February 28, 2021

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Wednesday Evening Prayer for Lent

Focusing on a psalm of thanksgiving, Psalm 30, India Jensen Kerr will provide the meditation for Wednesday Evening Prayer on Wednesday, March 3, at 7:00 pm. See the full Lent and Holy Week schedule on the Worship page of the website.

Our Wednesday evening schedule remains as follows:

6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm

Informal Gathering Time
Prayer Service
Centering Prayer

The Second Sunday of Lent

On February 28, the church will mark the Second Sunday of Lent. Go here for poetry, prayers, and practices to enhance your devotions for that day and the week to follow. You can access all the Mary Oliver poetry referenced in our Lenten Devotional on the Internet (search for “poem title, by Mary Oliver”) or in Devotions, a compilation of the poet’s work spanning 50 years.

This week we ponder the mystery of salvation and how it entails both losing one’s life and saving it. How can we love what is mortal and then let it go? What should we set aside in order to live more fully? Can we unplug from all media and create little sanctuaries of Sabbath time this week? Will that bring us closer to God?

Adult Education: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches

Sunday, February 28, 10:00 am via Zoom
From the most humble chapel to the great cathedrals of Europe, churches are places to hear the Word of God and worship together, at least when there isn’t a pandemic raging. Beyond the utilitarian function, every church has stories and a history, and most contain art and are places for the performance of the arts. Many church buildings are masterpieces of art and craftsmanship themselves.

In this class we’ll look at some of my favorite places of Christian worship and appreciate their history, architecture, and the artwork they contain. I’m a bit of a Europhile, so we’ll be paying special attention to churches, chapels, and cathedrals in Europe. In these days of restricted travel, it is the perfect time to pack our virtual bags and set out together to visit some of the most interesting and beautiful places of worship.

Paul Navarre

February Movie Night

Since February is Black History Month, we will discuss Loving, a dramatization of the U.S. Supreme Court decision: Loving v Virginia. This was a 1967 landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court struck down state laws which prohibited interracial marriages. It is also a love story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple whose only “crime” was that they wanted to get married.

You can stream Loving on Netflix, then meet with us via Zoom on Friday, February 26, at 7:00 pm. Plan to bring out the popcorn and gather around your computer screens as we talk about what we liked (and didn’t like) about this month’s movie.

You’ll find the Zoom link for this Movie Night in Carol’s “Weekly News” e-mail on Friday, February 26. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Smith.

Treasurer Needed

St. Andrew’s Financial Committee is searching for a Treasurer. At the end of June 2021, Anne Newell will be stepping down from that role to pursue new activities. We’re looking for someone to step into her shoes and we’re hoping someone in the congregation will be “willing and able.”

Whether one person or a team step forward, we’ll train and assist you in taking over this important function for our church. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve. Call Anne Newell at 503-781-9076 for more information.

Lenten Food Drive

We know how to do this! Despite a pandemic that kept us away from the church building, last year’s Lenten Food Drive was more successful than ever as members of the congregation generously contributed cash to help feed those people around us living without reliable sources of food.

Our goal in 2021 is to raise the equivalent of six tons, or 12,000 pounds, of food. You’ll remember that each dollar given equals three pounds of food. In other words, if we can accrue donations totaling $4,000, we will meet our goal and take a significant step toward providing the comfort of food security for our neighbors.

It’s easy to donate electronically by logging into your online account (note: it will look different, but your login credentials are the same) and selecting “Lenten Food Drive” in the drop-down menu. Go to the church website and click on Give to begin.

Online Giving Update

The online giving page has been updated so it will look a little different, but your login information remains the same. Find the link to the new online giving page, watch helpful videos, and more on the church website under Give.

Stewardship Note

Greetings, St. Andrew, from Rachel Roberts and the Stewardship Commit-tee. We certainly hope that everyone has pulled through the snow and ice of the last few weeks and is much more comfortable now in the thaw.

I wanted to share a little bit about comfort in giving, in a way that has impacted my life. Have you heard about the snowball method of paying off debt? In its simplest terms it is where you begin by paying the mini-mum, or some other comfortable amount, to all your items. Once the highest-interest-rate debt is paid, you continue to pay the same total, but onto your fewer number of accounts. The additional money will pay down the other items faster, and it will “snowball” toward a zero balance. I am working toward the goal of no student debt, and this method has shown me how the momentum of seeing the balances drop can be all at one motivating and comforting.

