, or other arts, the Guild has a curriculum to nourish your soul and renew your spirit. One class title, “Hand Embroidery: Sinking into Slowness,” reveals the character of this community, which invites makers—whether absolute newcomers or experienced craftspeople—to slow their pace and consider how the process of creation itself can be a grounding force. To learn more, go to: https://grunewald.com/summer-program-2021/.
Want to Spend Some Dollars?

We’re talking about Thrivent Choice Dollars. You do not need to be a Thrivent member to help identify St. Andrew activities that might benefit from extra funds. Interested? We will meet on Sunday, July 18, in Fellowship Hall at (or before) 10:00 am to learn more about Choice Dollars. Many of us don’t know much about this and now we have a chance to learn, ask questions, and help discern what we would like to support in the next 12 months.
We missed having meetings since 2018 but the money has come in each year and has recently been sent to the ministries designated in 2018 to receive them. We will review past decisions as we prepare to choose where we want to go from here. The more input, the better we can consider how to best use money coming in the next 12 months.
Thrivent members who are designating choice dollars will have the opportunity to vote on suggestions at this meeting. Please join us to determine how to spend those dollars on behalf of St. Andrew ministries.
Oceanspray in Bloom

Pacific Northwest native shrub Oceanspray, currently blooming near the garden shed, is looking spectacular this June. Don Nearhood snapped a photo earlier in the week of the plant also known as ironwood or creambush.
Nifty Notters
The Nifty Notters will NOT be meeting on July 3, but all are welcome to join us Saturday, July 17, from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm in Fellowship Hall to work on baby quilts for Virginia Garcia Clinic and larger quilts for LWR and Safeplace. All supplies are provided and no experience is needed. Bring a lunch and join us for all or part of the time. If you can’t come on Saturday, we have many cutting and sewing/tying projects that can be done at home. If you have questions, please contact Mary Brown at 503-439-3917 or Pam Farr at 503-626-6657.
Implementation of New St. Andrew Social Media Policy
The St. Andrew social media policy directs that the church primarily rely on email, the official Facebook page, and the website for official communication. The use of group sites owned or managed by St. Andrew should be minimized and limited to focused groups with a well-defined range of subject matter (e.g., youth or education groups). These groups must be administered and managed by church staff or supervised volunteers and must be accessible to anyone who wishes to participate. The creation and/or management of open forum Facebook groups by St. Andrew Lutheran Church is not authorized under these current guidelines.

Look for an increase in posts on the St Andrew Lutheran Church Facebook page by church staff, the communications team, and official St. Andrew groups, as well as increased synergy with the updated content on the St. Andrew website. Facebook will be used as an “on-demand” quick communication tool, while the website will be used as a portal to a wealth of church, spiritual, and related information. The policy recognizes that the “new post-COVID-19 normal” means that access to, and participation in, electronic worship and other activities at St. Andrew Lutheran Church must be considered one of the “privileges of membership” as noted in Chapter 15, section 5, of the Constitution of St. Andrew Lutheran Church ELCA.
St Andrew Lutheran Church generally has a positive view towards creating or contributing to personal websites, blogs, social networks, message boards, virtual worlds, and other kinds of social media. Participation by members of St. Andrew Lutheran Church and the general public in these open forums is a matter of individual choice and an exercise in free speech. As such, they are independent of St. Andrew Lutheran Church and are not subject to control, monitoring, or mediation by the Church.
The St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton Facebook group has been a place for members and friends to reflect on their faith for almost 12 years. It serves as a place for “member care” and as a “fellowship” group where people can post reflections, event images and videos, and questions for member response. This group has had a positive impact on communication within the church and it is an important adjunct to the official St. Andrew page. As part of this formal policy, look for the private group to be renamed “Fellowship of St Andrew Lutheran Beaverton” to emphasize the fact that this is an independent group that is not officially owned by the church.
We are also working with the moderators to have the site display an appropriate disclaimer of its independence and that all appropriate Facebook tools be utilized to encourage members to comply with recommended rules, guidelines, and policies for postings made on the site (see next page). The policy strongly recommends that St. Andrew staff and volunteer leaders do NOT participate as moderators or mediators for this private group. As an independent site, members have the right to exercise free speech in their postings, in the same way that they can write letters to newspapers, or post to other blogs and sites. Recognizing that misunderstandings may sometimes occur, the moderators and voluntary members of this group are encouraged to follow the same Matthew 18:15-17 process for reconciliation that is contained in the St. Andrew Constitution.
Tom Mehlhorn, Chair
Communications Team
Your Congregational Council for 2021/2022
Members of St. Andrew’s Congregational Council have been duly elected, have selected officers for the coming year, and are ready to serve the congregation. If you have concerns, questions, or ideas, please feel free to reach out to these lay leaders of the congregation:
President Scott Taylor
Vice President John Reiser
Secretary Tim Duggan

