February 14, 2021

Super Bible Bowl: FEUD!

The Super Bible Bowl returns to St. Andrew on Sunday, February 14, at 10:00 am! This year, the Bowl will be fully digital, hosted via Zoom during the normal Christian Education hour. But, the virtual nature of the event isn’t all that is new this year: instead of the usual “Jeopardy” format, this year the battle between council and confirmands will take the shape of the popular game show “Family Feud.” We hope you will join us to cheer on the contestants!

Ash Wednesday

Since worship continues to be online and therefore none of us need to worry about driving at night, this year St. Andrew is going to have just one Ash Wednesday service: at 7:00 pm on February 17. You’ll receive the Zoom link to access worship earlier that day.

If you would like to have ashes available for the imposition of ashes—self-administered, of course—you may pick up a small bag from the box to the left of the front entrance doors at St. Andrew. Please e-mail Allison Katsufrakis if you’re unable to come to the church and she will deliver ashes to you.

Centering Prayer will follow the Ash Wednesday worship service
for all who are interested.

Adult Education: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches

Sunday, February 21, 10:00 am
From the most humble chapel to the great cathedrals of Europe, churches are places to hear the Word of God and worship together, at least when there isn’t a pandemic raging. Beyond the utilitarian function, every church has stories and a history, and most contain art and are places for the performance of the arts. Many church buildings are masterpieces of art and craftsmanship themselves.

In this class we’ll look at some of my favorite places of Christian worship and appreciate their history, architecture, and the artwork they contain. I’m a bit of a Europhile, so we’ll be paying special attention to churches, chapels, and cathedrals in Europe. In these days of restricted travel, it is the perfect time to pack our virtual bags and set out together to visit some of the most interesting and beautiful places of worship.

Paul Navarre

participate via Zoom

Looking at Lent Through Poetry

Those familiar with Mary Oliver’s poetry will recognize her instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

The word “Lent” comes from an old English word for “lengthen,” and refers
to the lengthening of those long-anticipated days of spring. With both the cross and the empty tomb approaching, the church prepares itself with 40 days of fasting and reflection, all for the sake of more fully celebrating Easter’s song of spring when it comes.

And so if Lent is about lengthening light, it’s also about broadening our hearts and preparing the way, making room for careful attention to what matters most. As the poet Mary Oliver puts it, living well involves attention, astonishment, and testimony—and poetry itself can be a great help along the way. The best poems can help us notice the world, attuning our eyes and ears to wonders we might otherwise overlook, and inspiring us to share what we find.

The words of scripture and the poetry of Mary Oliver will be our guide in a Lenten devotional this year. Each week, biblical texts and Mary Oliver’s poems illumine each other, pointing toward simple, powerful practices you can try yourself and with your family or friends.

Week by week, we’ll travel a Lenten journey together toward Easter morning—and thereby do our part, in a world so full of shadows, to help lengthen the light and welcome the joy of God’s spring.

Taking America Back for God

Our own ELCA presiding bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, participated with Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry and others in an online forum, Democracy and Faith Under Siege: Responding to Christian Nationalism, on January 27. Dr. Andrew Whitehead offered a clear summary of Christian Nationalism from his new book, Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. The recording of the presentation and other compelling resources for confronting Christian Nationalism are at
the following links:

https://bjconline.org and
https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/ and

2020 Giving Statements

2020 giving statements are ready. Go to the Give page of the church website to download and print your statement from your InFellowship account. We advise you to check it carefully against your own records; if you see any discrepancies, please contact the church office or Financial Secretaries.

Please note that statements will be mailed out only upon special request.
If you need a statement mailed to you, please contact the Financial Secretaries or the church office (503-646-0629).

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.


It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don’t try
to make them elaborate, this isn’t
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

© Mary Oliver
From Thirst: Poems

Preparing for Next Sunday
February 21, 2021

Reading: Genesis 9:8-17
Gospel: Mark 1:9-15

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen Reboot

Last summer, the St. Andrew MACG Core Team organized a listening campaign, encouraging members to make phone calls to people we missed seeing at church. Now that this unusual holiday season has arrived, and the colder weather prevents outdoor gatherings, it’s time to check in once again. Who are you wondering about? Who would you like to check in with?

We encourage you to make contacts by phone, email, or by writing a note or sending a card. And then, please let us know what you found out.

To sign up to contact someone, please click on this link.

To give feedback about your contact, please click on this link.

Questions? Please contact Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, Victoria Kovalenko, Lynn Santelmann, or Pastor Robyn. And thank you for keeping our community together and strong.

MACG Core Team

Table Talk: Are We a Nation of Child Abusers?

Gathered around the table in his home, Martin Luther talked freely and openly with his colleagues and students about matters of faith, theology, and varied aspects of daily life. In an effort to cultivate this kind of spirited discussion we have a tradition at St. Andrew of gathering for Table Talks. Though we cannot gather in person, Pastor Brocker invites you to participate in the next Table Talk via Zoom on Thursday, February 25, 7:00-8:00 pm.

In a February 3, 2021, opinion piece in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristoff asserts that “We Are a Nation of Child Abusers.” He notes that for a long time the United States has had “one of the highest rates of child poverty in the advanced world.” The coronavirus pandemic has aggravated the suffering of children in our nation. He points out that when Jesus says in Matthew 19:14 “suffer the little children” he is absolutely not implying that “the little children shall suffer.” In Kristoff’s view the elements in the $1.9 trillion dollar American Rescue Plan addressing child poverty are historic. Child poverty could be cut in half. By the time we gather for this Table Talk, the American Rescue Plan will likely have been enacted in some form. We will have a chance to reflect on Kristoff’s provocative editorial and the American Rescue Plan. We will also reflect on how the pandemic has impacted children and youth in our nation.

In preparation for this Table Talk I encourage you to read Kristoff’s editorial.

In Need of Prayers…

Family and friends of Mildred Leppert (sister-in-law) Peace and God’s comfort at her death Judy Heidinger
Nan Thompson Continued good spirit on her journey through cancer Nan Thompson
Mary Brown Accurate diagnosis and successful treatment Bob & Mary Brown
Amy Effective treatment; comfort for her husband Chris Bob & Judy Scholz
Carol Adkison (Mary’s sister) Correct diagnosis and treatment Bob & Mary Brown
Fran Miller Healing and recovery from knee replacement Fran Miller
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
St. Andrew Council & Executive Committee
Wisdom and discernment Staff
St. Andrew Foundation Blessings on their ministry Staff
Karen Klingelhafer, Kyler Vogt, and all seminarians
India Jensen Kerr and all theology students
Encouragement and support Staff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami Reyna Courage and protection Staff
Community of Christ (Hillsboro, OR)
Trinity Lutheran Church (McMinnville, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Masjid Abu Bakr (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Spirituality Book Group News

The Spirituality Book Group will meet on Zoom to discuss Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, on February 21. The book is a series of vignettes that combine Nature, Poetic Imagery, and Indigenous Lore.

An Amazon reviewer wrote that “Reading this book has reminded me to cultivate my love for the Earth in ways that my daughters can participate in, and to recognize the relationship between people and nature as a two- way street. We do not simply destroy or protect nature—we evolved in direct relationship with plants, and plants evolved in direct relationship with us.”

