July 25, 2021

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Confirmation Sunday

Congratulations, Lilly Au and Tanner King! On Sunday, July 18, these two confirmands affirmed their baptism and were welcomed as full voting members of St. Andrew following their three years of study and growth in confirmation.

Leading Worship Together

Returning to in-person worship is a powerful reminder of how many volunteers work together to make worship happen every week. It’s a lot of work, but if we all play our part, everything gets handled without a hiccup. In particular we are in need of Altar Guild members, Assisting Ministers, and Ushers for the 11:00 service. No experience is necessary and you will receive all the training you need. We work with your schedule so you can attend your preferred service and still worship with your family or friends.

Please contact Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis at allisonk@standrewlutheran.com if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Midweek Evening Prayer Services will continue to be offered through the summer months via Zoom. Meditations will be drawn from Devotional Classics. All are welcome this Wednesday, July 28 for social time at 6:45 pm and service at 7:00 pm. Centering Prayer follows at 7:30 pm. Participate in all or part of our scheduled time together. Look for links to this worship service at midday on Wednesdays in Allison’s email.

Guest Preacher Laurie Newman

This Sunday, July 25, we welcome Pastor Laurie Newman, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care at Westminster Presbyterian, to the pulpit. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been in Full Communion with the Presbyterians since 1997. A fine musician who’s been on staff at Westminster for 20 years, Pastor Newman is another member of Women Touched by Grace, the renewal program hosted by the Benedictine Sisters in Beach Grove, IN. Even though Pastor Laurie and Pastor Susan both live in Portland, they had to go to Indiana to meet! We look forward to welcoming Pastor Laurie Newman as our first guest preacher during Pastor Mark’s sabbatical.

Pastor Laurie Newman of Westminster Presbyterian Church

Celebrating a Centure

Helen Rogers turns 100 on July 31. What a milestone! Please join us after early worship on Sunday, August 1, when we’ll sing Happy Birthday and share our best wishes with her. Helen’s family is providing the cake and we’ll have coffee and tea set up and available in usual pre-pandemic fashion. We’ll have a card basket for Helen, too, so she can enjoy reading any messages you’d like to share with her.

Happy Birthday, Helen! Many of us pray we could be as pinochle-sharp as you are at any age.

Summer Routines

Summer is a great time of the year. A chance for some to change their school-year routines and take some vacation time or visit family both near and far. For grandparents, a chance to see grandkids. And this year, a chance to return to the sanctuary for worship.

One routine that is also affected is our congregational giving patterns. With June offering at 74%, we see the impact of changed routines on our church budget. Unfortunately, the church budget does not get to take a vacation. The budgeted expenses show up 52 weeks a year, every year.

Please help us stay in sync with the monthly budgets by staying solid in your weekly and monthly giving patterns.
Thanks for your continuing generosity and God’s blessing to each of you.

Jeff Smith, Chair
Stewardship Committee

Flowers on the Chancel

The flowers on the chancel today are given to the glory of God by Sharon Carlson in celebration of the marriage of her daughter, Carrie Myers, to Craig Evans on July 24, 2021.

Sock It to Me – Outside In

Once again we, the St. Andrew Community, have an opportunity to demonstrate Community and Neighbor Care by
improving the lives of young people in our city. Since 1968, Outside In has transformed lives by helping break
the cycles of chronic homelessness, poverty, and poor health among Portland’s LGBTQA+ community, people of color,
those experiencing homelessness, and the underserved.

Currently, Outside In is in high need of socks. Please consider contributing to this request by purchasing new men’s and women’s socks and bringing them to church between July 25 and August 29. There will be a barrel in the Narthex and the socks will be delivered to Outside In at the end of August. Both staff and clients of Outside In appreciate this congregation for all of our support over the past years and send their thanks once again for your contributions.

Thank you,
Service Committee

Feeding a Multitude

Driving around Portland this summer, it’s clear that the hunger and homelessness crisis prompted by COVID-19 continues to trouble many people in our community. The saints of St. Andrew have already shown generosity in offering assistance. Given the uneven state of recovery, it’s no surprise that some individuals and families are still in
desperate straits. All contributions to the food barrel in our Narthex are delivered to the St. Matthew Food Bank for distribution to people suffering from food insecurity. Thank you for caring for others!

Pastor Mark’s Sabbatical

Lead Pastor Mark Brocker is currently on sabbatical, unwinding from a hectic year and writing the Chi Rho lectures he’ll deliver in Eugene this fall. His topic is likely to resonate following the overwhelming adjustments we’ve all had to make because of COVID. He will address the theme of “Doing Ethics in Extraordinary Times: The Witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.”

During Pastor Mark’s time away, Pastor Susan Kintner, other staff, and numerous lay leaders will be guiding the congregation. Pastor Mark will return to his ministry at St. Andrew on September 7, just in time to launch another education year on September 12.

Sabbatical Blessings

Gracious God, Loving Lord,
Psalm 1 declares that those who delight in the Word of the Lord
shall be like trees, planted near streams of water,
which yield their fruit in due season.
Bless Pastor Mark in this sabbatical time,
that your river of love and delight will bring deep rest and renewal,
bless his writing, and protect his solitude.
May this be a time to receive your spacious grace.
Return him to us in September ready to share hissabbath lessons with us.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Gracious God, Loving Lord,
Bless St. Andrew in this sabbatical time as well,
that as we pray for Pastor Mark,
we also embrace this time to receive your spacious grace.
We also need deep rest and renewal as we recover from the last 18 months.
Walk with us in these weeks, as you walked with the disciples to Emmaus,
listening to their grief, that we will recognize you in the breaking of the bread
and be fed and repaired by your resurrection love.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Yoga Class Returns in August

After more than a year’s hiatus due to COVID-19, yoga class is coming back to St. Andrew! If you participated in earlier classes or are curious whether a yoga discipline might be good for you, mark your calendar for 10:00 am on Wednesday, August 11, and plan to check it out.