Council Roster for 2021-2022
Gretchen Bancroft
Tim Duggan
Laura Geczy-Haskins
Dwight Jerde
Becky Lamboley
Maria Navarre
Diane Reiner
John Reiser
Rachel Roberts
Barton Robison
Jeff Smith
Scott Taylor
Gretchen Bancroft
Joel Johnson
Linda Sah Olshausen
Financial Secretaries
Brian Cheney
Tammy Piscitelli
Tracie Semenchalam
According to the Constitution adopted by St. Andrew in 2014, the Council:
· shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
· shall be responsible for the financial and property matters of this congregation
The Bylaws adopted in 2015 clarify the duties of:
· keep the books of account of the congregation
· receive records of receipts from the financial secretaries
· disburse funds
· communicate monthly to the Council on the monetary status of the church
· serve as members of the Finance Committee
Financial Secretaries
· receive and record income from contributing members and other sources
· ensure all receipts are disbursed to the appropriate funds
· prepare a report of individual giving at the close of the year
· serve as members of the Finance Committee
Camp Lutherwood Is Hiring
June 23-August 17
Starting Salary for Summer: $2,890
Deepen your faith and sense of adventure while growing personally and professionally. Visit Camp Lutherwood online to learn more: www.lutherwoodoregon.org/employment. If you have questions, please contact the camp office for more information. Call 541-998-6444 or email jobs@lutherwoodoregon.org.

In Need of Prayers…
If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.
Family and friends of Gary Howard | Peace and God’s comfort at his death | Deb Howard |
Family and friends of Bobby Larson’s mother | Peace and God’s comfort at her death | Bobbie Larson |
Family and friends of Carol Grover | Peace and God’s comfort at her death | Nan Thompson |
Family and friends of Al Miles (cousin) | Peace and God’s comfort at his death | Mary Brown |
Family and friends of Howard Black (Dan’s friend) | Peace and God’s comfort at his death | Dan & Sharon Fako |
Family and friends of Chuck Hinton (relative) | Peace and God’s comfort at his death | Dan & Sharon Fako0 |
Family and friends of Charles Covington | Peace and God’s comfort at his death | Gordon Teifel |
Ann Landmark (cousin) | Compassionate care as she enters hospice | Bev Briggs |
Nan Thompson | Acceptance and strength | Nan Thompson |
Gary Grafwallner | Healing of his left eye from Bell’s palsy | Gary Grafwallner |
Carol Means | Effective treatment | Staff |
Dan Fako | Pain relief | Sharon Fako |
Marlene Maxwell | Continued healing | Bruce Maxwell |
Mary Brown | Successful knee replacement surgery (June 30) | Bob & Mary Brown |
Susan Reiser | Successful knee replacement surgery (June 30) | John & Susan Reiser |
Everyone affected by COVID-19 | Strength and support | Staff |
Those impacted by racial injustice | Care in times of pain, violence, and crisis | Staff |
Those facing ongoing illness or distress | Healing and assurance of God’s presence Tandy Brooks, Dave Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Ian MacDonald, Gary Magnuson, Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs | Staff |
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton | Wisdom and discernment | Staff |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | Blessings on our ministry | Staff |
Taiwan Lutheran Church | Strength and wisdom | Staff |
King of Kings Lutheran Church (Milwaukie, OR) Milwaukie Lutheran Church (Milwaukie, OR) Prince of Life Lutheran (Oregon City, OR) Zion Lutheran Church (Oregon City, OR) | Serving with us in the Oregon Synod | Staff |
Congregation Ahavath Achim (Portland, OR) | Blessings on our interfaith partners | Staff |
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer | Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud | Everyone |
Preparing for Sunday, July 4, 2021
Reading: Ezekiel 2:1-5
Gospel: Mark 6:1-13