Time/Place: Sunday, February 21, at 3:00 pm via Zoom
Discussion Leader: Kristin Sacks

The Zoom link will be sent out to all those on the Spirituality
Book Group e-mail list a few days before the meeting. All are
welcome. If you would like the Zoom link, contact Mary Smith.

Future Reading:
March 21, A Long Petal of the Sea, by Isabel Allende
April 18, The Moment of Lift, by Melinda Gates
May 17, This Tender Land, by William Kent Krueger
June 13, Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson
July 18, The Murmur of Bees, by Sofia Segovia

Happy reading! May 2021 be a better and brighter year, filled
with hope and also, of course, filled with good reading!

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762

February Movie Night

Since February is Black History Month, we will discuss Loving, a dramatization of the U.S. Supreme Court decision: Loving v Virginia. This was a 1967 landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court struck down state laws which prohibited interracial marriages. It is also a love story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple whose only “crime” was that they wanted to get married.

You can stream Loving on Netflix, then meet with us via Zoom on Friday, February 26, at 7:00 pm. Plan to bring out the popcorn and gather around your computer screens as we talk about what we liked (and didn’t like) about this month’s movie.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this Movie Night in Carol’s “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, February 26. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Smith.

Woodland Plantings

The people at Clean Water Services in Washington County took advantage of some pleasant days recently to plant more than 1,000 bare-root plants in St. Andrew’s wetland and woods. If everything grows well and flourishes, we will have 50 additional Oregon white oaks, as well as 50 Ponderosa pines, 50 grand firs, 50 Oregon ash, and 100 red alders. That’s a lot of trees.

In addition, 50 vine maples, 50 Indian plums, 50 mock orange, 50 red-osier dogwood, and 50 each of thimbleberry, blue elderberry, red elderberry, Douglas spirea, snowberry, oceanspray, and tall Oregon grape were added.

We were supposed to get just 50 skunk cabbage, too, but “lucked out” when the team discovered they had extra to share, so they actually planted 600 on our property. We’ll soon discover if the plant is as stinky as it sounds.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, February 14, Transfiguration of Our Lord

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Super Bible Bowl “Family Fued” Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Tuesday, February 16

10:00 am Worship Planners Meeting Zoom
10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Wednesday, February 17 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

5:45 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service Zoom
7:00 pm High School Youth Game Night Zoom
8:00 pm Centering Prayer Zoom

Thursday, February 18

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Council Meeting Zoom

Friday, February 12

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, February 21: First Sunday of Lent

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

February 7, 2021

Godspeed, Pastor Robyn

This Sunday, February 7, we gratefully acknowledge the many ways that Pastor Robyn Hartwig has served our community in her 12 years of ministry as our associate pastor. It will be a bittersweet day when she steps behind the pulpit to deliver her last sermon at St. Andrew and, because of ongoing pandemic protocols, we will have to experience that from our homes.

Ironically, a snowstorm prevented Pastor Robyn from preaching to a full sanctuary when she joined St. Andrew. Rick LeRoy jerry-rigged the electronics so that her first sermon was shared with the congregation electronically, too.

St. Andrew has come a long way since 2009, and much of that is due to Robyn’s ministry. Her leadership with caring ministries, the spiritual care she has extended to so many suffering souls, and her advocacy for Earth Care and Racial Justice are noteworthy. And her efforts to present accessible opportunities for special groups, such as young adults and families with young children, led to ministries such as Spirituality on Tap and Oh, Baby!

Although Pastor Robyn is moving on to a new stage in her ministry, her impact will be felt here at St. Andrew for a long time.

Dear People of St. Andrew,

I look forward to the opportunity to preach this Sunday, February 7, as a I join you in worship for my final Sunday at St. Andrew. Following the 11:00 am Zoom worship service, I will hang out in a Zoom breakout room where Rebecca Uecker can usher people in and out who may want to say a personal five-minute goodbye.

I will then have two days dedicated to finishing up administrative tasks for St. Andrew and meeting with key leaders like Pastor Mark, Pastor Susan, and the personnel committee. My very last act of ministry will be to lead Wednesday Evening Prayer by Zoom on February 10 at 7:00 pm and join the Centering Prayer group led by Ginny Link and Mary Smith that follows immediately afterwards from 7:30 to 8:00 pm.

In this Sunday’s Gospel lesson from Mark 1:29-39, Jesus heads out to a deserted place to pray before he moves from one village to another. In doing so, he gives all of us a wonderful model of the importance of making time to pray on our own. How appropriate that my final act of ministry will be to sit with many of you in 20 minutes of silent prayer. Feel free to join us for these Wednesday evening face-to-face opportunities on Zoom and you might find you enjoy them so much that you want to come back the following week too!

With a heart full of gratitude,
Pastor Robyn

Super Bible Bowl: FEUD!

The Super Bible Bowl returns to St. Andrew on Sunday, February 14, at 10:00 am! This year, the Bowl will be fully digital, hosted via Zoom during the normal Christian Education hour. But, the virtual nature of the event isn’t all that is new this year: instead of the usual “Jeopardy” format, this year the battle between council and confirmands will take the shape of the popular game show “Family Feud.” We hope you will join us to cheer on the contestants!

Adult Education: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches

Sunday, February 21, 10:00 am
From the most humble chapel to the great cathedrals of Europe, churches are places to hear the Word of God and worship together, at least when there isn’t a pandemic raging. Beyond the utilitarian function, every church has stories and a history, and most contain art and are places for the performance of the arts. Many church buildings are masterpieces of art and craftsmanship themselves.

In this class we’ll look at some of my favorite places of Christian worship and appreciate their history, architecture, and the artwork they contain. I’m a bit of a Europhile, so we’ll be paying special attention to churches, chapels, and cathedrals in Europe. In these days of restricted travel, it is the perfect time to pack our virtual bags and set out together to visit some of the most interesting and beautiful places of worship.

Paul Navarre

participate via Zoom

Taking America Back for God

Our own ELCA presiding bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, participated with Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry and others in an online forum, Democracy and Faith Under Siege: Responding to Christian Nationalism, on January 27. Dr. Andrew Whitehead offered a clear summary of Christian Nationalism from his new book, Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. The recording of the presentation and other compelling resources for confronting Christian Nationalism are at
the following links:

https://bjconline.org and
https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/ and

Job Openings in Online Worship Production

St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time audio tech and part-time video tech to distribute online worship using YouTube livestream and Zoom. These two individuals will ensure everything is ready to go prior to each service, manage mics and audio or manage cameras and graphics, and ensure the congregation is receiving the feed. Experience in sound boards or videography is required. Worship production involves more than hitting play and walking away. These two people will stay onsite throughout services and troubleshoot when needed. To learn more about specific qualifications needed and compensation offered, please go to:


Positions will be open until filled. Application review begins in
early February.

2020 Giving Statements

Your 2020 giving statements are available. Go to the Give page of the church website to download and print your statement from your InFellowship account.

Please note that statements will be mailed out only upon special request.
If you need a statement mailed to you, please contact the Financial Secretaries or the church office (503-646-0629).

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Zoom gatherings continue every Wednesday evening for fellowship, worship, and prayer. You are welcome to participate in any or all of the following:

6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time
7:00 pm Prayer Service
7:30 pm Centering Prayer

Watch for the Zoom link to arrive in your inbox mid-day on Wednesdays.

