Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021

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Easter Blessings to All

This Sunday we celebrate the miracle of Christ’s resurrection and the promise of God’s redemptive love for us all.

8:15 am, Livestream on YouTube
10:45 am, via Zoom

Please join us 15 minutes earlier than usual in order to enjoy a program of special music prior to worship itself.

Concluding Our Lenten Devotional

The 40 days of Lent now give way to 50 days of Eastertide, a season overflowing with the poetry of resurrection: an empty tomb; a risen, wounded savior; a joyful, astounded community; and a promise of the Spirit to come. The light has lengthened into morning. The new life of spring has arrived. As we go forth to love and serve God and neighbor, our Lenten Devotional poet Mary Oliver reminds us to: Pay attention! Be astonished! Tell about it!

Women in the Gospels

How do the interactions that Jesus has with women in the New Testament help us understand Jesus better? Do these stories reveal more about what the Bible has to say regarding discipleship, friendship, oppression, and even the church’s role in the world today?

Beginning Sunday, April 11, seminarian student Karen Klingelhafer will present her Adult Education class, Women in the Gospels. During the five-week class, she will explore the story of the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21-28), the story of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21-43), the story of Elizabeth and Mary (Luke 1:5-2:52), the woman caught in adultery (John 8:2-11), and the role women play in the death and resurrection stories across the Gospels.

Classes are offered at 10:00 am Sunday mornings via Zoom.

Centering Prayer

Next Wednesday, April 7, we return to our normal schedule for Wednesday Evening Prayer, with informal gathering at 6:30 pm, prayer service at 7:00 pm, and centering prayer at 7:30 pm.

Celebrating a Century!

Betty Horst turns 100 on April 6. Please help her celebrate by sending her a note or card in remembrance of this special day. Imagine all that Betty has seen and done in her lifetime! Address your mail to: Betty Horst, 5720 SW 203rd Ave, Aloha, OR 97078.

Save the Date

Do you enjoy talking with people on the phone? Or are you more of a note-writer?  St. Andrew’s MACG Core Team invites you to a Zoom gathering on the afternoon of Sunday, April 18. Please plan to join us in an effort to contact as many members of our St. Andrew community as possible. Details will be coming soon, but for now please mark your calendar and think about who you miss seeing in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.

Lenten Food Drive

Thank you to all who have contributed to our Lenten Food Drive, where the total given now stands at $7,432, more than surpassing our goal. These dollars equate to more than 22,000 pounds of food for people who rely on the St. Matthew Food Pantry to meet their nutritional needs.

We know that hunger haunts people even in this richest of countries and it will not end when Lent does. So, please continue to consider donating to alleviate hunger right here in our community. Your gifts mean parents’ worries are eased and more people, especially children, are spared the trauma of going to bed hungry.

Donate electronically by logging into your InFellowship account and selecting “Lenten Food Drive” in the drop-down menu. Go to the church website and click on Give to begin.

April Movie Night: My Octopus Teacher

Since April 22 is Earth Day, our Movie Night on Friday, April 23, will feature a film that shows a beautiful confluence of people and nature: My Octopus Teacher. This documentary was shot in a kelp forest in South Africa and introduces the viewer to the flora and fauna to be found there. In particular, we meet a very special octopus and watch her interactions with the diver. As Craig, the diver expressed, “What she taught me to feel is that you’re a part of this place, not just a visitor.”

Stream the documentary on Netflix and then meet with your St. Andrew friends on Zoom on Friday, April 23, at 7:00 pm. Bring out the popcorn, gather round your computer screen, and let’s talk about what we liked and didn’t like about this movie.

You’ll find the Movie Night Zoom link in Carol Harker’s “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, April 23. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Smith.

Finding Home

Living Lutheran magazine features Finding Home, Julie Aageson’s most recent book, in its April issue. In her thoughtful way, Julie explores what home is and why we all need the haven it should provide. The book is available for $17. You may request a copy from the author (jaageson@cord.edu), purchase it from Wipf & Stock, the publisher (https://wipfandstock.com), or order it from Amazon.

The current issue of Living Lutheran is now available for you to pick up at the church. See pages 44-45 for “Where God Dwells,” the magazine’s interview with Julie Aageson.

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.

Online Giving Update

The online giving page has been updated so it will look a little different, but your login information remains the same. Find the link to the new online giving page, watch helpful videos, and more on the church website under Give.

A Prayer for Easter

Risen and rising God, help us
dare to pray, dare to rise,
dare to be a blazing lily
this morning and
every morning.

Habitat’s Hope Builder Breakfast

You are invited to join us for this year’s Habitat for Humanity event, which is being held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the upheaval the past year has wrought, the building of homes for hard-working families, who are in many cases living in unsafe, unhealthy, and unaffordable housing, goes on. The keynote speaker for our 2021 event is TV journalist, former news anchor, and international correspondent Ann Curry.

Join us on Wednesday, April 28, at 8:00 am. Register for free at Bit.ly/HopeBuilder 2021.