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.
Highlights for the Week
Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Sunday, June 27
8:30 am | Livestream Worship with Communion | YouTube |
9:30 am | Virtual Coffee Time | Zoom |
11:00 am | Zoom Worship with Communion | Zoom |
12:00 pm | Virtual Coffee Time | Zoom |
12:30 pm | Earth Camp Leadership Meeting | Zoom |
Monday, June 28
6:00 pm | Troop 618 Meeting | east parking lot |
Tuesday, June 29
7:30 am | Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study | Elmer’s Restaurant at 158th |
7:30 am | Women’s Sunrise Spirituality Group | Elmer’s Restaurant at 158th |
10:00 am | T’ai Chi | Fellowship Hall |
10:00 am | Worship Planners Meeting Meeting | Library |
7:00 pm | Adult Education Team Meeting | Library7 |
Wednesday, June 30 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm
6:45 pm | Informal Gathering Time | Zoom |
7:00 pm | Wednesday Evening Prayer | Zoom |
7:30 pm | Centering Prayer | Zoom |
Thursday, July 1
12:00 pm | Team Ministry Meeting | Chapel/Library |
3:00 pm | Communications Team Meeting | Zoom |
7:00 pm | Executive Committee (Council) Meeting | Zoom |
Friday, July 2
10:00 am | T’ai Chi | Fellowship Hall |
Sunday, July 4
8:30 am | Worship with Communion Livestream Worship with Communion | Sanctuary YouTube |
9:30 am | Virtual Coffee Time | Zoom |
11:00 am | Worship with Communion Zoom Worship with Communion | Sanctuary of the Firs Zoom |
12:00 pm | Virtual Coffee Time | Zoom |
Connecting to Worship
8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or watch the livestream of worship on YouTube.
- The same link will bring you to the recording of the service to watch anytime after the livestream ends.
- An audio recording of the 8:30 am service will be available Sunday afternoon by simply dialing 503-643-9416.
11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or participate in worship via Zoom
The link will be sent via email and by notification from the church app.
- To participate via Zoom, you can use a smart phone, computer, tablet, or a telephone.
- To participate in “Virtual Coffee Time” simply log in early or stay logged in after the Zoom worship service ends.
Not getting church emails? Click on the green button below to contact the church office to recieve the livestream worship link and zoom invitations.
Need Help? If you discover that you need help connecting to St. Andrew’s online worship services and meetings, please email Rebecca Fako Uecker. She will be available by 9:30 am on most Sunday mornings and 5:30 pm on most Wednesday evenings to provide same-day help for church-related purposes.
Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!
We thank you for your support of the ministries of St. Andrew. If you are able, please give now using any of the following options:
Postal Mail: Simply mail a check to the church office. Let us know if you’d like giving envelope mailed to your home each month by contacting the church office.
Text Giving: Simply text any amount to 503-386-9646 to donate to the Ministry & Mission Fund. To donate to another fund, text keyword to get a list of funds, then type the dollar amount and fund name to give. For example, to give to the local food bank, text 50 food to give $50 for food.
Give via Church App: Download “Church by MinistryOne” from the App store and watch sermons, submit prayer requests, and give a one-time or recurring gift.
Give Online: On the St. Andrew website, click on “Give” at the top of the page. Here you can view your giving, set recurring gifts.
Direct Deposit / “Simply Giving:” Request a form from the church office to enable automated giving from your checking or savings account through the “Simply Giving” program.
Stock Donation: Download the form to donate stock. Please contact our Financial Secretaries in advance of processing the form or if you have questions.
Thank you for supporting the ministries of St. Andrew!