Preparing for Next Sunday

February 14, 2021

Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12
Gospel: Mark 9:2-9

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen Reboot

Last summer, the St. Andrew MACG Core Team organized a listening campaign, encouraging members to make phone calls to people we missed seeing at church. Now that this unusual holiday season has arrived, and the colder weather prevents outdoor gatherings, it’s time to check in once again. Who are you wondering about? Who would you like to check in with?

We encourage you to make contacts by phone, email, or by writing a note or sending a card. And then, please let us know what you found out.

To sign up to contact someone, please click on this link.

To give feedback about your contact, please click on this link.

Questions? Please contact Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, Victoria Kovalenko, Lynn Santelmann, or Pastor Robyn. And thank you for keeping our community together and strong.

MACG Core Team

Preparing for Lent

The church season of Lent leads us from a cross of ashes that reminds us of our bodily mortality to a cross of crucifixion that carries God’s promise of resurrection.

In the intervening 40 days, we wait, pondering our own imperfect lives and yearning to create a new vision for living. What is the Holy One calling us to do? Just as Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, weare tested to relinquish something and regain self-control. Many people ask, “What are you giving up for Lent?”

At St. Andrew, we traditionally display a wooden cross, where we each can insert a nail to acknowledge our own sin. Because Lent is a time for providing for the needs of others and for self-denial, we launch an ambitious food drive.

But Lent is just as much a time for renewal. As we anticipate the crucifixion and Christ’s resurrection, we are invited to renew our relationship with God. We pray, longing for guidance. We seek to know better what God wants us to do in the world.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls this year on February 17.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.
Psalm 130:5-6

In Need of Prayers…

Nan Thompson Continued good spirit on her journey through cancer Nan Thompson
Mary Brown Successful treatment and recovery Bob & Mary Brown
Amy Effective treatment; comfort for her husband Chris Bob & Judy Scholz
Carol Adkison (Mary’s sister) Correct diagnosis and treatment Bob & Mary Brown
Kim Oyen (sister-in-law) Comfort and healing Chris Bekemeier
Linda Wick (sister) Pain relief and healing Donna McAlpine
Fran Miller Healing and recovery from knee replacement Fran Miller
Mildred Leppert (sister-in-law) Healing and recovery from a severe heart attack Judy Heidinger
Gary Grafwallner Healing and recovery Gary Grafwallner
Scott Staul Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Lisa Staul
LuAnn Staul Complete recovery from COVID-19 LuAnn Staul
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Pastor Robyn Hartwig Thanksgiving for her ministry and blessings for her and the people of Spirit of Grace Everyone!
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar
Oregon Synod and Staff
Strength and wisdom Staff
Refugees and immigrants Acceptance, safety, and just treatment Staff
The homeless in our communities and country Comfort, hope, and shelter Staff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami Reyna Courage and protection Staff
Emanuel Lutheran Church (Cornelius, OR)
Calvary Lutheran Church (Hillsboro, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Congregation Chabad (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.

Thank You!

Dear Friends,
Thank you for the prayers of concern and for healing and wellness for the Staul family. Scott, Lisa, and Henry are recovered
and I am doing much better.

LuAnn Staul

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, February 7, Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
9:45 am Pastor Robyn’s Final Sunday Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Monday, February 8

7:00 pm Men’s Book Club Zoom

Tuesday, February 9

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
1:30 pm Service Committee Meeting Zoom
6:00 pm HR Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Finance Team Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, February 10 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

10:00 am Reopening Committee Meeting Zoom
6:00 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Zoom
7:00 pm High School Youth Game Night Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer Zoom

Thursday, February 11

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Website Review Meeting Zoom

Friday, February 12

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, February 14: Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Super Bible Bowl “Family Feud” Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

January 31, 2021

Offertory Hymn from 1/24/2021

Due to technical difficulties the offertory hymn sung by Lee Anne Knapp was not streamed on Sunday the 24th of January. Please enjoy now!

Giving Statements for 2020

Your 2020 giving statements are available. Go to the Give page of the church website to download and print your statement from your InFellowship account.

Please note that statements will be mailed out only upon special request after January 20. If you need a statement mailed to you, please contact the Financial Secretaries or the church office (503-646-0629).

The St. Andrew Finance Team

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Zoom gatherings continue every Wednesday evening for fellowship, worship, and prayer. You are welcome to participate in any or all of the following:

6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time
7:00 pm Prayer Service
7:30 pm Centering Prayer

Watch for the Zoom link to arrive in your inbox mid-day on Wednesdays.

Bread for the Day and Daily Texts Available

The 2021 edition of Daily Texts, Bible texts selected annually by the Moravian Church and shared worldwide since 1731, are now available, as are copies of Bread for the Day, a book of Bible readings and prayers published by Augsburg Fortress. A donation of $9.00 is suggested to defray the cost of each book.

If you’d like one or more copies, please contact the church office via email or call 503-646-0629.

Pastor Robyn’s “Outside Hours”

Pastor Robyn is offering weekly opportunities for anyone wanting to meet with her outdoors under the front door overhang at St. Andrew until her final Sunday with St. Andrew on February 7. Feel free to stop by anytime during these “outside hours” for some conversation or to share a prayer. This week’s opportunities include Sunday, January 24 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Thursday, January 28 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm, and Sunday, January 31 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm.

A brief communion service will be offered at ten minutes before the end of each hour for anybody who desires to participate. Pastor Robyn will provide pre-filled personalized sealed communion cups and wafers.

You can also set up a different time to meet with Pastor Robyn outside at the church or outside at your own home. To schedule a different time, please contact her by January 21st via email or 503-646-0629, ext. 211.

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.

Adult Education:
The Gospel of Mark

Sunday, January 31, 10:00 am

Jim Aageson concludes his study of Mark, where the first are last and those closest to Jesus are filled with fear rather than faith. In God’s kingdom, things are upside down

participate via Zoom

Super Bible Bowl: FEUD!

The Super Bible Bowl returns to St. Andrew on Sunday, February 14, at 10:00 am! This year, the Bowl will be fully digital, hosted via Zoom during the normal Christian Education hour. But, the virtual nature of the event isn’t all that is new this year: instead of the usual “Jeopardy” format, this year the battle between council and confirmands will take the shape of the popular game show “Family Feud.” We hope you will join us to cheer on the contestants!

Job Openings in Online Worship Production

St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time audio tech and part-time video tech to distribute online worship using YouTube livestream and Zoom. These two individuals will ensure everything is ready to go prior to each service, manage mics and audio or manage cameras and graphics, and ensure the congregation is receiving the feed. Experience in sound boards or videography is required. Worship production involves more than hitting play and walking away. These two people will stay onsite throughout services and troubleshoot when needed. To learn more about specific qualifications needed and compensation offered, please go to:


Positions will be open until filled. Application review begins in
early February.

Community Warehouse

Each January, St. Andrew has donated barrel loads of household goods to the nonprofit agency Community Warehouse, which furnishes needed furniture and appliances, etc. to families just moving into stable housing. The organization provides almost everything needed to start housekeeping to families graduating from Family Promise, whose families St. Andrew has hosted.

Due to the pandemic, we cannot accept items in our building and the agency is not picking up donations as it did earlier.

If you would like to donate money to this worthwhile agency, you can write a check to St. Andrew Lutheran and indicate “Service Committee —Warehouse” on the memo line. $40 provides a desk and chair to a child, while $400 provides the comforts of home for one family.

Thanks for your consideration.