Scripture states, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”—John 15:5. I think this can also apply to ongoing goals of reaching freedom from debt, because while we have to rest in those difficult first months or years of only paying what we can, the fruit of that work will soon blossom and the results are easily seen with the passing of time. I know that I must bring my uneasiness to God in order to see any fruition.

Our congregation recently reached a new milestone in mortgage payoff, as Jeff Smith shared about a month back. Let this achievement be all the more motivation to snowball onward to our next milestone, and on to the finish line in good time.

In gratitude,

Yay, Confirmands!

Congratulations to our confirmands, whose imposing performance vanquished members of the Council last Sunday in Super Bible Bowl 2021.

Why I’m “Reckoning with Racism”

I was a teenager in the late 1960s. It was a time of protest, violence, and demands for social justice. I do not remember much, if any, conversation about why it was all happening. I certainly did not get the impression that anyone thought it was a white-people’s problem. After all, weren’t we all created equal? And doesn’t hard work lead to equal opportunities?

When Pastor Robyn pointed me toward an opportunity to spend some real time hearing and wrestling with stories from people who have experienced systemic racism, I remembered those conversations from the ‘60s and beyond. Why are we still struggling with this?

I came to understand that there was more to the story, and feared that my family had been unwitting partners in allowing systemic racism to prosper. My ancestors came to this country in the late 1800s, and like so many others truly believed in their God-given right to build a new life here, supported by the promise of free land and laws that were written to help settlers develop this country in ways that they thought were best for everyone. Where could that have possibly gone wrong?

Reckoning With Racism is a 9-month effort to help answer some of these questions. President Biden recently said that to heal, we need to remember. We are looking at the history of our country and our church through a different lens, with the hope of healing some of the long-standing rifts between those with privilege and those without.

We meet twice a month with the larger state-wide group, and once a month with our St. Andrew cohort of 10-15 people. It’s all virtual, and it’s not too late to jump in. Elaine May and Mary Smith are keeping us on track. We would love to have you on our team.

Pat Christiansen

Welcome, Pastor Susan!

Fourteen years after leaving her role as associate pastor at St. Andrew to become Assistant to the Bishop of the Oregon Synod, Pastor Susan Kintner returns to serve us as Pastor of Caring Ministries on Monday, March 1. Welcome back, Susan!

A native of the Pacific Northwest, Pastor Susan was raised with three brothers in Port Angeles, WA, on the Olympic Peninsula. She grew up seeing the ocean every day, eating fresh salmon and crab often, and enjoying sailing, skiing, hiking, rowing, watching birds, learning about the fascinating creatures that live in tide pools, stargazing, and riding the ferry to Victoria, BC.

A graduate of both Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA, and Pacific Lutheran Theo-logical Seminary in Berkeley, CA, she was ordained in 1980, making her the 63rd woman ever ordained in the American Lutheran Church, a predecessor of the ELCA.

The mother of two sons, Bif and Kris, Susan loves good books (especially murder mysteries), bird watching, and collage. She serves on the board for the Grunewald Guild, which is a retreat center dedicated to the intersection of art, faith, and community near Leavenworth, WA.

In Need of Prayers…

Junin (friend) Peace and comfort as death nears Lloyd Meyer
Jody Podolske (Mike’s mother) Comfort, strength, and good decisions for her future Mike & Phyllis Podolske
Kevin (daughter-in-law’s cousin) Care, good treatment, and thoughtful decisions following a major stroke Nan Thompson
Rebecca Fako Uecker Healing and recovery of injured nerves Rebecca Fako Uecker
Bennett and Tucker (6-month-old cousins) Healing and recovery from a rare metabolic disorder Laura Geczy-Haskins
Ian McAlpine (son) Healing and recovery from COVID-19 Warren & Donna McAlpine
Garrett (friend’s 11-year-old son) Complete healing and discharge from hospital Rebecca Uecker
Frannie Gladhill (daughter-in-law) Healthy pregnancy and safe delivery Kristie Gladhill
Everyone affected by COVID-19 Strength and support Staff
Health care workers Strength, courage, protection, and support Staff
Pastor Susan Kintner Blessing as she joins St. Andrew in ministry Staff
Those facing ongoing illness or distress:
Tandy Brooks
David Bumgardner,
Vic Claar,
Marvel Lund,
Ian MacDonald,
Gary Magnuson,
Hugh Mason,
Brian McKiernan,
Ed Pacey,
Corky Poppert,
Jolie Reyna,
Shane Throckmorton,
Gary Tubbs
Assurance of God’s presence Staff
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Wisdom and discernment Staff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Blessing on our ministry Staff
Taiwan Lutheran Church Strength and wisdom Staff
First Immanuel Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Messiah Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Serving with us in the Oregon Synod Staff
Masjid Omar Farooq (Beaverton, OR) Blessings on our interfaith partners Staff
Individual friends and loved ones in need of prayer Whatever they most need; say their names in your heart or aloud Everyone