If you have questions, please contact Dan Fako at dan43theman@comcast.net. or call 503-626-3414.

Still Looking for Your 2020 Giving Statement?

Our new giving platform does not have a print feature for each account. Don’t worry. Simply send your request to the Financial Secretaries at financial-secretary@standrewlutheran.com and you will receive a statement copy via e-mail.  

We understand how important your request is during tax season. Since Financial Secretaries are volunteers, we’ll reply within 7 days or as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Within your own account, you can continue to look online at both your giving history and your Year-to-Date donations. Beginning next January, we will complete a mass e-mail distribution for each individual contribution statement by February 1.

Thank you for your continued support of the Ministry and Mission of St. Andrew Lutheran Church.

Financial Secretaries of SALC,

Bread for the World Letters

If you participated in writing to your congressional representative and senators in support of Bread for the World, please remember to inform LuAnn Staul (ljstaul@gmail.com or 503-314-6321) so that the Service Committee can report how many letters were sent from St. Andrew. And thank you for keeping the needs of hungry people all over the world a priority for the U.S. Congress.

Narthex Greeters

In just two weeks, we will have Narthex Greeters in place to welcome people when we unlock our front doors for the first time in more than a year. We are hopeful that this will be the first of several methodical steps we take to continue to keep everyone safe and to return to more normal operations at St. Andrew.

Please Note: The front doors will be open during office hours only, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday. While we recognize that many, if not most, of our older community have been completely vaccinated, we will continue to follow advice from the Center for Disease Control. Therefore, we will enforce a mask mandate for everyone entering the building.

Greeters will help remind all of us to follow the protocols as they answer the phone, greet people, and help them get the information or make the contacts they seek.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to be a Narthex Greeter. Two times remain available: a short shift from 10:45 am-12:30 pm on Thursday and a full shift on Friday afternoon.(12:30-4:00 pm). Call Carol in the church office (503-646-0629) if you would like to volunteer by making a regular weekly commitment or by providing backup for others when their schedules prevent them from being on duty.

In Need of Prayers…

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Family and friends of Ken Hasen (sister’s
Peace and God’s comfort at his death Jennifer Trom
Family and friends of Bill Branch Peace and God’s comfort at his death Linda Fransen
Family and friends of Carol Hudspeth Peace and God’s comfort at her death Dan & Sharon Bako
Jan Luttrell Healing and recovery from a painful fall Eric Luttrell
Gary Grafwallner Healing and recovery from Bell’s palsy Gary Grafwallner
Ruth Gunther Healing and recovery from broken ribs Fran Miller
Carol Hogan Good test results Fran Miller
Carol Means and Nan Thompson Effective cancer treatment Carol Means and Nan Thompson
Loren (great niece) Successful treatment, healing, and recovery Larry & Phyllis Vachal
Bobbie Larson Effective treatment and healing Bobbie Larson
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Madeleine (granddaughter) Thanksgiving she’s finished her first round of chemo and strength for her journey home Mary Smith
Mark & Joselle Gallis Hall Healthy pregnancy and safe delivery Mary Nell Mahler
Victims of hate crimes or gun violence Protection and peace Staff
Federal and state lawmakers Discernment and courage to face national challenges Staff
Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar
Oregon Synod and Staff
Strength and wisdom Staff
Refugees and immigrants Acceptance, safety, and just treatment Staff
The homeless in our country Comfort, hope, and shelter Staff
Military personnel, especially Justina Hailey Hope Brocker, Evan Dahlquist, Dawson Dethlefs, Neil Fiegenbaum, and Jerami Reyna Courage and protection Staff
Bethel Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
BethlehemLutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Beit Haverim (Lake Oswego, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker, Lead Pastor
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762
Pastor Mark is on call Fridays & Saturdays.

Pastor Susan Kintner, Pastor of Caring Ministries
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 211
cell: 503-724-2556
Pastor Susan is on call Sundays & Mondays.

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Preparing for Sunday

April 11, 2021

First Reading: Acts 4:32-35
Gospel: John 20:19-31

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, April 4, Easter Sunday

8:30 am Livestream Worship with Communion YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
NO Sunday School, Confirmation, or High School Youth Group
NO Adult Education
11:00 am Zoom Worship with Communion Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Tuesday, April 6

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
7:00 pm MACG Meeting via Zoom

Wednesday, April 7 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

6:00 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Zoom
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Evening Prayer Zoom
7:00 pm High School Youth Hangout Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer Zoom

Thursday, April 8

12:00 pm Staff Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Executive (Council) Meeting Zoom

Friday, April 9

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, April 11, Second Sunday of Easter

8:30 am Livestream Worship with Communion YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am High School Youth Group Zoom
10:00 am Women in the Gospels Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship with Communion Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

A Note for Easter Sunday, April 4

Please note a slight change in worship times for Easter Sunday. Join us at 8:15 am or 10:45 am to enjoy a program of special music prior to the worship service itself.

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!