Fran Miller
for the Service Committee

P.S. If you wish to personally deliver donated items, the Community Warehouse located at 8380 NW Nyberg St in Tualatin continues to accept donations on Monday-Saturday, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm. If you have questions, call them at 503-447-2147. The Community Warehouse at 3969 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd in Portland is also accepting drop-off donations, Monday-Friday. You may call their office at 503 235-8786.

Donations should be gently used or new, safe, clean, functional, and in ready-to-use condition with all parts assembled. Mattresses must be free of stains, tears, and pet hair/odors. Items must be from non-smoking households.

Generally these offerings are accepted: small appliances, kitchenware, furniture that is not too heavy, and linens. Staff may decline to accept some furnishings.

Preparing for Next Sunday

February 7, 2021

Reading: Isaiah 40:21-31
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen Reboot

Last summer, the St. Andrew MACG Core Team organized a listening campaign, encouraging members to make phone calls to people we missed seeing at church. Now that this unusual holiday season has arrived, and the colder weather prevents outdoor gatherings, it’s time to check in once again. Who are you wondering about? Who would you like to check in with?

We encourage you to make contacts by phone, email, or by writing a note or sending a card. And then, please let us know what you found out.

To sign up to contact someone, please click on this link.

To give feedback about your contact, please click on this link.

Questions? Please contact Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, Victoria Kovalenko, Lynn Santelmann, or Pastor Robyn. And thank you for keeping our community together and strong.

MACG Core Team

Pandemic Story: Counting on Compound Interest

As a banker and one of St. Andrew’s treasurers, Brian Cheney knows well the power of compound interest. And as a recent MBA graduate from George Fox University, he’s counting on that phenomenon to improve our world in big and little ways. A year ago, he decided to invite his friends and contacts to get out in the community and create something positive. Most people he talked to didn’t come up with any ideas they could put their passion behind, but an old friend from high school—Hayley Carroll jumped on the idea.

For Brian, the challenge of climate degradation hit home with the massive wildfires that have plagued the Pacific Northwest. Hayley, a project manager with an engineering firm, was learning woodworking skills from her dad and building hexagonal structures perfect for mason bees. As they talked to discover what things they had in common, serendipity struck and they decided to create a program to share mason bees with the community.

Mason bees are important pollinators that we depend on for food production. Brian and Hayley have an ambitious goal: to create an agricultural safety net with mason bees by 2025, when farmers may no longer to be able to count on bees from the wild to visit their orchards and fields. If that happens, food production will decline dramatically. Hayley handles the manufacturing end, while Brian looks after the business side of their partnership.

Working with St. Andrew’s Community Carbon Yard Science Team, the pair have already installed five mason bee houses on the south and east sides of the garden shed. More will be placed around the property yet this spring. If you’d like to apply for a mason bee house at your home, contact Brian. After your bees hatch, they will go back to Brian and Hayley to be distributed to others in the area. For more information, go to www.morebees.or.

In Need of Prayers…

Family and friends of Colleen Warnes (daughter) Peace and God’s comfort at her death Suzanne Warnes
Suzanne Davison (son’s fiancé) Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Bob & Carolyn Cornie
Carol Hogan Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for low platelets Carol Hogan
Nan Thompson Good diagnosis, effective treatment, and comfort Pastor Robyn
Kim Oyen (sister-in-law) Comfort and healing Chris Bekemeier
Linda Wick (sister) Pain relief and healing Donna McAlpine
Gary Grafwallner Healing and recovery Gary Grafwallner
Lisa, Scott, and Henry Staul Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Lisa Staul
LuAnn Staul Release from hospital and recovery from COVID-19 LuAnn Staul
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Beaverton, OR)
Taiwan Lutheran Church (Beaverton, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Al Furqan Islamic Center (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Epiphany Carols on Our Website

Many of us miss the voices of the congregation raised in song, but—thanks to individuals from the Sanctuary Choir—you can hear some Epiphany Carols on our website. Click on the “Worship” link and then scroll down to “Special Events.” Thank you, Deacon Susan Reiser, for making this happen!

Thank You from EcoFaith Recovery

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the St. Andrew community for your generous and ongoing support of climate justice and racial justice through EcoFaith Recovery. With your financial support, EcoFaith Recovery met its year-end matching grant before the December 31st deadline and ended the year with only a $597 deficit! This is much less than we feared given the financial impact of the pandemic which reduced the giving capacity of many of EcoFaith’s regular donors.

If you would like to receive monthly e-mail updates on the work St. Andrew is supporting for climate justice and racial justice (including St. Andrew’s role as EcoFaith’s flagship Community Carbon pilot community) and opportunities through which you can participate in EcoFaith’s volunteer leadership development work online, simply send me an e-mail at PastorRobyn@EcoFaithRecovery.org and I will make sure you are added to the list. Thanks again!

Pastor Robyn

Taking America Back for God

Our own ELCA presiding bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, participated with Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry and others in an online forum, Democracy and Faith Under Siege: Responding to Christian Nationalism, on January 27. Dr. Andrew Whitehead offered a clear summary of Christian Nationalism from his new book, Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. The recording of the presentation and other compelling resources for confronting Christian Nationalism are at
the following links:

https://bjconline.org and
https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/ and

A Golden Legacy

This book is for all of us old folks out there, those born in the 1940s and 1950s. Perhaps those older as well, but you yourself might have been too old for them and not old enough to read them to your own kids.

Anyway, having stuck my foot far enough into my mouth that my eyes cross looking at my ankle, I will get on with telling you about this book. The Golden Legacy, by Leonard Marcus (call number 813.54) is a great book about books, The Little Golden Books, that is. Remember them? Even if you don’t read all the history Marcus outlines, which is pretty interesting by itself, it’s great fun to look at the pictures and see all the covers and remember which books you had growing up. Can you still tell the story? Remember what happened?

The pictures are wonderful, but did you know how many different illustrators the publisher had, and how many authors? I sure didn’t. I never noticed as a kid, but they didn’t, for the longest time, put the name of the author on the cover. All the changes do get rather tiresome, but if you stick with it, you’ll be amazed at what the passage of time brought to those books and the publisher’s thinking: marketers could still learn from them.

Anyway, try taking a trip down the Golden Book road!

Pam Farr
Adult Librarian

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker
is on call Fridays & Saturdays.
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762

Pastor Robyn Hartwig
is on call Sundays & Mondays.
503-646-0629 ext. 211

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, January 31, Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The Gospel of Mark Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
1:00 pm Outside Hour with Pastor Robyn under the front door overhang

Tuesday, February 2

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
10:00 am Worship Planners Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm MACG Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, February 3 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

12:30 pm Bonhoeffer Seminar Zoom
4:00 pm Outside Hour with Pastor Robyn under the front door overhang
6:00 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm High School Youth Hangout Zoom
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer & Other Breakout Room Opportunities Zoom

Thursday, February 4

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Executive Council Meeting Zoom

Friday, February 5

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, February 7: Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
9:45 am Pastor Robyn’s Final Sunday Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

January 24, 2021

Giving Statements for 2020

St. Andrew’s financial secretaries will continue to update 2020 giving records through January 19. Your 2020 giving statements should be available after January 20, 2020. At that time you’ll be able to download and print your statement from your InFellowship account on the Give page of the church website.

Please note that statements will be mailed out only upon special request after January 20. If you need a statement mailed to you, please contact the Financial Secretaries or the church office (503-646-0629).