The St. Andrew community is so fortunate that certified teachers Geetha, Gloria, and Barbara are willing and able to continue this program. All skilled instructors, they give their time freely to help the rest of us maintain balance, flexibility, and mobility.

The class is free, no experience is required, and the teachers offer guidance for people of various levels and abilities. Instruction is provided for both chair and floor yoga, so if you find it difficult to get up from floor positions, don’t worry. Chair exercises are always an option. If you’d like to try floor yoga, please bring your own mat. Class lasts about an hour and is open to the public, so bring a friend. All are welcome.

Earth Camp Postscript

It’s been more than a week since Earth Camp ended, but some of us continue to recover from all the excitement and to catch up. Go to the church website to find more photos and stories from a memorable week.

Overview: https://standrewlutheran.com/helping-children-bloom-through-earth-camp
Animal Stories: https://standrewlutheran.com/animal-appreciation-stories-from-a-lifetime-of-love

Organ Scholarship Applications Due

Please note that applications for the St. Andrew Foundation’s church organ scholarship are due no later than Monday, October 4. To address the critical shortage of church organists, the fund awards $800 towards organ lessons with a recognized organ teacher. Applicants from age 13 through 30 are invited to apply. Go to the Foundation page on our
church website and scroll to the Organ Lesson Scholarship Fund section to download the 2021 Scholarship Announcement and Application. Applicants from a variety of faith traditions are encouraged to apply.

Worship Feedback

For the past month, people have been worshiping online and in person at St. Andrew and we continue to fine-tune the details.

8:30 am: Worship in the Sanctuary or attend via YouTube. Access this service at any time via the link distributed in Friday emails or the church app notifications on Sunday mornings at 8:15 am. This livestream is recorded and can be accessed later in the day or week by using the same link.

11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary of the Firs or via the Zoom link distributed in Friday emails or the church app notifications at 8:15 am on Sunday mornings.

Please note that the outdoor service presents unique challenges to our tech team, which continues to work on improving the quality of the worship experience for remote participants. If you prefer to worship at 11:00 am but want better sound quality, simply connect via the YouTube link rather than Zoom.

Minister of Music & Media Allison Katsufrakis welcomes your feedback. Simply call the church office to leave a message or contact her at allisonk@standrewlutheran.com.

Wanted: Chocolate

Thanks to everyone who has donated candy for St. Andrew’s welcome mugs. Donna Brocker, our Welcome Ministry’s mug maven, could still use a few more bags to fill those delightful welcome mugs our guests receive on their first visit to St. Andrew. Donna says chocolates are a particular favorite, and the candies must be individually wrapped. Please leave your donations in the office with Donna’s name on the bag. Thank you!

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Ann Landmark (Bev Briggs’s cousin) Comfort and compassionate care in hospice Bev Briggs
John Carlson (Bev Briggs’s brother-in-law) Patience and correct diagnosis Bev Briggs
Steve Andersen Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Liz Andersen
Ginny Link Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Ginny Link
Steve Yi (Kelly Wise’s nephew) Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Kelly Wise
Paul (Sonja Ackman’s friend) Healing and recovery Sonja Ackman
Ray Venghaus Healing and recovery Staff
Maverick Dixon (unborn nephew) Complete healing in the womb AJ & Rebecca Uecker
Those fighting or threatened by wildfires Protection and safety Staff
Those facing ongoing illness or distress:
Tandy Brooks, Dave Bumgardner, Vic Claar, Gary Grafwallner, Ian MacDonald, Gary Magnuson, Hugh Mason, Brian McKiernan, Carol Means, Ed Pacey, Corky Poppert, Jolie Reyna, Nan Thompson, Shane Throckmorton, Gary Tubbs
Healing and assurance of God’s presence Staff
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Wisdom and discernment Staff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Blessings on our ministry Staff
Taiwan Lutheran Church Strength and wisdom Staff
Immanuel Lutheran Church (Silverton, OR)
Trinity Lutheran Church (Silverton, OR)
Fir Lawn Lutheran Church (Sweet Home, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Congregation P’nai Or (Portland, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

Preparing for Sunday, August 1, 2021

Children & Youth Minister Kyler Vogt will preach.

Reading: Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

Gospel: John 6:24-35

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, July 25

8:30 am Worship with Communion
Livestream Worship with Communion
10:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
11:00 am Worship with Communion
Zoom Worship with Communion
Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Monday, July 26

6:00 pm Troop 618 Meeting East parking lot

Tuesday, July 27

7:00 am Sunrise Women Elmer’s Restaurant on 158th (1250 Waterhouse Ave)
7:00 am Men’s Gathering & Bible Study Elmer’s Restaurant on 158th (1250 Waterhouse Ave)
10:00 am T’ai Chi Fellowship Hall
12:15 pm Community Carbon/Earth Care Leadership Meeting Library

Wednesday, July 28 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:45 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer Zoom

Thursday, July 29

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Chapel, Library

Friday, July 30

10:00 am T’ai Chi Fellowship Hall

Sunday, August 1

8:30 am Worship with Communion
Livestream Worship with Communion
10:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
11:00 am Worship with Communion
Zoom Worship with Communion
Sanctuary of the Firs
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!