If you know someone in need of prayers, please contact the church office by phone at 503-646-0629 or email office@standrewlutheran.com Tuesday-Friday, prayerchain@standrewlutheran.com Saturday-Monday.

Pastoral Care

Pastor Mark Brocker, Lead Pastor
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 201
cell: 503-502-8762
Pastor Mark is on call Fridays & Saturdays.

Pastor Susan Kintner, Pastor of Caring Ministries
office: 503-646-0629 ext. 211
cell: 503-724-2556
Pastor Susan is on call Sundays & Mondays.

Both pastors are on call Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Leadership Training

Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good

Sound Alliance

MACG and Sound Alliance are hosting a three-part Leadership Training Institute on the following dates:
Friday, March 5, 5:30—7:30 p
Saturday March 6, 10:00 am—2:00 pm
Saturday, March 13, 10:00 am—2:00 pm

This event is free to members of the St. Andrew community.

Come to this training to:

  • Learn fundamental organizing skills: Individual relational meetings, listening sessions, research and action to help obtain a concrete, winnable outcome.
  • Learn how to strengthen your institution: Engage people in a culture that is relational, action oriented, and reflective.
  • Learn to distinguish problems from issues: From general prob-lems to concrete, winnable issues by using relational power in the public arena to negotiate for the common good.

Many members of St. Andrew have attended similar events over the years, and have found them to be valuable in their lives in-side and outside the church. Please contact any member of our MACG Core Team (Pat Christiansen, Larry Bliesner, Lynn San-telman, Scott Taylor, Bob Stadel, or Victoria Kovalenko) if you have any questions.

Please register for this event to receive the Zoom link or visit the MACG website.

Family Promise Update

St. Andrew continues to be an active contributor to Family Promise of Beaverton by remotely hosting one week per month. This involves delivering meals to the family residing in the day cen-ter. Many thanks to our volunteers. St. Andrew has developed quite a reputation for having very good cooks!

Preparing for Next Sunday

March 7, 2021

Reading: Exodus 20:1-17
Gospel: John 2:13-22

Go to the “Preparing for Worship” webpage for the bulletins, the complete Lectionary, and more.

Highlights for the Week

Go to the complete online church calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday, February 28, Second Sunday of Lent

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
No High School Youth Group today (go to Zoom worship to hear Kyler preach!)
10:00 am Adult Ed: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Tuesday, March 2

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd
10:00 am Worship Planners Zoom
7:00 pm MACG Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, March 3 – Weekly News submissions due by 4:00 pm

12:30 pm Bonhoeffer Seminar Zoom
5:45 pm Handbell Ensemble Rehearsal Sanctuary
6:30 pm Informal Gathering Time Zoom
7:00 pm Lenten Evening Prayer Zoom
7:00 pm High School Youth Game Night Zoom
7:30 pm Centering Prayer Zoom

Thursday, March 4

12:00 pm Team Ministry Meeting Zoom
2:30 pm Communications Committee Meeting Zoom
7:00 pm Executive Committee Meeting Zoom

Friday, March 5

10:00 am T’ai Chi former Bales Thriftway on Cornell Rd

Sunday, March 7: Third Sunday of Lent

8:30 am Livestream Worship YouTube
9:30 am Virtual Coffee Time Zoom
10:00 am Sunday School Zoom
10:00 am Confirmation Zoom
10:00 am Adult Education: The History, Art, and Architecture of Churches Zoom
11:00 am Zoom Worship Zoom
12:00 pm Virtual Coffee Time Zoom

Connecting to Worship

Ways to Give: Thank you for supporting our ministries!