The St. Andrew Finance Team

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Zoom gatherings continue every Wednesday evening for fellowship, worship, and prayer. You are welcome to participate in any or all of the following:

6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time
7:00 pm Prayer Service
7:30 pm Centering Prayer

Watch for the Zoom link to arrive in your inbox mid-day on Wednesdays.

Bread for the Day and Daily Texts Available

The 2021 edition of Daily Texts, Bible texts selected annually by the Moravian Church and shared worldwide since 1731, are now available, as are copies of Bread for the Day, a book of Bible readings and prayers published by Augsburg Fortress. A donation of $9.00 is suggested to defray the cost of each book.

If you’d like one or more copies, please contact the church office via email or call 503-646-0629.

Pastor Robyn’s “Outside Hours”

Pastor Robyn is offering weekly opportunities for anyone wanting to meet with her outdoors under the front door overhang at St. Andrew until her final Sunday with St. Andrew on February 7. Feel free to stop by anytime during these “outside hours” for some conversation or to share a prayer. This week’s opportunities include Sunday, January 24 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Thursday, January 28 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm, and Sunday, January 31 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm.

A brief communion service will be offered at ten minutes before the end of each hour for anybody who desires to participate. Pastor Robyn will provide pre-filled personalized sealed communion cups and wafers.

You can also set up a different time to meet with Pastor Robyn outside at the church or outside at your own home. To schedule a different time, please contact her by January 21st via email or 503-646-0629, ext. 211.

Table Talk: Misunderstanding Minorities

Gathered around the table in his home, Martin Luther talked freely and openly with his colleagues and students about matters of faith, theology, and varied aspects of daily life. In an effort to cultivate this kind of spirited discussion we have a tradition at St. Andrew of gathering for Table Talks. Though we cannot gather in person, Pastor Brocker invites you to participate in the next Table Talk via Zoom on Thursday, January 28, 7:00-8:00 pm.

In the early hours of Thursday, January 7, having weathered an assault on the Capitol, Congress in a joint session finally certified the election of Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States. They will be inaugurated on Wednesday, January 20. In this Table Talk we will ponder Fareed Zakaria’s striking post-election claim that even though Democrats won the presidential election they “misunderstand minorities.” He observes that amazingly President Trump “appears to have won the second-largest share of the minority vote than any Republican since 1976, according to exit polls. He won the largest percentage of the Black vote since 1996 (though he still got only about 12 percent of the Black vote). One poll indicates he won 35 percent of the Muslim vote.” Democrats may be wondering what happened. He asserts that the Democratic Party’s view of multiculturalism “lumps a wide variety of ethnic, racial, and religious groups into one `minority’ monolith and approaches them from a perspective that does not fit us all”. Zakaria himself was born on January 20, 1964, in Mumbai, India. In this Table Talk we will also consider how well Evangelical Lutherans understand minorities. Evangelical Lutherans are known for being the whitest denomination in the country

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.

Adult Education:
The Gospel of Mark

Sunday, January 24, 10:00 am

Mark shares a vision of God’s kingdom, where the first are last and those closest to Jesus are filled with fear rather than faith. Things are upside down.

participate via Zoom

Community Warehouse

Each January, St. Andrew has donated barrel loads of household goods to the nonprofit agency Community Warehouse, which furnishes needed furniture and appliances, etc. to families just moving into stable housing. The organization provides almost everything needed to start housekeeping to families graduating from Family Promise, whose families St. Andrew has hosted.

Due to the pandemic, we cannot accept items in our building and the agency is not picking up donations as it did earlier.

If you would like to donate money to this worthwhile agency, you can write a check to St. Andrew Lutheran and indicate “Service Committee —Warehouse” on the memo line. $40 provides a desk and chair to a child, while $400 provides the comforts of home for one family.

Thanks for your consideration.

Fran Miller
for the Service Committee

P.S. If you wish to personally deliver donated items, the Community Warehouse located at 8380 NW Nyberg St in Tualatin continues to accept donations on Monday-Saturday, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm. If you have questions, call them at 503-447-2147. The Community Warehouse at 3969 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd in Portland is also accepting drop-off donations, Monday-Friday. You may call their office at 503 235-8786.

Donations should be gently used or new, safe, clean, functional, and in ready-to-use condition with all parts assembled. Mattresses must be free of stains, tears, and pet hair/odors. Items must be from non-smoking households.

Generally these offerings are accepted: small appliances, kitchenware, furniture that is not too heavy, and linens. Staff may decline to accept some furnishings.

Preparing for Next Sunday

January 31, 2021

Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen Reboot

Last summer, the St. Andrew MACG Core Team organized a listening campaign, encouraging members to make phone calls to people we missed seeing at church. Now that this unusual holiday season has arrived, and the colder weather prevents outdoor gatherings, it’s time to check in once again. Who are you wondering about? Who would you like to check in with?

We encourage you to make contacts by phone, email, or by writing a note or sending a card. And then, please let us know what you found out.

To sign up to contact someone, please click on this link.

To give feedback about your contact, please click on this link.

Questions? Please contact Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, Victoria Kovalenko, Lynn Santelmann, or Pastor Robyn. And thank you for keeping our community together and strong.

MACG Core Team

January Movie Night

Our Netflix movie for January is Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution.

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution is a 2020 American documentary film directed, written, and co-produced by Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. Barack and Michelle Obama serve as executive producers under their Higher Ground Productions banner.

Crip Camp 2019

“This feel-good documentary recounts the ties of a Catskills summer camp to American disability rights activism in the 1970s,” says a NY Times review, while Common Sense Media called the film “a moving tribute to the triumph of the human spirit.”

You can stream the documentary on Netflix and then meet with us on Zoom on Friday, January 29,at 7:00 p.m. Bring out the popcorn and gather around your computer screens as we talk about what we liked (and didn’t like) about this month’s movie.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this Movie Night in Carol’s “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, January 29. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Smith.

Super Bible Bowl: FEUD!

The Super Bible Bowl returns to St. Andrew on Sunday, February 14, at 10:00 am! This year, the Bowl will be fully digital, hosted via Zoom during the normal Christian Education hour. But, the virtual nature of the event isn’t all that is new this year: instead of the usual “Jeopardy” format, this year the battle between council and confirmands will take the shape of the popular game show “Family Feud.” We hope you will join us to cheer them on.

In Need of Prayers…

Family and friends of Joyce Larson (grandmother) Peace and God’s comfort at her death Cole & Kristin Petersburg
Family and friends of Dr. Don Scholz (father-in-law) Peace and God’s comfort at his death Judy Scholz
Suzanne Davison (son’s fiancé) Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Bob & Carolyn Cornie
Carol Hogan Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for low platelets Carol Hogan
Nan Thompson Good diagnosis, effective treatment, and comfort Pastor Robyn
Tayvin Krieger (daughter Sherry Myers’ student) Healing and recovery in body and mind Doris Larson
Gary Grafwallner Healing and recovery Gary Grafwallner
Katherine (friend) Healing and recovery Mary Smith
Dr. Paul Wilson Healing and recovery Patty Jones
LuAnn, Lisa, and Henry Staul Healing and recovery from COVID-19 LuAnn Staul
Dorothy Moore Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Pastor Robyn
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Francesca Gladhill (daughter-in-law) Healthy pregnancy Richard & Kristie Gladhill
Those facing ongoing illness or distress:
Mareline Barnes, Dave Bumgardner,
Jean Fredrickson, Tara Harper,
Douglas Hooke, Betty Horst,
Dorothy Moore, Phyllis Morris,
Tandy Brooks, David Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Marvel Lund, Ian MacDonald, Gary Magnuson, Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs
Healing and assurance of God’s presence Staff
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Wisdom and discernment Staff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Blessings on our ministry Staff
Taiwan Lutheran Church Strength and wisdom Staff
Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church (Beaverton, OR)
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (Beaverton, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Congregation Ahavath Achim (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Creation Justice Summit

The 8th annual Creation Justice Summit (formerly the Earth Care Summit) will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Columbia River Watershed Pastoral Letter. The virtual event will include a keynote panel, breakout workshops, and a closing address from U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley.

Register now.
$20 general, $10 students, scholarships available
Presented by EMO’s Creation Justice and Oregon Interfaith Power & Light.

Epiphany Carols on Our Website

Many of us miss the voices of the congregation raised in song, but—thanks to individuals from the Sanctuary Choir—you can hear some Epiphany Carols on our website. Click on the “Worship” link and then scroll down to “Special Events.” Thank you, Deacon Susan Reiser, for making this happen!

Job Openings in Online Worship Production

St. Andrew is looking to hire a part-time audio tech and part-time video tech to distribute online worship using YouTube livestream and Zoom. These two individuals will ensure everything is ready to go prior to each service, manage mics and audio or manage cameras and graphics, and ensure the congregation is receiving the feed. Experience in sound boards or videography is required. Worship production involves more than hitting play and walking away. These two people will stay on-site throughout services and troubleshoot when needed. To learn more about specific qualifications needed and compensation offered, please go to:


Positions will be open until filled. Application review begins in
early February.

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker
is on call Fridays & Saturdays.
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762

Pastor Robyn Hartwig
is on call Sundays & Mondays.
503-646-0629 ext. 211

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, January 24, Third Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The Gospel of Mark Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Tuesday, January 26

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
10:00 am Community Carbon Leadership Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, January 27 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:00 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Zoom
7:00 pm High School Youth Hangout Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer & Other Breakout Room Opportunities Zoom

Thursday, January 21

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm IT Meeting Zoom

Friday, January 22

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, January 24: Third Sunday of Epiphany

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The Gospel of Mark Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

January 3, 2021

Coming in January – The Gospel of Mark

St. Andrew’s Adult Education offering in January will focus on “The Gospel of Mark: A Narrative Theology,” taught by Jim Aageson. Mark’s gospel presents its theology in narrative form where the actions and words of Jesus reveal a powerful vision of God’s reign. As Aageson notes, “in this kingdom, things are turned upside down: the first are last, the sinners and the dishonored are invited to the table of fellowship, and those closest to Jesus are often filled with fear rather than faith.” The class will begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, January 10.

Resolutions 2021

What will you do for the Earth in 2021? Even though we’ve already cheered the arrival of a new year, it’s not too late to make a plan to increase our commitment to Earth Care. For the good of the planet and generations to come, why not challenge ourselves to live more sustainably this year?

Even small efforts, repeated again and again, can make an impact. Write down your goal. Keep track of the actions you take. I did this a year ago, pledging to rack up at least one no-drive-day a week. Even before the pandemic hit, it was clear I could easily make my goal. Imagine how many no-drive-days we’ve accumulated together this year!

One of the benefits of living our values comes from the example
we set. Our enthusiasm for a healthy planet can infect others and
encourage them to do their part. And that’s a good thing.

Carol Harker

Fantasy Football: Won & Done!

Congratulations to Julia Emerson and her dad, Jeff Smith, owners of The Wingmen, who bested Ben Moore’s COVID Crushers to win the championship for this year’s St. Andrew Fantasy Football League.

The Wingmen victory proves anything can happen in Fantasy Football! With an overall record of 6-7, the Emerson/Smith team actually finished 8th in league standings. At season’s end, the top three teams with the best records overall were Mark and Kofi Brocker’s FC Aortic Power, Ben Moore’s COVID Crushers, and Carol and Sam Harker’s Gridiron Greats!

Family Promise Update 2020

Thanks to the strong participation and support of our congregation, St. Andrew’s commitment to being a host site for Family Promise has remained steady this year.

We hosted on-site in January and February and then the world turned upside down! When host sites closed, families were then moved to the new day center on Erickson Ave. in Beaverton and also to an extended stay hotel. Hosting then became “remote.” This involved providing meals, groceries, or restaurant gift cards to be delivered to families wherever they were staying. We hosted remotely in October and November using both gift cards and a team of “on-call” cooks. Flexibility is a Family Promise mantra that we have embraced!

Thanks to generous donations to the Family Promise designated fund, we have also been able to give much-needed money to a Family Promise COVID-19 fund. This has assisted “graduated” families who have struggled with the financial impact of the pandemic. In addition, we sponsored a graduated family for Christmas.

Remote hosting will continue in 2021. The hosting schedule will be made on a quarterly basis at this point. St. Andrew is scheduled for the weeks of January 24 and February 21. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities!

Many thanks for your donations of time, meals, money, and prayers. We are making a difference.

The Family Promise Leadership Team

Raise Your Voice and Sing!

Opportunities to sing special music for upcoming worship services are now available. I will be organizing duets, solos, and other small ensembles for the offertory during the Epiphany season. Rehearsal time will be scheduled with the person(s) singing and myself and each offering will be pre recorded at a time that works for one of St. Andrew’s tech teams. If you’re interested, please contact me.

Susan Werner Reiser

A Winter Prayer

There is a winter in all of our lives, a chill and darkness that makes us yearn for days that have gone by or put our hope in days yet to be.

Father God, you created seasons for a purpose. Spring is full of expectation –buds breaking, frosts abating, and an awakening of creation before the first days of summer. Then the sun gives warmth and comfort to our lives, reviving aching joints, bringing color, new life, and crops to produce their harvests. Autumn gives nature space to lean back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of its labor. Then in winter, cold and bare, nature takes stock, rests, unwinds, and sleeps until the time is right. An endless cycle and yet a perfect model.

We need a winter in our lives, a time of rest, a time to stand still, a time to reacquaint ourselves with the faith in which we live. It is only then that we can draw strength from the one in whom we are rooted, take time to grow and rise through the darkness into the warm glow of your springtime to blossom and flourish, to bring color and vitality into this world, your garden.

Thank you, Father, for the seasons of our lives. Amen.

Bread for the Day and Daily Texts Available

The 2021 edition of Daily Texts, Bible texts selected annually by the Moravian Church and shared worldwide since 1731, are now available, as are copies of Bread for the Day, a book of Bible readings and prayers published by Augsburg Fortress. A donation of $9.00 is suggested to defray the cost of each book.

If you’d like one or more copies, please contact the church office at
office@standrewlutheran.com or call 503-646-0629.

Preparing for Next Sunday

January 10, 2020

Reading: Genesis 1:1-5
Gospel: Mark 1:4-11

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen Reboot

Last summer, the St. Andrew MACG Core Team organized a listening campaign, encouraging members to make phone calls to people we missed seeing at church. Now that we’re in the midst of another alarming surge in coronavirus cases and our colder weather prevents outdoor gatherings, it’s time to check in once again. Look for details coming soon about how to be a part of our calling initiative reboot.

In the meantime, please let the Core Team know if you have ideas on ways to improve the program. Contact any of us—Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, Victoria Kovalenko, Lynn Santelmann, or Pastor Robyn—if you have any feedback.

A Milestone Birthday

This Sunday is Jean Fredrickson’s 95th birthday! Make her day special by remembering her with a card or phone call. Please note, though, that Jean’s contact information changed after the printing of St. Andrew’s photo directory. You can direct mail to her at 280 SW 150th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006, or call her at 971-294-8740.

Spread even more cheer and remember others on our January birthday list, too. And if you’re curious how it could be that 11 people in our community share New Year’s Day birthdays, be aware that they probably don’t. If we’re missing an actual birth date for anyone, we designate the first day of their birth month as an unofficial birthday. If you’d like to be remembered on your real birthday, let the church office know when that is.

January Birthdays

Amy Bailey
Audrey Flood
Bode Anderson
Brian Zupunski
Colton McRae
Connor Ellis
Elijah Bishop-Perdue
Eric Zupunski
Matteo Johnson
Megan Dunlap
Satya Semenchalam
Jean Fredrickson
Thomas Barnes
Gerrida Dorner
Julie Aageson
Tomo Yokoyama
Tracie Semenchalam
Hilde Halvorson
Kevin Nordseth
Travis Nordseth
Andy Roberts
Holly Bishop-Perdue
Marlan Bell
Kristie Gladhill
Judy Scholz
Ruth Nickodemus
Teri Brosh
Eunice Harrum
Judy Heidinger
Lucy Roberts
Darrel Lundby
Debra Jerde
Nicole Ford
Phyllis Podolske
Susan Urbanski
Tobiah Meinzen
Vera Hutchinson
Janet Vorvick
Alyssa Duggan
Haylie Isaacson
Jessica Fetzer
Richard Cach
Sharon Roth
Kurt Heichelheim
Jerry Jang
Judy Bettencourt
Miriam Zeiger
Ryan Dunk
Ken Reiner
Mary Nell Mahler

January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 3
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 5
January 5
January 6
January 6
January 6
January 7
January 8
January 8
January 9
January 10
January 10
January 12
January 13
January 14
January 14
January 15
January 15
January 16
January 16
January 16
January 17
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 22
January 23
January 23
January 26
January 27
January 27
January 27
January 28
January 29
January 31

In Need of Prayers…

Family and friends of Colleen Warnes Peace and God’s comfort at her death Staff
Tom (friend’s father) Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Rebecca Fako Uecker
Jude Augustine Blandy & Charlotte Lovelace Blandy Thanksgiving for their birth Bob & Terry Buchholz (grandparents)
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar
Oregon Synod and Staff
Strength and Wisdom Staff
Refugees and immigrants Acceptance, safety, and just treatment Staff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami Reyna Courage and Protection Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone
First Lutheran Church (Clatskanie, OR)
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (Seaside, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Al Furqan Islamic Center (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Creation Justice Summit

Saturday, January 30, 2021
1:00-4:15 pm
Our Kinship with
Oregon’s Sacred Waters

The 8th annual Creation Justice Summit (formerly the Earth Care
Summit) will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Columbia
River Watershed Pastoral Letter. The virtual event will include a
keynote panel, breakout workshops, and a closing address from U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley.

Register now
$20 general, $10 students,
scholarships available
Presented by EMO’s Creation Justice and
Oregon Interfaith Power & Light.

Baby Roses

Congratulations to Megan Buchholz Blandy and Harry Blandy, who welcomed twins Jude Augustine (6 lb, 10 oz) and Charlotte Lovelace (5 lb, 3 oz) on Christmas Eve. What a gift! Grandparents celebrating the babies’ births are Bob & Terry Buchholz and Simon & Sarah Blandy. We’re delighted to report that everyone is healthy and happy!

Thank You

Dear People of St. Andrew,
“I don’t know where I’d be without you,” 29-year-old mother and recent college graduate Adrianna says. She joins thousands who have found stability and hope through Outside In’s comprehensive line of medical and mental health programs and supporting social services—made possible by you.

Thank you, St. Andrew Lutheran, for your $300 gift supporting our Day Program! Your donation helps to build brighter tomorrows for the more than 11,000 people we serve every year.

Your contribution heals, feeds, houses, educates, inspires, and renews lives. This year, donations like yours made it possible for us to:

  • Improve Health: More than 5,350 patients of all ages, 77 percent experiencing poverty, received medical and mental health care.
  • Educate: 219 youth accessed our education services, developed job skills, and worked on goals to become self-sufficient.
  • Prevent Chronic Homelessness: 96 percent of graduates from our housing program found safe, stable new homes off the streets.
  • Provide Nutritious Meals: Nearly 1,000 youth experiencing homelessness welcomed more than 32,000 healthy meals. More than ever, in these exceptionally challenging times, your compassion and investment in our work helps us reach those who need our services the most. Thank you.

With warm gratitude,
Lori Slaughter
Director of Development

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, January 3, Second Sunday of Christmas

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
2:00 pm Mason Bee House Installation with the Yard Science Team outside near Reformation Earth Garden

Tuesday, January 5

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
10:00 am Worship Planners Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm MACG Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, January 6 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

12:30 pm Bonhoeffer Seminar Zoom
6:00 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer & Other Breakout Room Opportunities Zoom

Thursday, January 7

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
2:00 pm Website Review Subcommittee Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Executive committee (Council) Meeting Zoom

Thursday, January 8

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, January 10: Baptism of Our Lord

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Online: Baptism Lesson with Pastor Mark Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The Gospel of Mark Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!

December 27, 2020

Christmas Week Worship

Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24, 4:00 pm
Birthday Party for Jesus!
Zoom – link in email

For a family-focused celebration, please join us at 4:00 pm on Thursday, December 24, via Zoom for a special Birthday Party for Jesus. We’ll be featuring carols, games, and a visit from our favorite furry friends! Families are encouraged to dress for the occasion, whether in ugly Christmas sweaters or with party hats and balloons! Plus, we’ll be giving a special birthday gift to Jesus by purchasing Shoes That Grow for children in need around the world. If you’d like to contribute to this gift, you can do so online via the church website or by mailing a check to the church; just make sure to mark it for the Birthday Party for Jesus. Follow the Zoom link for this event in the “Worship Links” e-mail the week of Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24,
6:45 pm Musical Prelude begins
7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Livestream will be on the homepage; no link required

Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, 1:00-4:00 pm
Stay Home, but Not Alone!
Zoom – link in email

1:00 pm: Christmas Social Time—share your favorite Christmas stories.
2:00 pm: Games—join Scott Taylor, Pastor Robyn, and Janet Parker for hilarious fun.
3:00 pm: Show & Tell—share your favorite gift or play us a Christmas song.
Anytime: Notify Rebecca Fako Uecker to be assigned a Zoom breakout room whereyou can meet with family or friends to support one another in Staying Home to Save Lives.

A-Caroling We Go

Sing along or just listen. The Werner sisters invite you to enjoy a short recording of favorite carols (all in the public domain) on our website.

Scroll to the bottom of St. Andrew’s worship page to find the video.

Family Promise Update 2020

Thanks to the strong participation and support of our congregation, St. Andrew’s commitment to being a host site for Family Promise has remained steady this year.

We hosted on-site in January and February and then the world turned upside down! When host sites closed, families were then moved to the new day center on Erickson Ave. in Beaverton and also to an extended stay hotel. Hosting then became “remote.” This involved providing meals, groceries, or restaurant gift cards to be delivered to families wherever they were staying. We hosted remotely in October and November using both gift cards and a team of “on-call” cooks. Flexibility is a Family Promise mantra that we have embraced!

Thanks to generous donations to the Family Promise designated fund, we have also been able to give much-needed money to a Family Promise COVID-19 fund. This has assisted “graduated” families who have struggled with the financial impact of the pandemic. In addition, we sponsored a graduated family for Christmas.

Remote hosting will continue in 2021. The hosting schedule will be made on a quarterly basis at this point. St. Andrew is scheduled for the weeks of January 24 and February 21. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities!

Many thanks for your donations of time, meals, money, and prayers. We are making a difference.

The Family Promise Leadership Team

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of
the heavenly host, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”
Luke 2:13-14

Coming in January – The Gospel of Mark

St. Andrew’s Adult Education offering in January will focus on “The Gospel of Mark: A Narrative Theology,” taught by Jim Aageson. Mark’s gospel presents its theology in narrative form where the actions and words of Jesus reveal a powerful vision of God’s reign. As Aageson notes, “in this kingdom, things are turned upside down: the first are last, the sinners and the dishonored are invited to the table of fellowship, and those closest to Jesus are often filled with fear rather than faith.” The class will begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, January 10.

Meet the EcoFaith Match

EcoFaith Recovery has been offered a $2,000 year-end matching grant that will match every first-time donation, the amount of increase of any annual donation, and/or the one-year value of any monthly sustaining donation that you set up before December 31. Your generous gifts help EcoFaith Recovery fund this year’s “Just Vote Harnessing Our Values for Climate and
Racial Justice Initiative” and our “Community Carbon” pilot community initiative. Thank you so much for helping EcoFaith meet the match
with your generous donations to

or EcoFaith Recovery, P.O. Box 12612, Portland,
OR 97212.
With gratitude,
Pastor Robyn Hartwig

Resolutions 2021

What will you do for the Earth in 2021? At this time of year, resolutions can help us focus our energies and live our values. For the good of the planet and generations to come, why not pledge to make your lifestyle more sustainable in 2021 Write down your goal. Keep track of the actions you take. A year from now you could be amazed by your accomplishments!

Preparing for Next Sunday

January 3, 2020

Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-14
Gospel: John 1:10-18

Go to “Preparing for Worship” for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

May PEACE & HEALTH be your gifts this Christmas season –
and your blessings all the year through!

Raise Your Voice and Sing!

Opportunities to sing special music for upcoming worship services are now available. I will be organizing duets, solos, and other small ensembles for the offertory during the Epiphany season. Rehearsal time will be scheduled with the person(s) singing and myself and each offering will be pre recorded at a time that works for one of St. Andrew’s tech teams. If you’re interested, please contact me.

Susan Werner Reiser

Fantasy Football Championship

Throughout a National Football League season like none before, members of St. Andrew’s Schmalkaldic Fantasy Football League have followed their players on the field and off to escape some of the pressures of the pandemic. And it’s been entertaining. A couple of weeks ago, the twelve teams were pared down to eight for the playoffs. And now there are two!
This week, Ben Moore’s COVID Crushers take on The Wingmen, owned by Jeff Smith and his daughter Julia Emerson, for the championship. Good luck!


Not all bees make honey. Not all bees sting. And not all bees swarm around a communal hive.

Meet the MASON BEE, a bee that chooses solitude even when no pandemic requires it. These busy insects are pollinating powerhouses!

Thanks to an idea from Brian Cheney, St. Andrew’s Yard Science Team (part of our Community Carbon initiative with EcoFaith Recovery) has begun exploring the super powers that MASON BEES bring to the garden. Stay tuned to learn more in 2021.

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker (on call Fridays & Saturdays)
office: 503-646-0629 (extension 201)
cell: 503-502-8762

Pastor Robyn Hartwig (on call Sundays & Mondays)
Office: 503-646-0629 (extension 211)

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

In Need of Prayers…

Family and friends of Ali Alajrab Peace and God’s comfort at his death from COVID-19 Staff
Family and friends of Bobbie Jo Lynn (friend) Peace and God’s comfort at her death Bev Briggs
Mary Lynn Support and assistance in securing care Bev Briggs
Colleen Warnes Peace and comfort in hospice care Suzanne Warnes
Alvina Heidinger (mother-in-law) Peace and comfort in hospice care Judy Heidinger
Carol Hogan Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Carol Hogan
Pam Successful radiation treatment Patty Jones
Tammy Piscitelli Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Ed & Linda Fransen
Elaine May Healing and recovery from knee replacement surgery Elaine May
Gary Grafwallner Healing and recovery from skin cancer surgery Gary Grafwallner
Melanie Waller, Aniyah and Tanner Alcorn Support and well-being Melanie Waller
Dr. Don Scholz (Bob’s father) Thanksgiving for coronavirus vaccination (12/30) Bob & Judy Scholz
Hank Scholz (son) Thanksgiving for coronavirus vaccination (12/17) Bob & Judy Scholz
Everyone Availability of effective vaccine and few side effects Judy Scholz
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Those facing ongoing illness or distress:
Tandy Brooks, David Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Marvel Lund, Ian MacDonald, Gary Magnuson,
Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs
Healing and assurance of God’s presence Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Wisdom and discernment Staff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Blessings on our ministry Staff
Taiwan Lutheran Church Strength and wisdom Staff
First Lutheran Church (Astoria, OR)
Peace Lutheran Church (Astoria, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Congregation Beth Israel (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Refugee Family Suffers a COVID Death

Ali Alajrab, patriarch of the Syrian family St. Andrew assisted when they first came to the US from a refugee camp in Jordan in 2016, died on November 21, 2020, due to COVID-19. He was the sole support of his wife Fouza and two younger children, Omar and Ahed. The already-struggling family, which left Portland for Southern California in 2017 and later moved to Ohio, now faces even more challenges. For more information or to help them meet their needs, go to their GoFundMe site.

Creation Justice Summit

The 8th annual Creation Justice Summit (formerly the Earth Care Summit) will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Columbia River Watershed Pastoral Letter. The virtual event will include a keynote panel, breakout workshops, and a closing address from U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley.

Register now
$20 general, $10 students, scholarships available
Presented by EMO’s Creation Justice and Oregon Interfaith Power & Light.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Thursday, December 24: Christmas Eve; Church Office Closed

4:00 pm Birthday Party for Jesus Zoom
7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service YouTube

Friday, December 25: Christmas Day, Church Office Closed

1:00 pm Stay Home, but Not Alone! Gathering Zoom

Sunday, December 27, First Sunday of Christmas

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Tuesday, December 29 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Wednesday, December 30

6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Holden Evening Prayer Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer & other breakout room opportunities Zoom

Friday, January 1: New Year’s Day; Church Office Closed

Sunday, January 3: Second Sunday of Christmas

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am NO Sunday School (age 3 – 5th Grade) Zoom
10:00 am NO Confirmation (6th – 8th Grade) Zoom
10:00 am NO High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am NO Adult Education Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
2:00 pm Mason Bee House Installation with the Yard Science Team outside near Reformation Earth Garden

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!